View Full Version : The heat!

08-08-2001, 01:49 PM
Recently, we took my dog, Breezy to the lake. It has been REALLY hot here lately, like 90-100 at least everyday. Well, we have an air-conditioner, so its cool inside, but everytime we took her swimming, or let her outside, she acted really wierd. Kind of just walking, like where am I? Who are these people, but once she got inside, she would snap out of it. She is 10 years old, and I was wondering, has anyone else's dogs done this? Does anyone know why she did that? Was it the heat, or her age? Any comments would be greatly appriciated!

P.S. By the way, She is fine now! She only did that thing that one day! And it was about a week or 2 ago.

08-08-2001, 03:35 PM
Hi, I noticed you were new and want to say welcome and enjoy. This is a fantastic board. I was actually going to contact you later today about putting a pic of your dog on our Pet Talk website. Go to the link in my signature and you will see what it is all about. I created it for everyone on this board since we all love pics so much.

Anyway, I grew up in MN (born in the cities and lived in North Central MN for quite a while. Brainerd, Pequot Lakes.....) so I complelely understand that thick, sopping wet, nasty, humid summer heat. Maybe your dog is like me... gets depressed and tired in the heat and then feels better in the cool air. I wouldn't worry about it really. Just my opinion, but I would think it is a bit normal. My dogs are all black and we live in AZ (avg. summer temp of 108 degrees - 113 yesterday!!! Yikes!) so we can't even take them outside during the day. They just get sooooooo hot!

I would just keep an eye out and look for any signs of illness or something when she is out. If she feels better inside then it's probably the heat that doesn't agree her. Keep your chin up and give Breezy a big welcome hug and kiss from me and my 3 girls :D!

08-08-2001, 04:39 PM
First of all, I would like to thank you for the warm welcome!!! Breezy, Bananas, Cinnamon, and I all thank you! :) My dog is a German Shepard/Black Lab so she has quite a bit of black in her. Thanks for the advice, I bet that is what it is! By the way, I LOVE your dogs! What are their breeds and names???

08-08-2001, 05:11 PM
They are all mixes of other wonderful breeds. Maddie is our newest edition. Only been with us since March and she is about a year and a half old. She is most definitely a Shepherd mix... just not sure of the other parts. Lexi has been with me since she was a puppy (puppy pics of her are in my webshots album) and she is a Shepherd/Lab mix who is about to turn 5 years old on August 20th :D! Sasha is a black lab mix who is also around 5. People have said they think she might be part Whippet as well but we aren't for sure.

08-13-2001, 01:11 PM
Black Dogs definately cannot endure hot humid weather like a yellow lab or a blonde golden.....I know this! I would definately keep her out of the heat...she could go into heat stroke.....Her disorientation....sounds like it's heat related......Keep her in and walk her only in the morning when it is cooler or in the late evenings when it's not so bad....if it's humid at nite too....just take her out only when necessary....that's what i would do...I have a black border collie...and he just dies in heat like that...He's back up on the porch like "let me in" - whereas the golden can lay in the shade in the yard and be okay for a little while longer.....But they sure do like their popsicle bowls...(Little metal bowls with ice cubes in them)...Blaze literally sticks his snoot in his bowl and just breathes the cool air coming from the ice....He'll stand under the ice maker in the kitchen until you notice what he wants....or wait for one to fall.....I would play it safe with the heat index...we're in a suburb of chicago...and have the same kind of heat bouts that you guys do.....You gotta be careful with pets and nasty heat....and NEVER leave your dog unattended in the yard or in your car in this heat....even 5 minutes could harm them....Just keep an eye on her in the really hot days....but it wouldn't hurt to take a trip to the vet....and tell him/her what happens.....Just to be sure....