View Full Version : I found a Harry Potter book!

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
07-21-2005, 08:04 PM
Yes - a brand spanking new Harry Potter and the Blood Prince! I'm assuming that is the newest one - just out. :confused:

I was leaving work and it was in the trash in the ally! I couldn't believe it, but a lot of times if people have things that might be worth something that they just want to dump, they put it on top of the trash or next to the trash so somebody finds it - and I did! It looked like a gift because it was in a gift bag with some pickled something or other that I didn't look twice at.

So now I have two questions. First of all, I'm not really into Harry Potter and I have little time to read this kind of stuff (at least until I'm done with school and I can read something other than a text book :rolleyes: ), so if I keep the book, will I find it interesting if I've never read another Harry Potter book in my life? I have never seen any of the movies either...so will I know what's going on with absolutely no previous Harry Potter experience?

My second question is, since I probably won't read this, and I have no close family or friends I can think of that would like to read it, I was thinking about donating it, but to who, and how do I make sure some needy kid gets it rather than some "head of a charity's" kid? I want to make sure some kid who can't afford to buy it gets it, not some kid who has a gazillion Nintendo games, or XBox games, his/her own computer, etc.

The price on the inside cover is $29.99. Is that really how much it's going for? :eek: I guess I could check Amazon.com....

What do you do with a perfectly good find that is of no use to you?

07-21-2005, 08:12 PM
You COULD donate it to the public library - that way lots of people will get to read it.

I honestly haven't read it yet, so don't know how much you'd have to *know* to enjoy it.

07-21-2005, 08:14 PM
Originally posted by Karen
You COULD donate it to the public library - that way lots of people will get to read it.

I was thinking the same thing!
As for the price, mine only cost $15 bucks at Wal-Mart, it just depends where you buy it from.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
07-21-2005, 08:26 PM
I was thinking of the library, but I figured they probably already have it. Guess I'll make a few phone calls tomorrow....maybe to a libray in an improvished part of town....thanks for the idea! :)

07-21-2005, 08:37 PM
I think it would be confusing if you haven't read the others, Debbie. In fact, I'm not buying it yet because I still need to read the 4th and 5th ones. I never read any until last summer, when I read the first 3. I really like the series, but they are long, involved books, so you really need some time. Maybe if you enjoy reading, you should hold out for when you're on the road and read them all. In the meantime, I think donating it to the library, even if they have a copy or two already would be good. They probably have a long reservation list to get it.


07-21-2005, 09:01 PM
If the library doesn't want it, I bet a local school would appreciate the donation.

07-21-2005, 10:11 PM
Wow I really can't believe somebody would actually dump it:eek:

If you've never read the first 5 books, then I suggest you don't read this one until you read the other ones lol. Or else you won't really have a clue what's going on. I think you should read them though, because they're amazing:D

But if you don't want to then yea, maybe you can donate it to a library or something.

btw, I got mine for around 30 something $ :p (in CDN dollars)I preordered it & only got 30% off..but I see some places have it for 40% off now.

07-21-2005, 10:15 PM
Even if the library already has 5, I bet they'd love another copy, as they probably (like every other library in the country) have a waiting list longer than your arm, and the book is on a reserve basis only!

07-21-2005, 11:18 PM
Deb, I have only read the first three........and I think if you saved this to read when you had time, that it might confuse you.

The first three are absolutely wonderful..........but they are huge and time consuming to read.

I understand that this one is different - and you wouldn't understand what had happened before.........that made this an important part of the series.

A library - or a school in an impoverished part of town would jump at the chance to get their hands on this book.

07-21-2005, 11:35 PM
They kibary is good but how about a homeless shelter they have family ones . It might be the only thing a child can cal his own. I biuy books at garage sales and donate then to our local shelter and they give them to the kids.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
07-22-2005, 02:18 PM
Thanks for all the ideas everybody. I really think the library is the way to go, and if the library already has a copy - or two or three - I'll consider a school library.

Corinna, I would do the shelter thing, but I'm just afraid that one person will take it and it'll be gone so no one else can enjoy it.

Thanks again - now to find a library in need! :)

07-22-2005, 02:21 PM
You should get the other 5 books and read them all! ;) :D

And I can't believe it was in the trash. :(

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
07-25-2005, 10:51 AM
Well....so much for the Chicago Public Libraries. I called a few of them and they have all got boxes of them in and don't need more. The one girl said they have two boxes of them in the back that are still unpacked. :rolleyes:

So, off to call some schools.....