View Full Version : Leaving Your Dog Outside

07-20-2005, 07:58 PM
Do any of you leave your dog(s) outside for a long period of time by themselves? Across the street there is a little dog the size of Fenway (20lbs) who is tied up and just barks and barks. He is so cute. I met him and his little girl owner on a walk yesterday for the first time. You'd think the dog never saw another dog in its life. It was so happy to see Fenway. I think it wanted to play but the little girl wasn't too receptive so we parted ways. Anyhow, I got home at 5:30 tonight and it was outside barking. I could hear it barking even when we went for our walk at 7:30. We got home at 8:45 and the poor dog is still barking. It's getting dark outside and we have wildlife around (fox especially). This dog isn't in a fenced in yard. It's tied up to a boat they have parked in the parking lot (dirt parking lot). It has grass to lay on. Am I just being paranoid? It isn't out there everyday. I would say 3-4 times per week. So, what do you think, am I paranoid?

P.S. I also don't know if it has water. I'd have to go on their property to see.

07-20-2005, 08:03 PM
I would love to give that sweet dog a REAL home! I hate seeing dogs tied/chained up with no one around them. Poor thing is probably very lonely. Dogs aren't meant to live like that. I would probably make sure the dog has food/water/shelter. If it doesn't, maybe the Humane Society can come check on it?

07-20-2005, 08:22 PM
Sense Mooch has lost her eye site, Tuffy stays outside almost all day. We really had no choice, in the house Tuffy, walks right on Mooch, knocks her down etc etc. So with Mooch being blind and so old, we had to make some changes in life.

Of course we have aces of fenced in land, out in the middle of no where. We work at home and the husband's shop is in our yard. So Tuffy, is mostly sitting in there with my husband. It's not like he is left alone, we are always around. At night or when we are in the house then Tuffy comes in, so we can keep an eye on him and Mooch together. Plus Tuffy, loves outside, he's a Boxer, likes to play and play, so outside makes him happy. In the house he has to be calm and good. Tuffy hates calm and good. LOL

Now Odie is outside all the time, but that was his choice, not ours. Odie is scared to death of being inside. His last owners beat him all the time, inside, so now, he hate inside. But again, we work at home, so he is never alone also. We are outside more then inside too and Odie is also husband's work buddy.

But to have the dog outside, chained like that, with no attention.....no not a good life and likely not a happy dog.

07-20-2005, 08:44 PM
In the summer, when it's nice, the little dogs have an outside kennel, it's completely in the shade and has a dog house.. they will stay out there all day but will come out about 3-4 times to go to the bathroom in the field, then they come in at night to sleep. They have toys and chewies to keep the busy, the onyl time they bark is when someone comes to the house, but if it's raining or cold or to hot they stay in the house. The big dogs have a field to be in that is shady with trees has a doghouse and they can go under our pool deck to cool off if they want, the same with the little dogs apply to our big dogs!

07-20-2005, 10:53 PM
does the dog have access to fresh water? does it have proper shelter?

i would talk to the people about it....eventually someone is going to get ticked off about a barking dog and call the AC or whoever on them and they will get fined...so hopefully you can talk to them about how the dog barks all the time and you'd hate for them to get fined...

a couple of my dogs are tied out all day:( because my father is a jerk and thinks dogs should live outside:mad:

but they are not neglected at all, they have nice dog houses, plenty of fresh water and i am outside with them all the time, we go on walks and i take them to the park, take them on bike rides, etc. but it does suck that they have to be outside..

hopefully i'll be moved out by the middle of next year and then they will be inside