View Full Version : your dogs wierd quirks

07-17-2005, 09:45 AM
we have done this in the past, but lots of people have new puppers, soo Happy made me decide to do it again lol

Happys wierd quirk is she must rub herself on my towel everyday after I use it, why is beyond me, she is usually in the bathroom with me when I shower, and as soon as I am done with my towel she grabs it and starts rubbing her face on it :confused: my mom did not know that so today since Happy was not in the bathroom with me, while my mom was in the bathroom she all of a sudden says "Shayna?...Happy is weeeiird!" so I asked why and she says that Happy walked over to the towel rack, pulled my towel off the rack and proceeded to rub her face on it lol

Blair is just strange period. he periodicly stops everything and starts running away from himself barking, he also regularly sleeps with his butt in the air, he will brush himself along an object with his butt in the air, then just stop in that position and take a nap. he also backs into me a lot, he will just stop a short way from me, turn around so his back is facing me, sit down and starts backing up till he runs into me, then he just stays there. :confused: lol

Perky turns into what we call "the legless wonder" whenever she does not want to do something, she will roll onto her back and go limp until you carry her to wherever you want her to go lol

Misty and Ripley dont really have these kinda quirks lol Misty is just a goofball, I would not really call her weirdness "quirks" lol and Ripley is not weird, cute..but not weird :p

07-17-2005, 02:57 PM
Sadie chews her nails. Maggie...can't think of anything right now, although she will bury herself in the covers after I make the bed and mess it all up. Don't think that's a weird quirk but it's all I could think of.

finn's mom
07-17-2005, 03:15 PM
It's not really weird, but, it's consistent and it's a trait unique to Finn (compared to any other pets I've known). When I leave, he runs upstairs to watch me from the window. He'll watch me get in my car and drive off. And, when I drive up, I think he knows the sound of my engine, because my mother says he always goes to the window, no matter where he's at. And, as soon as I lock my car (it makes a honking sound), he lets out a little whimper at the front door. :) I guess he's quirky, in that he hops around, like a rabbit or antelope or something when I come home. And, scrunches his nose up and smiles at me when I get home, too. :)

07-17-2005, 03:43 PM
Ok, Mandy goes crazy when my husband sneezes. She grabs one of her stuffies and runs to check on him, even if he's downstairs and she's upstairs! If I sneeze, she could care less :rolleyes:
Lacey goes insane if the phone is for my husband! She doesn't want me to hand him the phone, she barks and jumps around like crazy! If it's for me, she could care less :confused: