View Full Version : Do you believe in clairvoyants.....

07-18-2005, 06:26 PM
I am just curious, as I have just had a free reading done on the radio, I did it for fun really , here is what she had to say,

That hubby and I would be in our own business in two to three years and it would be very successful, hope she is right.

That my health problems would remain the same, kinda figured that, but disappointed to hear that all the same,

That my son would return overseas for a short time next year, I did ask her if he would.

That my daughter had a cold, which she has just had.

That there would be a baby in the family in a months time, I figure she means news of one, as i said well it won't be from me as I am too old, but maybe my niece.

That my marriage was good , beautiful as she put it, well it has its ups and downs like anyone else,but was good to hear that positive news.

That we were going to be very busy in our lives.

So all in all it was a very positive reading, now I will be interested to see if any of it comes to fruition, well it was good for a laugh anyhow.:)

Luvin Labs
07-18-2005, 06:46 PM

07-18-2005, 06:49 PM
I do believe that some people have some talent in this area. But, I've never had a reading. My Mom did when she was in highschool. She has never forgotten what the lady said. She said Mom would marry a man named Don or Dan. She married Don. She said that she would have 3 or 4 children. She had 3 and 1 miscarriage.

07-18-2005, 06:51 PM
I think there are alot of good guessers out there that guess at general knowledge ;)

07-18-2005, 07:25 PM
oh I agree, I don't really believe a word she had to say to be honest about it, I mean how can you read someone over the phone, but it was fun all the same, and It will be interesting to see if any of it comes true.

My mother had one years ago in Scotland and they told she would leave her country and have two children, both of those came true, so who really knows eh? I also remember my mother telling me about a woman who went for a reading, the clairvoyant could not tell her, she left and was killed after being hit by a bus,the minute she left the clairvoyant, they say the clairvoyant saw this but could not bear to tell her, anyhow it is just fun to hear other's experiences and beliefs.:)

Luvin Labs
07-18-2005, 07:30 PM
to elaborate on my 'long' post above... went to salem, ma and had a 'reading'

the person said I would:

fall in love with someone that could perhaps be taller than me, or shorter than me

fall in love with someone who is brunette, or a blonde

said I suffered from a fatal disease in the past (not true)

forget what else, but that right there (along with someone telling me my 'lost' wallet was gone forever in the trash when I actually found it somewhere else) had me not falling for anything like that.

though I DO occassionally read the horoscope and one time three days in a row my horoscope came out true. didn't start believing it though.

kind of amusing though :)

07-18-2005, 08:08 PM
I think we all have the capacity for intuition, and some people are really gifted in this area. "Readings" are pretty subjective, and they are certianly not predictions of any certain future. But I do believe certain people get "images" and inklings of stuff that seems beyond the scope of regular knowledge.

I've met a few clairvoyents and they kind of creep me out, but I get "intuitions" about things all the time that prove to be true, but I don't think I'm creepy!

Maya & Inka's mommy
07-19-2005, 07:10 AM
I don't, sorry....

07-19-2005, 07:20 AM
Originally posted by Cookiebaker
I think there are alot of good guessers out there that guess at general knowledge ;)

Agree! :)

Pawsitive Thinking
07-19-2005, 08:22 AM
I do - have been to a couple and some things are obvious ("I see you travelling in the future - hello???? its summer!!!) but other things I've been told that no one could possibly guess......

07-19-2005, 08:28 AM
Not sure how I feel on that one...BUT I went and they said Brad and I had a special bond...that we were soul mates..we do believe that..she said he called me "angel" and he does have "My Angel...Pamela" tattooe'd on his arm which was totally covered up..she said I had lived many lives all as a Princess...and had died violently by drowning, which is my biggest fear AND Brad also calls me princess..and I have always said I want to be a princess when I grow up..lol..

07-19-2005, 10:07 AM
I don't know about clairvoyants per se... but I do believe people can see things about others and certain situations. I myself have had strong and insistant images that have come true. I don't consider myself psychic in the least - just that sometimes I see situations because I noticed details and read body language, etc better than most people.

My "predictions" that were based on people come true because I seem to just naturaly read body language clues others miss. I don't even realize I'm doing it. The other day I told hubby somebody was going to do somthing, they ended up doing it, and he asked me how I knew. He told me to stop guessing the future, and if I continue to insist on doing it, could I please guess the winning lottery numbers. LOL. I wish I could! but lottery doesn't have clues I can read before it happens! :D

PS: the kids HATE that I can do this because I always catch them in lies. It must stink to have a stepmom who doesn't miss a thing and is a human lie detector! :D

07-19-2005, 10:29 AM
No, I don't believe in them - but do believe that some folks have intuitive abilities that are well developed - much as catnapper said above.

I myself read body language and come up with things that my hubby thinks border on clairvoyant - but neither of us believe that anyone is able to "see" the future. Like catnapper - I think the logical explanation is that I am simply very detail oriented and notice things. I am also an empatheticand compassionate listener and because of that - often "know" things that might seem supernatural. Am I clairvoyant? No, I don't think so.

I have had rather unusual times where I sensed that something had happened - like the moment my grandmother died. If I have strong feelings of danger for example - I have been correct so many times that my hubby never questions me. Sometimes I "know" when something is wrong with my children or friends. These things are likely simple intuition that many women especially have.

People who claim to be clairvoyant and charge people money for readings - well maybe some of it is all just fun, but I think they are likely exploiting people.

The abilities and personal gifts that some folks have - my feeling is that they should be used freely and that they are gifts from our creator.

I did go to a "reader" one time many years ago - rather on a lark but I also wondered if such people were real or fake. This woman told me plenty of things, and yes she was correct but they were all very general and could have applied to anyone. A friend recently went to a reader and was told that her daughter would be expecting a baby the same time next year and she was...but HELLO...she told the woman she had several children, her age would show that grandmothering would likely be around the corner so this prediction was something anyone could have come up with. I would be very cautious about putting faith in anything like this.

This is my opinion on the subject.

07-19-2005, 01:02 PM
I think that most psycics and such have develeoped a very keen sense of how humans act and react. I concider myself a rather good observer of people and find that my intuition is correct a lot of the time...its kind of scary. What scares me even more is when my husband gets a feeling, he is NEVER wrong...even on things that seem obsurd.

A couple of weekends ago, we were going to go to a party. Both me and the hubby said "We shouldn't go" even though things were working out so we could. Turns out the party was broken up by the cops an hour after it started ;). Some of our friends have said we have "Party radar" lol because we never show up at a party where there is major trouble.

My beleifs on the subject are pretty out there though.

07-19-2005, 01:22 PM
I believe there are people are there with gifts, but as with many things there are frauds out there.

I myself have had strange dreams that I can't understand but will make sense after an event in my life or someone close to me.