View Full Version : I cant even think straight right now.... >_< (warning, rant!)

07-17-2005, 07:58 PM

I think a few of you remember Mercedes, my sisters Border Collie mix. Her landlord sent some one over to their house yesterday to plant trees in their backyard. The yard already looks sorta crappy, half of the grass is yellow... because it doesn't have a working sprinkler system! Last night, Mercedes dug up one of the trees and cut her nose. The landlord came over and was peeved about the tree, the dead grass, AND the fact that my sister and her husband failed to tell him that they had adopted another dog. Now.... guess what?

MY sister called me and asked me about the SPCA because she knows I've voluntered there, and she asked if they euthanzie. I said no, unless the dog is dangerous or very sick. She said, thats good, because I'm taking Mercedes there... if you wont take her!!! UGGHHHHA! I'm so mad and ashamed of my own sister right now, she NEVER would've done this before, the sister that I know. She was more into training Gonzo when we first got him than I was. SHE took him everywhere to socialize him, and SHE took him to training classes half of the time. I can't believe she's doing this to Mercedes, and to me!!! -.- she has gotten sooo freakin shallow since she met her now-husband, she cares more about clothes and money than anything, and when I talk to her its like talking to a waitress or something. It makes me sick. Her priorities are sooooo jacked up, she just now told me what she has done with Mercedes since she got her....

OK, first of all, Mercedes has not been inside at ALL since early June. That alone makes me want to punch her. in the neck. She has been COMPLETELY left outside to care for and entertain herself. They got Mercedes as a friend for Benny, and now Ben is inside all day and night and Mercedes is always outside -- does this confuse anyone except me?? Jason *completely* favors Benny over Mercedes... he gets premium food, she gets crap food; he gets to be inside all day and sleep in their bed at night (even though he is destructive), she sits outside all day and night; he could do NO wrong in his eyes, she does NOTHING but wrong in his eyes!! I freakin hate him right now... I called him to talk to him, and he was like "Erica, you know how Border Collies are... they just demand so much attention and training that we can't give!" HELLO? thats EXACTLY what I told you before you guys decided to adopt Mercedes. And you promised me you would give tons of time to her. Also, the only classes Mercedes has been through was 6 weeks of 1/2 hour classes at the shelter. Puppy classes. She has recieved no more training, recieves no exercise or play time, and they haven't even tried to socialize her away from their house for MONTHS! I brought her to the dog park when I was babysitting her, and I think I mentioned how unsocialized she was!! She ran off and hid from all the other dogs and growled at them when they approached her. She acted like she had never ridden in a car. :mad: I told my sister she NEEDS to socialize her, bring her to Petsmart or wherever she can, and enroll her in Obedience classes. Of course none of this has been done. And they have NOOO idea why Mercedes would dig up their yard? hmmm.

I feel totally betrayed, and I don't even recognize my sister right now. She talked to me for about 5 minutes on the phone about this, like she was giving away a freakin couch!! She was like "well... if I did take her to the SPCA, I don't think it would be that bad..." Ummm, yeah, maybe she'll ENJOY sitting in a kennel all day while other dogs bark everywhere around her and people walk by and poke at her. And maybe she'll be lucky and NOT be tossed around between homes, maybe she won't end up with people who neglect, abuse, or ignore her. But I don't want to take that chance at all... especially with my little neice puppy!! She's such a cool dog, I hate them for this. Seriously, I doubt that I will talk to my sister after I find Saydee a home. She deserves sooooo much better than this :(

And to add to my HORRIBLE frustration, my Grandma's brother and sister are here from Texas, and they chewed me out for even CONSIDERING fostering or keeping a dog that might even possibly be part Rottwieler or Pit Bull (they also called her ugly). They were like "Oh my gawd, would you have that dog around Alex (my little brother) and Morgan (my little neice)??!". Of course, they're 60 years old and ignorant so I just ignored them and told them she's a Border Collie mix, period.

Anyway, I'm *really* shocked and angry about all of this... sorry for ranting so much. I just feel like my sister is not my sister, I feel like she's turning into one of the stupid ignorant people that think dogs are disposable that she used to talk crap about >_< :( thanks for listening to me rant, I know you people understand and care about this a LOT more than any of my friends and a lot of my family right now.

07-17-2005, 08:10 PM
Sounds like mercedes would be better off in a more loving home. Just be sure she doesn't take her over to the shelter on bradshaw....I consider that place death row.

You mentioned getting another dog, do her and gonzo get along? I am sorry your sister has changed, its frustrating but its something you can't control so try not to make yourself sick over it. Sounds like she needs a little heart to heart talk.

07-17-2005, 08:21 PM
Yeah, she adopted her from the shelter on Bradshaw. I hate that place too! There's NO way I would let her abandon Mercedes at any shelter... I'm definitely taking her, at least to foster her. I know my parents decided we shouldn't get a dog at least for a year, it just depends on how it all works out. Gonzo and Mercedes do get along, probably a lot better than she and Bentley do.

I know... I do need to talk to my sister. I have trouble lecturing her, because, she usually doesn't listen to me because I'm her little sister.. and because its just hard for me, I've always looked up to her. Lately I've felt like she has been completely distant from everyone in our family, and I feel like she's really fake now. She used to be the complete opposite, just like a year ago. She's also lied to my FACE about Mercedes the past 6 months, because she knows I would've screamed at her before if she told me how little she's done with her, which is the worst for me. :( I don't even know if she wants to take the time to talk about this....

07-17-2005, 08:40 PM
Well even though your younger than her it sounds like when it comes to pets your a lot smarter. Everyone has their strong points and she should respect that animals are your strong point and she should respect your opinion and even if she gets mad some of it may get through.

07-17-2005, 08:55 PM
Sorry you're having to go through this. You can't control what your sister does. I know, I've been there before and ended up with one of my sisters dogs, I can't believe we're even related! I hope you can take the dog and either keep her or at least foster her until she finds the home she deserves.
If I may make a suggestion, please try to channel your anger into just being concerned for getting the dog a home and worry about your sister later. As for the visiting relatives, ignore what they say and start counting the days until they go home. I wish you the best of luck in helping this pup.{hugs}

Suki Wingy
07-17-2005, 08:55 PM
I'm REALLY sorry. My mom has swiched too. They did it to Layla (even though she was mentally retarded) Are there any BC rescues in your area? All I can think of is putting her story and picture all over the internet and hoping someone with a little more time sees her, I'm sure with love she would be great.

07-17-2005, 08:59 PM
Ack.. that really sucks. I'm sure not being able to come inside, let alone have any physical/mental activity or stimulation must be complete torture for her. :( It really bugs me that people just go out and get a dog without taking the time to really THINK it over and see if they can take care of and provide for the dog properly.

I hope you'll be able to foster her, or maybe even adopt her.. that would be awesome.

Ginger's Mom
07-17-2005, 09:16 PM
I am very sorry to hear that. I am sure it is tough for you to hear your sister say and do things like that. I am glad that you will be able to take Mercedes for a while, and I am sure that wherever she ends up (whether she stays with you or not) you will make sure that she has a loving home. Again thank you for not only caring, but taking an active part in helping Mercedes.

07-17-2005, 10:27 PM
Oh my goodness :( I'm so sorry your sister has taken such a drastic change of mindset. However, I was quite surprised to read that she had been so into training Gonzo. As well, I was kind of happy to read that she/they love Ben (isn't he the Bulldog?) so much as to keep him in the house and allow him to sleep on their bed. Erica, even though your sister seems like she's changing, I know there's still a bit of her with a shred of common sense. I know your sister MUST have some sort of compassion. Otherwise, she never would have taken so much interest in Gonzo and never would be feeding Ben premium dog food nor letting him sleep inside the house (on their bed! Not even my dogs sleep on my bed :p).

I know you didn't spend much time on the phone with her, but is this her FINAL decision? If they still have Mercedes, you might want to call her back and ask for a serious conversation. Honestly, your sister doesn't sound like the type who shouldn't be owning a dog, and I think she has a chance with Mercedes. But if push comes to shove, I agree that you should consider adopting her. After all, you *were* looking for a brother/sister for Gonzo. And hey, Mercedes *is* a BC mix ;) Wish you the best of luck!

07-17-2005, 10:30 PM
Even more great news.... I had talked to my Dad before right when I heard about all of this, and he said I could foster Mercedes until I found her a home. Then, of course, Jason HAD to call him. He's so know-it-all and uppity. My Dad just called me back and said he does not want to "bail Jason out", so he now refuses to even consider taking Mercedes.

I could keep her at my Mom's, but Melissa said she doesn't want me to because she doesn't want more people mad at her. So she basically told me not to worry about her, and tried to argue that she had every right to abandon Mercedes and it was "normal"! I cant even believe her right now... this just sucks so much, I can't even explain how disgusted I am. She used to love Mercedes so much, like, a few months ago. And Mercedes was *always* inside and they were *always* playing with her. She doesn't deserve this >.<.. I dont even know what Im going to do, I guess I'll post everywhere and call a bunch of people. I know BC Rescue won't take her because she doesn't even look like a Border Collie, except for coloring.

07-17-2005, 10:37 PM
You're kiddddddddding! :( Augh my gawd. Mercedes looked like a Rottie X, right? Could you place her in a Rottie rescue? Here's one specially for Northern California:

Oops, I just noticed it's just a referral site.

Here's one for Nor Cal:

Jeez, I'm really sorry you're going through this, and I hope you can place Mercedes in a nice rescue (and a LOVING forever home) :(
Edit: I just did a search on sweet Saydee, and though we'll never know for sure, she could pass as purebred Greater Swiss Mountain Dog more than Rottie or BC. So I searched for some GSMD rescues. I could only find this one:
And I believe the GSMD Club of America has a link to their national rescue program.

07-17-2005, 10:46 PM
Sophie... :( thanks. yeah, I just talked to her for like an hour and she freakin blasted me. I'm so mad at her right now. She was like, "what do you want me to do? she's just a dog! some one will adopt her!"... yeah, and I'm sure she'll find an awesome home what with all of the extensive screening that the SPCA does. She could easily end up as a bait dog or in a cage for the rest of her life if some one just lies on the app. And now my Dad is being soooo dumb. I don't even care if it's bailing my sister and her husband out, I don't care about them at all at this point. I really wish I didn't live with my parents right now. I'm just hoping he changes his mind and stops being childish.

And, it's mostly her husband that controls how the dogs are treated. He's nice, but hes such a know-it-all. ie... he always bvtches about the nieghbors because they have a Pit Bull that sits in the backyard and barks all day and night; when, as I've discovered, thats exactly what he's doing to his dog!!! If this were Ben having the problem, there would be NOOO way they'd give Ben up, especially not to the shelter. For almost a full year Benny tore EVERYTHING up, every toy, plants, hoses, sprinklers, furniture, tables, chairs, shoes, carpet... and Jason said "aww, he's just lonely". Its because Ben cost $3000, and hes Jasons dog, and Mercedes is a shelter dog and she's my sisters. He blames everything that Bentley does (tearing up beds and toys, digging, etc) on Mercedes. If he says Mercedes has to go, she goes. Its not like he cant afford a behaviorist, or a crate, or training, or time, or new GRASS, on his $250k salary. Its that he doesn't want stress in his life, and now she's getting them in trouble with the landlord (their own fault), "wrecking their yard" (even though, did I mention the sprinklers aren't working? and they leave her in the yard/garage all the time now?) They blame the COMPLETELY yellow grass on her pee.... OMFG. I know my sister knows better, she just chooses not to stand up for herself or put the effort in. She is going to school full-time and working, which I guess she didn't think about before getting Mercedes. I told her that when she got Mercedes she made a commitment to care for her, and my sister said "Whatever, not everyone is obsessed with thier dog like you!" ughhhhh :mad:

There's a lot of issues.... and the only one who suffers for it is Mercedes. wow, I'm really sorry for ranting again. I think this is all way too much for me to even handle.. I need to walk Gonzo and try to clear my mind :(

07-17-2005, 11:00 PM
She blasted you? :( Oh Gawd, I change my mind. I'm afraid your sis is a taaaaad superficial *sighs*. I'm really so sorry she's acting like such a fool:mad: I can't give much more advice other than we'll always be here if you need a good rant and we'll help you find that special rescue for Mercedes. Whatever the outcome, we're all here for you and we all wish you the best of luck!

Pawsitive Thinking
07-18-2005, 04:36 AM
she's just a dog!

How can anyone say that???? Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr........ Mercedes will be much better off somewhere else (I'll keep my opinions of your sister and her hubby to myself cost they are still your family................)