View Full Version : Fritz's New Trick

07-23-2005, 03:05 PM
Here's a new thing that fritz started doing.After he has had his big play ,he lays down next to me in my chair.then around 9p.m..he will look at Mom,flop his tail and growl,telling her he wants to go to bed,so that's what she does.He just started doing this after he was sick.Even whenI'm on the computer,he's standing on the ledge of it holding his paw out,pawing at me like he wants something.Shannon brought Samantha home for now.The bandage they put around her head seems to be helping with the swelling going down.She has to take her back for an MRI on August 10 to check if the blood clot has gotten any smaller.Will let everybody know what goes on with that.

Ginger's Mom
07-23-2005, 03:18 PM
Fritz has realized that if he wants to stay healthy he has to go to bed early. So 9:00 is bedtime. Good boy Fritz. My RB girl used to do that at 10:00, no matter where she was in the house or what she was doing, at 10:00 she would walk over and stare at me. Time for a last out and bed, whether I was ready or not.

Glad to hear that Samantha is home, I hope she continues to improve.

07-23-2005, 04:16 PM
You're such a good boy FRITZ. I'm so glad you're feeling better. You know your sweet face is what keeps everyone going. And you do such a good job.

Good to hear things are getting better there.

07-23-2005, 07:56 PM
Fritz is very smart. Glad to hear Samantha is improving.