View Full Version : I need prayers for my sister and her co-worker... terrible news.

07-18-2005, 06:40 PM
My sister rarely cries, let alone over the phone to someone, but my mother talked to her this morning, and she said she had a really bad day at work yesterday.

My sister is a police officer. She got a call yesterday to assist another officer. The other officer, I believe his name is Pong (asian officer), was called to this house. There was a father-son dispute, and the son is 23 and is mentally challenged, therefore wasn't seeing things as clearly and rationally in his situation. The son was threatening to kill his father, step-brother and any cops who came to the house. He wanted to kill his father and step-brother because the 23 year old claimed to have been sexually molested by both, and was very upset that his step-brother was coming to visit.

The 23 year old had a knife, and was trying to kill his father. They finally got him handcuffed and into the squad car and my sister Jenny rode along behind.

They got him to the jail and he confessed to being molested and said he wanted to kill them both. My sister filled out the paper work, got all the statements they needed, and then they decided to put him away. Pong said he wanted to question the man further, and this really confused my sister because they HAD everything they needed, and worst of all, they had taken the cuffs OFF of the suspect. So Pong led the man into the interrogation room and questioned him further. My sister was really confused as to why he was doing this when they had all they needed.

Within seconds, she said, she heard this grunting noise. She ran to the room and saw the man had tackled Pong and was beating him relentlessly. Jenny said there was blood everywhere, and the man had Pong against the door, so no one could get in. My sister and four jail personnel beat the door down and tried to get the man to stop. My sister said she hadn't seen so much blood before in her life.

The four jailers pushed the man against the wall and Jenny dragged unconcious Pong out of the room and quickly called for an ambulence. The jailers were pepper-spraying the man and didn't want Pong any sicker than he already was. The pepper-spray was ineffective, and they called for Jenny to use the taizer on him. Jenny taized him, and that didn't work, so she shocked him with a stronger taizer and it finally brought him down.

Pong is now in the hospital and is bleeding in the brain. He is in rough shape and my sister is feeling terrible. We don't know if she feels scared and sad because it could have been her, or she should have tried to stop Pong from going into the room with him uncuffed, but she sobbed over the phone to my mother telling her how horrible her night was.

Please pray for both Pong and my sister. My sister is the strongest person I know, and to have her feel so terrible about herself hurts me to no end.

Best of luck, Pong... we're pulling for you.

07-18-2005, 06:43 PM
:eek: Thats horrible!! Prayers for your sister and Pong are on the way. I hope he is okay!

07-18-2005, 07:54 PM
:eek: :( that is horrible Prayers for Pong and your sister.

07-18-2005, 07:58 PM
What an awful situation! Prayers of support coming from Ohio......
(Keep us updated?)

07-18-2005, 09:45 PM
Thanks everyone. I will keep you all updated if I hear anything.

07-18-2005, 09:55 PM
That's horrible!! :( :eek: Prayers on the way for both your sister and Pong! :(

07-18-2005, 11:23 PM
Being a policeperson has to be one of the most difficult and distressing jobs in the world. Prayers for your sister and Pong. How horrible for both of them :( :(

07-19-2005, 09:01 AM
I'm so sorry for your sister. I hope Pong pulls thru. :(

07-19-2005, 09:06 AM
That is really horrible. I wonder why he took that chance? Domestic situations are among the most dangerous for police. I hope Pong will be alright. It sounds very serious.

Maya & Inka's mommy
07-19-2005, 09:09 AM
What a horrible story... :eek: !
Give your sis a big hug!! Get well soo, Pong!!

Pawsitive Thinking
07-19-2005, 09:11 AM
Your sister and her colleague are truly brave - send them both my best wishes and thanks for trying to make the world a safer place

07-19-2005, 09:14 AM
What a terrible thing!! Hope Pong will be all right and I hope your sister will be OK too! What a terrible thing to witness!

07-19-2005, 09:58 AM
Here's a news article on it:

Jail attack sends cop to hospital
Man being questioned about domestic violence punches officer

By Jessica Bock
Wausau Daily Herald
[email protected]

A Wausau police officer is recovering at home after suffering head injuries during an attack by a 22-year-old man he was questioning at the Marathon County Jail.

The officer, Pao Yang, a 10-year-veteran of the Wausau police force, was released Monday afternoon from Aspirus Wausau Hospital. Police say Deric Slocum punched Yang in the head numerous times on Sunday night. Slocum had been in custody at the jail after his arrest on a charge of attempted homicide stemming from allegations that he tried to stab his father at their west-side home.

"It was a very sudden and unpredicted, unexpected attack," Wausau Police Patrol Inspector Bryan Hilts said.

Yang's injuries included a subdural hematoma, which is a collection of blood on the surface of the brain, Assistant District Attorney Jerod Barkley told the judge at Slocum's initial court appearance Monday afternoon. In addition, Barkley said Slocum threatened to kill police officers, and that Slocum had been free on a signature bond after causing head injuries and a broken arm to two inmates at the jail in January.

Marathon County Circuit Court Judge Patrick Brady set Slocum's bond at $50,000 cash when he appeared on charges of attempted first-degree intentional homicide, battery to a police officer, aggravated battery, bail jumping and misdemeanors that include resisting an officer.

Although his injuries were severe, Yang, 43, is expected to make a full recovery, Hilts said.

The attack on Yang was the first time in the past several years that an assault had sent an officer to the hospital, Hilts said.

"We're doing a dangerous job," said Hilts, who went to Wausau Hospital after the incident and again Monday morning to check on Yang. "Sometimes we pay the price with our health and well-being."
Yang, a married father of four, spent seven years as a corrections officer at the Marathon County Jail before joining the Wausau Police Department.

He and officer Jennifer Holz were dispatched at about 8 p.m. Sunday to 3304 Christian Ave. in response to a complaint about a man whose behavior was out of control. The officers broke up an altercation between Slocum and his father that involved a small pocket knife, according to a police report. Slocum told officers that he wanted to kill his father, police said.

Slocum was booked into the jail without incident. His handcuffs were removed as part of the booking process, Hilts said. The attack occurred during a routine interview about the incident at Slocum's home. Other officers used pepper spray and a stun gun to subdue Slocum.

Whether Slocum can face the charges in court is an issue. Slocum is scheduled to appear in court again today for a hearing to determine whether he is competent to stand trial.

That was my sister mentioned... *hugs her*

07-19-2005, 10:04 AM
Thanks goodness the article says he is expected to make a full recovery. Still, prayers go out to him, and to your sister and their whole police force.

07-19-2005, 06:49 PM
Prayers for your sister and her co-worker. I'm glad that Officer Yang will recover fully. It always makes me sad to see police officers hurt. Cops get such a bad reputation, and really there are a lot of good ones out there!

I have a great deal of respect for law enforcement. They put up with way too much garbage.

07-19-2005, 06:54 PM
Yikes, that is definitely a scary incident. I was glad to read that Yang is expected to make a full recovery. Prayers are still on the way for him and your sister.


07-19-2005, 07:35 PM
Prayers from Montana to all. I wonder if he was trying to find out if he was being molested by the family.

07-20-2005, 01:06 AM
Best thoughts and wishes to Pong and your sister.