View Full Version : Pets From The Past Visit Home As A Ghost

07-22-2005, 10:18 PM
I wouldn't have believed that I saw my 15 year old cat called Gus,if myb new cat Tigger hadn't seen him too. Tigger was laying on my lap. The hair on his back raised and my head turned to see what he was looking at. It was my old cat Gus showed up in a black and kind of white negitve form. He was smiling as to say he liked my new cat. And then he walked through the patio door and disappeared. Gee how I missed my Gus but I love my Tigger cat.
Sandy Frost:p

07-22-2005, 10:57 PM
I understand that for a week after Merlin had gone to the bridge I kept bagging his toys up and they would be out under the tv in the AM. It has stopped now but I think he is now teaching Dugan the tricks to getme to give treats.

07-22-2005, 11:25 PM
Originally posted by Corinna
I understand that for a week after Merlin had gone to the bridge I kept bagging his toys up and they would be out under the tv in the AM. It has stopped now but I think he is now teaching Dugan the tricks to getme to give treats.
I think that Merlin id teaching Dungan his old tricks.
Sandy Frost;)

07-23-2005, 09:14 AM
I have RB Casey visit me every once in a while. I'll be in bed and it'll FEEL like a cat has hopped up on the bed, but nobody is there. I know it's him.

07-23-2005, 09:38 AM
Strange...I never told anyone this, but after my old dog Lady died (aboout 10 years ago, I was living at my parents house at the time) there were a few times I could swear I saw her laying at the bottom of the stairs with her chin resting on the bottom stair lke she always did. I guess I just thought that my eyes were playing tricks on me, or that I missed her so much that I was imagining her there.

I wish she'd visit me now, I miss her SOO much still :(

07-23-2005, 10:18 AM
Originally posted by moosmom
I have RB Casey visit me every once in a while. I'll be in bed and it'll FEEL like a cat has hopped up on the bed, but nobody is there. I know it's him.
RB Casey missed you and came to say hi.
Sandy Frost;)

07-23-2005, 10:20 AM
Originally posted by JenBKR
Strange...I never told anyone this, but after my old dog Lady died (aboout 10 years ago, I was living at my parents house at the time) there were a few times I could swear I saw her laying at the bottom of the stairs with her chin resting on the bottom stair lke she always did. I guess I just thought that my eyes were playing tricks on me, or that I missed her so much that I was imagining her there.

I wish she'd visit me now, I miss her SOO much still :(
Cool Lady came to say hi to you. She loves you.
Sandy Frost:p

07-23-2005, 10:50 AM
I find this very interesting. My RB C-Fer passed away in November of 2000 and there were times when I was missing him so badly, that I could have sworn I felt him laying on my head in bed, where he use to sleep all the time. It brought comfort to me.

07-23-2005, 12:06 PM
Originally posted by moosmom
I have RB Casey visit me every once in a while. I'll be in bed and it'll FEEL like a cat has hopped up on the bed, but nobody is there. I know it's him.

This happens to me on a nightly basis. I am sure it is just one of my girls now but they aren't there. My RB Mytsi slept with me every night. As long as I was in bed she was there. I would get in bed and get settled and that is when she would hop up on the bed. When she was deathly ill the last 2 days of her life she stayed on my pillow. I slept next to her and stayed with her 24/7. My hand was always on her or her paw on my hand. And every now and then when I am sleeping I will wake when I feel a paw on my hand but once again neither of my girls are there. I am sure Mytsi is always here.

07-23-2005, 12:24 PM
I've had this happen a couple times. About six months after Hoodoo died, I was sitting outside reading when I saw him, as plain as day, run up our driveway. He ran up the road, looked at me and gave me his patented "hoodoo happy face" look, jumped over some logs at the side of the drive and vanished into the trees. I haven't seen him in the year since, but since that moment I have been able to better accept that he's ok, wherever he is now. I think he was stopping by to let me know that.

My husband believes that Hoodoo drops by to play with Earle fairly often. We sometimes see Earle playing by himself, but it looks like he's interacting with another dog.

Dominique was here a couple weeks ago. Every day of her life she knocked over the dogs' water bucket and climbed in to play in the water drops. Every day, several times a day! We could never leave any water in the bucket or Dom would cause a big mess. One night we were sitting in the living room when for no reason, the bucket fell over. None of the other cats were near it, it was on a perfectly flat surface. Through a few tears, I said hi to here and told her stop by anytime.

07-23-2005, 01:20 PM
My RB Benny stopped by and visited me the day we had to let him go (put him to sleep), he was sitting, and he looked at me and I blinked and he was gone.. He wanted to let me know he was OK, and he's happy now. I still miss that dog.

07-23-2005, 01:23 PM
I'm sure my RB Rosie stops in now and then to see me. I thought I heard her bark several different times, I recognized her, and there's no other dogs close that sound like her. I've never "seen" her, but sometiimes while I'm in bed looking at her picture, I feel her come up to the bed and rest her chin on the edge of it like she always did on the couch. I always reach over an pat the air. it's only been 17 months since she was hit. I think since she left in such a hurry, maybe she's still hanging around. Gosh, I miss her. She was my girl.

07-23-2005, 01:28 PM
Originally posted by rg_girlca
I find this very interesting. My RB C-Fer passed away in November of 2000 and there were times when I was missing him so badly, that I could have sworn I felt him laying on my head in bed, where he use to sleep all the time. It brought comfort to me.
What a great story. And your cats and dog are handsome.
Sandy Frost;)

07-23-2005, 01:34 PM
Originally posted by cyber-sibes
I'm sure my RB Rosie stops in now and then to see me. I thought I heard her bark several different times, I recognized her, and there's no other dogs close that sound like her. I've never "seen" her, but sometiimes while I'm in bed looking at her picture, I feel her come up to the bed and rest her chin on the edge of it like she always did on the couch. I always reach over an pat the air. it's only been 17 months since she was hit. I think since she left in such a hurry, maybe she's still hanging around. Gosh, I miss her. She was my girl.
I think that id great your RB Rosie comes by to see. I know my cat left me in a hurry too. He was old and suffering and to be put down. Shortly after that I saw him a couple of times. When my sister and I were given to cats Gus came by a couple times and sort of smiled at me and the cats. I love it that he stopped by.
Sandy Frost;)

07-23-2005, 06:31 PM
My mom said that our RB Kitty Boy came and settled into bed with her one night. He had stomache cancer and had to be PTS. He was such a sweet kitty. All these stories bring tears to my eyes. I hope Duke visits me often after he's gone.

07-23-2005, 07:21 PM
Originally posted by dukedogsmom
My mom said that our RB Kitty Boy came and settled into bed with her one night. He had stomache cancer and had to be PTS. He was such a sweet kitty. All these stories bring tears to my eyes. I hope Duke visits me often after he's gone.
That is a very nice story about your RB Kkitty Boy. I hope it won't be for a long that your Duke is gone. I hope he lives to
to be 15 years old.
Sandy Frost

07-23-2005, 07:45 PM
I never thought about it, until reading this thread, but every now and then I feel one of the furkids jump on the bed and then there's no furkid there! :eek: Could it be one of my RB furkids? ;)

07-23-2005, 09:30 PM
a few days after duke went to the bridge, i was sitting outside on the porch enjoying the warm weather when a single white feather blew into the yard, landing on my lap. when i brushed the sweet old goldens legs and tail, i'd tell him how much i loved his" feathers" on his legs. i'm sure he sent me the feather. it's in his box with his ashes.

07-23-2005, 11:04 PM
Originally posted by chocolatepuppy
I never thought about it, until reading this thread, but every now and then I feel one of the furkids jump on the bed and then there's no furkid there! :eek: Could it be one of my RB furkids? ;)
That is great that you feel your fur kids. I think that is cool.
Sandy FROST ;)

07-23-2005, 11:06 PM
Originally posted by joycenalex
a few days after duke went to the bridge, i was sitting outside on the porch enjoying the warm weather when a single white feather blew into the yard, landing on my lap. when i brushed the sweet old goldens legs and tail, i'd tell him how much i loved his" feathers" on his legs. i'm sure he sent me the feather. it's in his box with his ashes.
What a great story about your golden and the feather. I think it's great that you have hid ashes & feather in a box.
Sandy Frost;)

07-24-2005, 04:34 AM
I find this thread really interesting. I have not lost a pet yet...I hope it doesn't happen for a long long time but I know I would feel comforted by the fact if one of my beloved pets came to visit me after they were gone. I have read before that our pets are the first ones to greet us when we die, even before friends and family and that brings me much comfort to think of when my own time comes. Animals have souls too so I do believe they come to visit us or even hang around in spirit after they die.

07-24-2005, 07:44 AM
Originally posted by gemini9961
I find this thread really interesting. I have not lost a pet yet...I hope it doesn't happen for a long long time but I know I would feel comforted by the fact if one of my beloved pets came to visit me after they were gone. I have read before that our pets are the first ones to greet us when we die, even before friends and family and that brings me much comfort to think of when my own time comes. Animals have souls too so I do believe they come to visit us or even hang around in spirit after they die.
I believe you're right that are pets greet us when we die. Makes sense to me,
Sandy Frost;)

King Spartacus
07-24-2005, 07:52 AM
I still sometimes get cuddles from Vinnie, and he died 11 years ago. He was very special too me, as he came to me (was a homeless kitty) when I needed him the most. I also sometimes have the same dream about all the kitties that have gone to Rainbow Bridge... it's night, and it's in a room, but the room is the beach, with a calm blackk sea... it's warm, and peaceful, and the kitties come walking up from the sea, one by one to greet me... The dream leaves me feeling happy and content when I wake up, even though it normally makes me cry in my sleep. I still haven't dreamt of Loke, a kitty we once had that disappeared, so I still believe he's alive!

Sylvie, KS' mom

07-24-2005, 08:42 AM
My mercedes left this world Oct 31 03 and I swear I hear her sometimes...especially when I drink coffee on the sun porch. Up until I got Gracie I sometime would think I felt her nose on my heels..she took every step I took..alternating from heel to heel with her nose..and what is strange is now Gracie does the same thing!

07-24-2005, 09:58 AM
It was amazing that people experience different things. I remember the day after I had to make that call for my cat Pricilla she was a talker. I heard a cat meow much like my little Pricilla always would but both of my other cats were fast to sleep. It was so strange I chalked it up to me just being really lonesome. But I was home alone all by myself and now that I think about it she couldn't have picked a better time:)

07-24-2005, 10:09 AM
Right after I had to send Leroy to the RB, I would feel a cat jump on the bed behind me. The mattress would even sag. No cat was there though. I think it was Leroy visiting. He was a hefty boy and made the mattress sag just in that way.

When I die, the humans waiting for me will just have to wait until I hug all my pets!

07-24-2005, 10:19 AM
Ah, thats so sweet!

I had that happen to me too. I was only 9 years old, but my Tiny passed away the day after Christmas. I was devastated. He slept in my crib with me from the day I came home from the hospital. We were two peas in a pod. I continually saw him outside my bedroom door looking in to check up on me.

We moved out of Grandmom's house when I was 10, but every time I came to visit and spent the night, I always saw Tiny there looking in. I still miss that boy, all these years later. I sure wish he'd come visit me every so often now. Do you think they could come visit in a new house?

Oh boy, now there are tears in my eyes.

07-24-2005, 10:37 AM
Originally posted by catnapper
Ah, thats so sweet!

I had that happen to me too. I was only 9 years old, but my Tiny passed away the day after Christmas. I was devastated. He slept in my crib with me from the day I came home from the hospital. We were two peas in a pod. I continually saw him outside my bedroom door looking in to check up on me.

We moved out of Grandmom's house when I was 10, but every time I came to visit and spent the night, I always saw Tiny there looking in. I still miss that boy, all these years later. I sure wish he'd come visit me every so often now. Do you think they could come visit in a new house?

Oh boy, now there are tears in my eyes. I think where ever you are, they can be also.
I personally think they are with us most of the time, we just can't see them or feel them unless the conditions are right.

07-24-2005, 02:10 PM
I have moved a couple of times since my Mytsi passed over and she has followed me everywhere. I don't know if it because I have her ashes with me or just because she wants me to know she is always there with me.

07-24-2005, 02:39 PM
" I have read before that our pets are the first ones to greet us when we die, even before friends and family and that brings me much comfort"

I don't mean to sound morbid, but I'm undergoing major surgery Monday morning, so I've been reflecting on the possibility that this could be it - and the thought that made me happiest was that I would get to be with my Rosie again! (And my mom, of course ;) )
(And I don't really expect anything bad to happen tomorrow, but you know how it is, those little thoughts creep in!)

07-24-2005, 03:20 PM
This wasn't one of my pets that died but it was my dog Muneca!:eek: I was out of town and I haven't seen Muneca for 3 days I was watching Animal Planet and then there was a little dog but when I saw it I thought it was my dog. But then i saw it again it was a Yorkshire Terrier. At first I was wondering how it got in the show but I think I thought I saw Muneca on there because i miss her when I'm away only if every hotel they allow pets because the one we had to go to NO PETS ALLLOWED!

07-24-2005, 06:31 PM
Originally posted by King Spartacus
I still sometimes get cuddles from Vinnie, and he died 11 years ago. He was very special too me, as he came to me (was a homeless kitty) when I needed him the most. I also sometimes have the same dream about all the kitties that have gone to Rainbow Bridge... it's night, and it's in a room, but the room is the beach, with a calm blackk sea... it's warm, and peaceful, and the kitties come walking up from the sea, one by one to greet me... The dream leaves me feeling happy and content when I wake up, even though it normally makes me cry in my sleep. I still haven't dreamt of Loke, a kitty we once had that disappeared, so I still believe he's alive!

Sylvie, KS' mom
Vinnie sounded like a great cat. I hope you get another one like him. Mayb e Loke will come home.
Sandy FROST;)

07-24-2005, 06:34 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Almita
This wasn't one of my pets that died but it was my dog Muneca!:eek: I was out of town and I haven't seen Muneca for 3 days I was watching Animal Planet and then there was a little dog but when I saw it I thought it was my dog. But then i saw it again it was a Yorkshire Terrier. At first I was wondering how it got in the show but I think I thought I saw Muneca on there because i miss her when I'm away only if every hotel they allow pets because the one we had to go to NO PETS ALLLOWED! [/QUOTE
What a cool story about Muneca.
Sady Frost ;)