View Full Version : Unusual things your dog does without formal training?

07-23-2005, 07:31 AM
My brother has a little westie named Millie. I have told this story before, but when my sister-in-law was very ill with cancer she used to get into a hot bath tub in the middle of the night for pain relief. One night she was not able to get out on her own and my brother was snoring and didn't hear her calling him. Millie ran to his bedside and barked and barked until he woke up and then he was able to help my SIL.

He told me the other day that Millie also has a thing about the phone. When it rings if he doesn't answer it quickly enough she will come to where he is and bark at him until he answers it! LOL! He never taught her to do either of these things. It is just something that Millie does on her own. :)

I used to have a miniature poodle named Ashley. She would sit down and then hold her front legs up and sort of *paw at the air* with her two front feet held closely together, all the while making the cutest little noises. She would do this on the floor, on furniture or whatever and would always get us to laugh! People used to ask me how I trained her to do that but I never did. It was just her own little silly thing that she did on her own.

Does your dog do anything out of the ordinary for which they were never trained? :)

07-23-2005, 08:02 AM
Pam, those are great stories! :)

Malone purrs like a cat when he is content. We call it "snorpling" :rolleyes: He'll be wide awake, and he starts this snoring deep in his throad like a purr when he is really content or happy.

I'm sure there are other things and I will think of them later. :)

07-23-2005, 06:16 PM
Funny stories.:) Maggie will react with a wildly excited play
reaction & stance whenever I pucker my lips & make a "kissy"
sound. She will stare directly at me and won't stop until I do.

Smokey does some quirky tricks too, like play bowing with his
head completely resting on the floor when he's in a playful
mood. :D

07-23-2005, 07:24 PM
My dog has picked up on that if he hears a zipper,, he knows that im getting my camera out and willl do all sorts of goofy things. jumping around like hes doing jumping jacks on his back feet is one of them weird things he does on his own... and lots of play bows and barking. LOL

07-23-2005, 10:12 PM
Maggie stands on her back legs and walks around when she gets excited. She's like a little ballerina, I think I need to get her a tutu. LOL. She'll also jump around in a 360 sometimes when she's excited. She's crazy like that. Sadie will howl and howl if I let my cell phone ring too long. If I am in the shower and she can hear it she will howl and howl until it stops and that's how I know my phone is ringing. I think the noise bothers her.