View Full Version : Dishwasher or Washing Machine...Which one would you rather do without?

07-23-2005, 01:51 PM
I was just taking care of some of the household chores...loading the dishwasher, and tossing laundry into the washer, when suddenly, this thought struck my mind. I don't even know why I thought of this, but I imagined living in a house with no washer or dishwasher, and it made me think how life would be different. It then came to me that I could probably live without a dishwasher with no problem......but just the thought of living without a washing machine makes me upset. :o Its just so convenient to get your clothes and toss them into the washer. You have them nice and fresh with almost no effort. I remember going on vacation several years ago, and we couldn't find any laundromat nearby. We had to wash our clothes by hand, and it was not fun. My skin kept pealing because of that, and it hurt! LOL!

The dishwasher, on the other hand.........well, I don't think washing the dishes by hand would take any more time than I take to 'rinse' the dishes before I load them into the dishwasher. My friends think I'm crazy......because I rinse the dishes so well they actually look washed, and then the dishwasher has to finish the washing. ;) Using more soap and a little more scrubs wouldn't take much longer...so I don't think I could NOT live without a dishwasher. I might not like it because I've had one ever since I was a child and am so used to it.....but I don't think I'm really TOO dependant on it. I don't think I could do without a washing machine though. :o

For those of you who have both a dishwasher and clothes washer at home...which one do you think you would rather live without? And for those of you who don't have either one, how is life without it?

Just a random thread. :D

07-23-2005, 02:04 PM
I have neither at home But I would get a clothes washer first.

07-23-2005, 02:08 PM
Definitely washing machine. I can do dishes by hand easily. I hand wash a lot of dishes anyways, such as things that don't fit in the dishwasher, or my favorite pan that I use at least 3x a day.

Going to a laundromat isn't that bad. I'm happy I don't have to do it anymore, but I have in the past.

Sometimes on vacation have had to handwash things like undies and socks in the sink, and that is no fun. I couldn't imagine washing a pair of jeans in a sink!

07-23-2005, 02:28 PM
I've been washing dishes by hand forever, but wouldn't want to give up my washer/dryer.

07-23-2005, 02:37 PM
I'll keep my washer, and myself, I'm the dishwasher! :D

07-23-2005, 02:42 PM
Definately a dishwasher, washing dishes is easy but I could not go to the laundry mat every week and wash my clothes, it costs money you know ;)

07-23-2005, 02:55 PM
It has been five years now without a dishwasher. Though I want one when I re-do my kitchen, it isn't a big deal not to have one.

The clothes washer, and dryer, now THAT would be hard for me. I went from washing clothes once every 10 days or so (pre-Jonah) to washing 10 loads every other day it seems!

The one benefit to a laundry mat- ALL your clothes are washed at the same time because of the multiple machines. I would get a second washer and dryer if I had more family members.

07-23-2005, 03:19 PM
Originally posted by Cataholic

The one benefit to a laundry mat- ALL your clothes are washed at the same time because of the multiple machines. I would get a second washer and dryer if I had more family members.

Have you looked into the front loaders, the HE machines? We got a pair of HE3 (Kenmore) and I am seriously amazed at how much they can wash at one time! I can even wash large comforters that wouldn't fit into our old machine.

07-23-2005, 03:30 PM
I Need to have a washing machine, I do laundry just about every night or every other. Dishes I usually do by hand unless it is a big get together.

finn's mom
07-23-2005, 03:49 PM
I would do without a dishwasher way before I would do without a washing machine, if I was given a choice. The apartments I've lived alone in, though, I've had a dishwasher, but, couldn't afford a washer and dryer in the unit. Even if I had to choose the convenience of washing dishes in a dishwasher at home, or going to a public laundromat to wash my clothes in a washer, I'd still choose the inconvenient public washer as the one thing I couldn't do without. Dishes are easy, I hate washing handwashables by hand, I can't even imagine washing all my clothes that way. Ugh. ;)

07-23-2005, 03:57 PM
I'll definitely keep the washer & dryer. I already have a 57 year old dishwasher, ME!

07-23-2005, 03:59 PM
id rather be without a dishwasher

07-23-2005, 04:06 PM
Well the answer is obvious to me, we have only had a dishwasher for 13 years, so before that it was wash by hand,although I would miss it terribly, my daughter has never really had to wash a dish by hand almost, now I could not do without my washing machine, I wash about 4 loads a day, and I have never had to wash by hand except little things that need hand washing, and that is hardly ever because the machine has a delicate cycle etc, so yes I would be lost without it for sure.

P.S until i came to PT, I never knew there was an american who did not own a dishwasher, honestly, no joking, after all you guy's had that technology long before we ever did.:D

07-23-2005, 04:44 PM
I could do without the dishwasher but NOT the clothes washer!!!
We wash by hand mostly anyway after we eat..since its just the 2 of us..

07-23-2005, 04:50 PM
Being that I lived with a broken washing machine for a few months.... I am worshiping my new one. I know I could never ever again live without my washer. Never.

I often wash dishes by hand. I'd never wash clothes by hand, unless it was the occasional silk blouse that needs a touch-up instead f taking it to the dry cleaner.

07-23-2005, 06:17 PM
I've done without a dishwasher for almost 12 years, since we bought this house & I easily adjusted to doing my dishes by hand. Actually, if I even wanted to get a dishwaher in this house I would have to remodel my kitchen because my counters are 2" shorter than standard (no wonder my back always hurts!!)
But my washing machine?? uh uh, can't do without that!!!

07-23-2005, 06:25 PM
I'd rather buy new computer parts than waste my money on a dishwasher, the old one (me) is still working fine!

07-23-2005, 06:48 PM
I can handle washing dishes. Doing clothes by hand would be much worse. Really, we clean ours with everything but soap before we put them in, anyway.

07-23-2005, 07:46 PM
I'd rather do without the dishwasher.I could have one if I
wanted but it's just not necessary at all. I don't mind doing
dishes by hand. Carrying clothes out to a laundermat in all
kinds of weather is a total pain & I'd hate to ever have to do
it ever again. Did it once years ago & that was enough for me.:)

07-23-2005, 09:34 PM
We dont have a dishwasher.. but my friend does and she doesnt ues hers... whats the point of it,, if you have to pratcialy clean them yourself in the first place before sticking them dishes in there.. might as well finish they job up yourself.

and you dont even need soap. just hot water and wash cloth does the trick. unless someone is sick in your family,, or you have company.. then use soap.

washing machines however are another story. they are life savers. :D

07-23-2005, 09:56 PM
Now see, I could go the laundromat once a week and do 10 loads of laundry in a couple of hours and be ok with that.

I could not live without a dishwasher, ever! I have one of those major cool ones where you don't have to rinse the dishes first. I put dishes in there with solid chunks of food on them (it has a disposal in it) and they come out perfectly clean, every time. It also has setting for fine china, and start delays. I can also sanitize the dishes with a super hot rinse. Perfect when one of us has been sick.

07-23-2005, 09:59 PM
Who needs a dishwasher when you have 3 dogs? :confused:

07-23-2005, 10:19 PM
Well I currently don't have a dishwasher, I am the dishwasher, hehe. It's only the 2 of us so it's not bad. I wash them by hand and they never get all messed up like some dishwashers make them. My dishwasher I had before was gross and would leave soapy residue stains like on my glasses and I just hated it messing up my nice glasses. I don't mind washing my dishes by hand at all. I had to go to the laundry mat before at our apartment and I hated it. I would much rather have a washing machine anyday over a dishwasher.

07-23-2005, 11:05 PM
Originally posted by micki76
Now see, I could go the laundromat once a week and do 10 loads of laundry in a couple of hours and be ok with that.

I could not live without a dishwasher, ever! I have one of those major cool ones where you don't have to rinse the dishes first. I put dishes in there with solid chunks of food on them (it has a disposal in it) and they come out perfectly clean, every time. It also has setting for fine china, and start delays. I can also sanitize the dishes with a super hot rinse. Perfect when one of us has been sick.

My friend has one of those, and they are SO cool! I think I want one of those. :D

Edwina's Secretary
07-23-2005, 11:20 PM
PBS once did a special on the washing machine. It is the invention given the most credit for women being able to work outside the home..... now le'ts talk about the dryer....:D :D

07-24-2005, 01:19 AM
Since I've never had a dish washer up until a few weeks ago, I'd rather live without it than a washing machine. I'm strange though because I actually prefer to wash dishes by hand....lol

07-24-2005, 01:22 AM
I would think to take away the dish washer becuase you can also do them by hands. I use the dish washer just to let them dry we don't use it. I would keep the washing machine becuase you have stains or something and is too much to do one by one you can put all your clothes in it and it makes it easier.

07-24-2005, 08:12 AM
Well I've had to live without both before, but I'd definately take no dishwasher over no washer anyday! I don't have a dishwasher now and only had one for about a year when we lived in an apartment when we were first married, but I'd LOVE to have one now! I hate doing dishes:o

Maya & Inka's mommy
07-24-2005, 01:12 PM
I could live without a dishwasher, no problem. But please, don't take my washing mashine away from me :eek: :eek:

07-24-2005, 01:21 PM
Originally posted by jenluckenbach
I have neither at home But I would get a clothes washer first. Same here, Jen!!! Going to the laundromat is such a drag!!! One step up from taking the clothes to the river and beating them on a rock in my opinion!:D

07-24-2005, 02:15 PM
Well, I don't have either so I guess you can't miss what ya don't have.

If I had a choice, I'd rather be without a dishwasher, as I absolutely HATE going to the laundromat to wash clothes. There's nothing like being able to wash clothes in your underwear at your own leisure. :p

07-25-2005, 01:56 AM
All you youngsters do not remember the washing machine with the rollers on top.....then you had to hang your laundry to dry...

Washing Machine or Dryer?;) :D :p

07-25-2005, 02:02 AM
Hey, I remember the roller machines, I even used to use one and also the forerunner to those, a hand roller. I still hang washing on the clothes line if the weather is ok.

07-25-2005, 09:53 PM
Originally posted by RICHARD
All you youngsters do not remember the washing machine with the rollers on top.....then you had to hang your laundry to dry...

Washing Machine or Dryer?;) :D :p
lmachine washed (my mom had roller type washer when i was growing up ) then line dried in the back yard/:cool:

07-26-2005, 02:47 AM
Originally posted by Edwina's Secretary
PBS once did a special on the washing machine. It is the invention given the most credit for women being able to work outside the home..... now le'ts talk about the dryer....:D :D

I know why Sara asks this:

When we were in Italy, everyone was drying the laundry outside (looking very picturesque of course). Then Sara heard that I haven't a dryer either and she was close to fainting.

I could never live without my new washing machine (3 months old, the old one died after having served vor 28 !!! years, talk about German quality:D ;) :p ) that also allows me to wash light woolies and silks in it- but I think a dryer is waste of money. Laundry dries by itself but unfortunately doesn't wash itself:D

(Dishes don't wash themselves either- I have my dishwasher now for 7 or 8 years and what I really like is that you can hide all the dirty dishes in it - and the kitchen looks tidy even if it isn't;) )

07-26-2005, 05:36 AM
Barbara, none of my family in Germany has a dryer. The laundry is hung on a cloth line on the Balcony and during the winter the cloth freeze sometimes.
I couldn’t do without my dryer. It keeps you from ironing most clothing and you don’t have to worry about visitors seeing your undies hanging on the cloth line. LOL!
I have a dishwasher, but still do the dishes by hand.

07-27-2005, 02:02 PM
Dishwasher would have to go.