View Full Version : I need prayers PLEASE!

07-22-2005, 08:14 PM
We had a loose screen and didn't know it and now Pete is missing! Please everybody pray for him. He hasn't been outside in over three years and I know he is terrified! I don't know exactly when it happened so I'm not sure how long he has been gone.

Please, oh please God let Pete be ok and come home soon!

If you don't mind would you all send up some prayers for Pete's safe and immediate return. I'm losing my mind with worry and guilt!

07-22-2005, 08:15 PM
Prayers on the way for a safe return ((hugs))

07-22-2005, 08:19 PM
Hope he comes home soon. Have you checked the obvious places? So easy to forget in a crisis.

07-22-2005, 08:19 PM
Prayers are being prayed for Pete's safe and speedy return. St. Francis of Assisi is the patron saint of animals and an extra special prayer to St. Francis to watch over him and bring him home. Please, keep us updated?

07-22-2005, 08:34 PM
OH NO! Pete please come home to safety!
I know this sounds stupid, but are you ABSOLUTELY sure he is outside, and not just hiding really well? Have you checked everywhere?
Maybe you could put out tuna and a few cat beds with the other kitties scent on it to draw him closer to your house. Make sure to check under your cars, and under the hood.
I am praying for Pete's safe return. PLEASE keep us updated.

07-22-2005, 08:40 PM




07-22-2005, 09:25 PM
We're all hoping and wishing and praying for Pete's safe and speedy return.

C'mon Pete, your mommy is terribly worried about you..come home.

07-22-2005, 09:29 PM
Oh God Lisa, I am so sorry that your Pete is missing.
I got goosebumps reading your post.

Big time prayers on the way that Pete comes home safe and sound.

Check every nook and cranny that you can think of as the poor boy must be so scared.

Oh gosh, here comes the LES now.

Please, please come home very soon Pete as meowmie and all of us are very worried about you.

((((((HUGS)))))) Lisa.

07-22-2005, 09:45 PM
Ok, I'm starting to lose it here! I need my Pete monster back!:( :( :(

I have searched everywhere. I tore the house apart. I even checked the washer and dryer! I put out nip even but nothing.

The reason I know he got out is that I walked by the front window late this evening and saw Peanut Butter laying on the front porch! Blew my mind! Then we started looking to see how he got out and found the upstairs window frame had a corner that had come completely loose from the house! We have AC but keep that attic window open because it gets so hot up there and the cats hang out up there a lot and enjoy laying in that window. That means Pete got out on the roof but couldn't get back in.

Even though it is blistering hot tonight we turned the AC off and opened all the windows in hopes that Pete will smell, see, or hear his brothers and sisters in the windows and come home.

PB used to be an indoor/outdoor so he knew his way around outside but poor Pete doesn't! My heart is just breaking and I don't know else to do.


Please keep praying everyone and thank you!

07-22-2005, 09:50 PM
Could he have jumped from the roof into a nearby tree? If so, maybe he is in the tree and afraid to come down? I know I am grasping at straws. You are doing all you can do, and I feel so bad that you are going through this. (((hugs))) to you and prayers for getting Pete back home safe and sound.

07-22-2005, 09:52 PM
Thanks Pam. Hubby and I have scoured every tree within two block radius! As white as Pete is he shouldn't be too hard to spot in a tree.

I think I'm going to throw up!:( :( :(

Don Juan's mom
07-22-2005, 09:54 PM
I'm asking St. Francis to bring his colleague St. Anthony (patron of lost items) into the case. Here's hoping. :)


07-22-2005, 10:02 PM
Oh Lisa, my heart if truly breaking for you. I can only imagine how worried sick you must be.

He is probably so scared, that he is hiding close by. I bet you must have walked by him a million times.

Please dear God, keep our Pete safe from harm and guide him home to his meowmie.

((((((HUGS)))))) Lisa

07-22-2005, 10:03 PM
Keeping good thoughts and prayers that he will return home safely.

07-22-2005, 10:42 PM
Oh gosh! I've got all fingers and paws crossed that Pete wanders home soon. Maybe if you guys sit outside and talk for a while, he'll here your voice and come out from wherever he's hiding. Please keep us posted. Lisa

Laura's Babies
07-22-2005, 10:46 PM
OH NO!! Lisa, don't give up! He isn't far away! WHY is it those little rascles will hear you calling frantically for them and not answer???

Remember Klinger got out in May and was gone for 2 days and he was less than a block away. Go out daily looking for him, put up loat cat posters and keep looking! Shoot! I got to go off to Norfolk with one of our babies missimg! :(


07-22-2005, 10:49 PM
Very good idea Kuhio on the sitting outside and talking bit.

Keep the faith Lisa.

Pete, you get your gorgeous little butt home and stop this nonsense right now!!!!!

Prayers and positive thoughts reaching out to you Lisa.


07-22-2005, 11:15 PM
Thank you all so much! I took the phone outside and talked to everybody I could think of tonight so Pete would hopefully hear me.

I go out every few minutes and call his name and talk. I talk to the rest of the Brats through the open windows so they will meow at me and hopefully Pete will hear them too.

There is food and water but all I have seen so far is an opossum.

Thank you all and please keep the prayers coming. I have 11 more brats in here and yet I feel so lonely without Pete.:(

07-22-2005, 11:20 PM
Oh no :( I was scared to open this thread!

Lisa, I can't imagine how worried you must be.

Please come home very soon, Pete :(

Edwina's Secretary
07-22-2005, 11:29 PM
One night when Eddie got out and I couldn't catch him (despite great effort on the part of many....) I came in the house. Left the door open and was very quiet (was on Pettalk.) Stopped calling for him, stopped chasing.

About 45 minutes later I heard him crying at the door.

Keep the faith....

07-22-2005, 11:47 PM
prayers sent!

07-23-2005, 12:05 AM
Oh Lisa, I am sooo sorry. I know how worried you are. I am sending my Mytsi angel out with Gary's search team to find that little monkey. Pete answer your meowmie and get home.

Lisa have you checked neighbors garages and things? I know one of the younger girls here, their cat was missing and she was gone a full week ends up she was locked in a neighbors garage. So check those places too.

07-23-2005, 12:15 AM
Lisa, I'm so sorry to hear that Pete is missing.:( I sure hope he finds his way home very soon. Lots of prayers and positive thoughts are being sent your way. Please continue to keep us updated.

07-23-2005, 04:09 AM
I am sure Pete did not go far. But of course being outside is scary for him. He'll be back.

07-23-2005, 05:04 AM
How sad and scary! :( Prayers for Pete to be safe and brave enough to find his way back home.

He will more than likely move during the dark hours. A wide open world in the daylight is very scary.

Oh, it is hard to think through LES! :(

07-23-2005, 05:08 AM
Prayers headed your way for Petes safe return!

07-23-2005, 06:20 AM
Just checking in this morning to see if Pete has come home. Oh Lisa I hope you find that handsome boy today. Maybe by the light of day you can do a better search and possibly enlist the help of some folks in the neighborhood. Children especially would love to take part in a search I am sure. More (((hugs))).

07-23-2005, 06:32 AM
Pete, you come home right now!

Your meowmie is very worried and you must return ASAP!

07-23-2005, 07:24 AM
I had such high hopes that Pete would come home during the darkness of night but he didn't.:(
I've cried so much I can't see and I just don't know what else to do. I will continue to search and talk to neighbors today.

Everyone please don't stop praying. Thank you all for the support. I stll feel like Pete may come home. I just wish it would be very very soon.:( :( :(

07-23-2005, 08:14 AM
Lisa, I’m so sorry that you haven’t found him jet. He can’t be to far away.
I was going to suggest asking all your neighbors. Maybe somebody took him inside.
When I couldn’t find Phoenix shaking his can of treats made him appear out of nowhere.
One time he was on top of the garage watching me franticly calling his name.
Do any of your neighbors have cats? You might find him there.
Schatzie got out the first week day after I adopted her. I spent all day searching, asking neighbors and putting up flyers. Late in the afternoon I herd my neighbor’s dog barking and here comes Schatzie walking the fence in the backyard. She didn’t know the neighborhood but found her way back.
Prayers for Pete's safe return.

K & L
07-23-2005, 08:25 AM
Oh Lisa I'm so sorry to read this. Don't give up! We lost our Bailey for 2 weeks and found him stranded in a sewer drain. Put fliers with pictures up all over, check your local shelters, put food on the porch, etc. GOOD LUCK!

Mad Mags Moo
07-23-2005, 09:10 AM
Any news on Pete? Thinking of you and hope for Pete to be home very soon.

07-23-2005, 09:24 AM
I'm sorry about Pete, Lisa. Do you have a basement?? If you haven't done so (although I'm SURE you've checked every nook and cranny) check the perimeter of your house, including ANY places that would allow him to sneak in the basement. When LilEli fell out of my window, he stayed around the building in a crawl space of our basement.

Prayers coming from Michigan!

07-23-2005, 09:26 AM
Praying really hard.

Have you ever seen this site about finding a missing cat?

catsinthebag.org/ (http://www.catsinthebag.org/)

07-23-2005, 09:27 AM
Oh Lisa, I was so hoping that Pete came home.

Prayers and positive thoughts on the way and more HUGS for you.

07-23-2005, 09:32 AM
My heart's in my throat right now, and the first thing I did was check the end of this thread hoping all was well again. Is there any way to lock the others into one room,and keep the doors open? Chances are Pete is hunkered down in a nearby hidey-hole terrified, and has not gone far at all. If he's not in by this evening, use a good flashlight, and check under every bush, deck etc. in the area. Another thing to try is put Abigail into a carrier (if she'll meow) and place the carrier on the front porch and watch to see if Pete responds to her cries. Or whoever else is relatively easy to get into a carrier, and will make noise. Try catnip as well as the smell may attract him to come up near the open door. That's one of my worst fears during Summer is screens and cats *sigh* I won't get into what happened to my Amy one year. :eek: I have steel screens now instead of the cheesy fiberglass ones which rip out like nothing. :( Please Pete come home.

07-23-2005, 09:45 AM
Dawn & Dusk. These are the times that cats are most active, in search of food.
Go out searching at these times of day.

Put a dirty shirt of yours (or his human at home) on the porch.

Is he 'chipped'?

Check the shelters, vets. Ask to go in the back and look for him.

Cats can come home, days, weeks, months, and years later.

Stay strong.

07-23-2005, 10:30 AM
Thanks again everyone. I've done pretty much everything mentioned here. I do expect him to only move early or late but I couldn't spot him anywhere last night or into the wee hours of the morning.

My biggest fear is that the ferals that I feed may be keeping him away. They usually only come at feeding time and don't hang around too long after that but I'm really worried that they are scaring Pete away. If I put something of mine on the porch then they will just spray it so it might not help. I left all windows open last night so he could hear, see, smell all the other brats and hear us in the house. I watched constantly for any movement everywhere but nothing. I sat on the porch and talked to myself for hours last night and nothing. I searched every bush, shrub and undergrowth in a one block radius of the house. I've talked to the neighbors and handed out a description and phone numbers. Some of the neighbors are not up yet so I will hit them later.

I don't know what else to do or where else to look. He has to be close by! He does not know where he is so I can't imagine that he would be far away and he's white so he's not that hard to spot. I just can't find him and I don't know what else to do!!!:( :( :(

I'm so scared! I know the many many stories of how cats return when you would think they are long gone so I'm not giving up hope. I just wish I had some idea of where else to look.

I work at the shelter so I don't have any fear of him getting by me there. They have been notified. Since it's Saturday most vets aren't open but I will try to call the ones that are.

Keep praying PLEASE! I miss my Pete monster something terrible!:( :( :( :(

07-23-2005, 10:37 AM
Sounds like you are doing everything possible Lisa.
Gosh my heart is truly breaking for you.

I wonder if the ferals could have made him go further than expected. Maybe if you extend your search to a three block radius of your house, you might have some luck. Oh I hope, I hope, I hope.

((((((HUGS)))))) and prayers still on the way.

07-23-2005, 10:40 AM
I'm praying hard that your gorgeous boy will come home today. I know he will Lisa...keep the faith. ;)

07-23-2005, 10:41 AM
Oh Lisa :( ((((Hugs))))

I was hoping to see good news this morning.

I know your doing everything you can, and I'm glad your not giving up hope! Pete will come home!

Hurry up and come home, Pete :(

07-23-2005, 11:10 AM
Thanks guys. I just called the local vets and no one has seen him...thank God!

It is so hot right now and the last couple of days have had major heat advisories. I know he has got to be so thirsty. I can't help but cry when I think about that.:(
We are hitting the 110 degree mark with the heat index. It's hard on me to stay out there but I'm doing it anyway.

I don't think this horrid headache will ever go away!

07-23-2005, 11:14 AM
Pete Pete Pete. Come on gorgeous boy get home. Your meowmie is just worried sick over you. Please get home !!!! I know you are scared but believe me little buddy home is right in your sights all you have to do is run for that door. Meowmie is waiting for you. You can be cool and pampered and comfy. So come on Pete. Get home !!!!

07-23-2005, 11:24 AM
Pete please come home!! You are much missed and needed by your Meowmie!!

Lisa- Praying for you and that Pete comes home soon!

07-23-2005, 11:40 AM
I am new to this, but I could not NOT reply to this... I am sure you are doing everything you can think of to do and you must not feel guilty. It was notyour fault it happened the he got out.

As a person who has lived with (and sometimes I think for) cats since I was 4 there have been times I've been waiting too. It is really hard. Usually they come home.

Now, there is something I recommend you do try and I've used it to call home cats that weren't even mine. (local people who had lost cats.) At a quiet time... late night or early morning is good, go out to a quiet part of your yard and start making the lost kitten meow. If you have ever heard it, you know it. It is a sad meow that is also rather demanding and kittens repeat it at regular intervals. It seems almost to demand that any cat hearing it answer. Once the cat answers you can get close. Pete may be too spooked to come to you and you may have to coax him in as if her were a stray.

If you know where your colony of ferals sleep you might check there. Sometimes they surprise you by taking in newcomers and Pete may be with them.

Good luck and good thoughts. And never give up hope. My first more-than-cat cat was gone for a year and then came home.

07-23-2005, 11:53 AM
There's still hope for Pete, and I bet he's been someplace cool during the heat of the day, cats are pretty smart and resourceful when they need to be.

Please come home, Pete!

07-23-2005, 12:13 PM
Keep the faith! Everybody, keep praying! This website might have have some ideas: http://www.petrescue.com/library/find-pet.htm

07-23-2005, 12:15 PM
Prayers for Pete are still being prayed. Right now I'm also very concerned about YOUR well being. Pete knows who loves him and he's probably looking for you too.

Come on, little buddy. It's time to come home to your Meowmie!!!

07-23-2005, 12:30 PM
Good advice you have gotten, Lisa. I have heard that if YOU go out in the back yard and front yard, and sit on the ground, take a book or something, and just sit....you might 'find' Pete. Running around, calling for him, is possibly going to scare him. The calmness created by you sitting in the yard, and every so often calling out for him, plus, the quiet of sitting out there, might help.

Good luck.

07-23-2005, 12:56 PM
OMG Prayers going out that Pete comes home soon, very soon! PETE! C'mon! We're waiting!

07-23-2005, 01:58 PM
More prayers for Pete and for YOU, too.

07-23-2005, 02:44 PM
Oh NO!! I haven't been on in awhile and I just saw this. I am so sorry Pete is missing. Keep the faith. Prayers coming from NH! Please sweet Pete come home safe and sound. Meowmie and everyone is so worried about you!!

07-23-2005, 03:27 PM
Originally posted by Cataholic
Good advice you have gotten, Lisa. I have heard that if YOU go out in the back yard and front yard, and sit on the ground, take a book or something, and just sit....you might 'find' Pete. Running around, calling for him, is possibly going to scare him. The calmness created by you sitting in the yard, and every so often calling out for him, plus, the quiet of sitting out there, might help.

Good luck.

That's good advice. We always took Kuhio to our cabin and she would "disappear" when she saw us packing up to come home. Once we searched for hours and hours without luck. So, I sat down on a log and pulled out a book and started reading. Every now and then, I'd call her name. After about an hour, I turned and she was sitting right behind me! She'd probably been there for the whole hour but she wasn't going to say a word because she was having too much fun. COME HOME PETE!

07-23-2005, 04:29 PM
I can't thank you all enough for all the support and suggestions. I'm trying them all!
I sat out for hours on the porch last night just talking. I know it may sound like I'm calling and yelling for him but I'm not. When I walk I don't disturb the bushs or shrubs I look under them and quietly talk to him. Whenever I had something fun for Pete I would say...PetePete real quick and he would get excited. I've been using that same fun tone as well as just quietly saying his name. Then I cry and quietly remind him that I have never called to him unless it's safe so please come to me.

I fed the outside cats the stinkiest tuna cat food that I could find. There is still plenty left on the porch and I pray he can smell it. He won't eat canned food but he always liked that tuna.

I finally had to come in for awhile and cool down. It's so unbearably hot. I got a little rest this afternoon so I can be ready to sit outside again for most of the night.

I'm going to check the links that you all have given me for any more ideas. Thank you for those and for all the ideas. I'm just torn up over this. It was so unexpected and preventable if I had done a better window check. I always check screens but I never dreamed the whole frame could come loose.

I'm not giving up and I'm still praying hard. I really miss him. I feel so helpless and alone even though there are still 11 adorable furballs here with me. It's amazing how you miss the one.:( :( :(

07-23-2005, 05:07 PM


07-23-2005, 05:16 PM
He will come home! I've had them missing from 2 hours to 6 months and they all came home again. Positive thinking coming from Australia!

07-23-2005, 05:51 PM
Please come home Pete!!

07-23-2005, 05:56 PM
This is the first post I checked when I got in....hoping for good news. It's been 24 hours..or close to that? Does he ever respond to treat shaking? Praying he comes home tonight so you can get some peace Lisa.

07-23-2005, 06:53 PM

Have you tried sprinkling used litter around your garden...yucky I know, but your cat will recognise the smell if he walks by.

As previously mentioned he is likely to be hiding during the day and might move at dusk or dawn. So these are the best tme to search and call for him.

As he is an inside only cat, he is statistically likely to be very close to your home but hiding. If he is scared he might ignore your calls, until you actually find him.

Look under every bush, hedge, flower pot, rattling food tin might help too. Get all neighbours to search their gardens, sheds ad garages.

Is he particularly close to one of the other cats ? If so stick that cat in a carry case on your porch preferally meowing, this might prompt interest from Pete , if he is hiding close by.

Above all don't lose hope, being outside is not a death sentence. Cats are naturally attune to nature, even inside only cats quickly adapt to being outside.

Fingers crossed that Pete comes home very soon.

07-23-2005, 08:39 PM
OMG!!! I haven't been on in several days, so I'm just now reading this. I am adding my prayers to all of the others, and I sure do hope you find him SOON! Hang in there, and don't give up..........

07-23-2005, 09:50 PM
I'm just reading this now too..:(

I'll be praying for his safe return home. Many {{{hugs}}} to you.

07-23-2005, 09:51 PM
Pete's HOME!!! I made a new post but if you check here he is home safe and sound!!! :D :D :D

07-24-2005, 05:13 AM
Originally posted by catcrazylady
Pete's HOME!!! I made a new post but if you check here he is home safe and sound!!! :D :D :D
OH! Thank the Lord, thank the Lord. <exhales>

07-24-2005, 05:55 AM
YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so happy for you guys!

07-24-2005, 08:36 AM
Originally posted by catcrazylady
Pete's HOME!!! I made a new post but if you check here he is home safe and sound!!! :D :D :D
WHEW!!! I can exhale now! Thank God he's home safe and sound again Lisa. :D This is the first place I checked when I logged on. ;)