View Full Version : (*Nala ~ All smiles...28 pics*)

07-17-2005, 01:05 AM
Here's some pictures of my big horsie girl, Nala. Her hot spot is completely healed, now for the fur to grow back! The scars on her face look okay, hopefully that fur starts to grow back too, so she doesn't look so silly!

My sweet girl on my bed.. She was wagging her tail the whole time while I was sitting there taking her picture.
Don't you just want to cuddle her?
Silly girl catching a toy.
My goofball LOVES sheets..
I absolutely adore this picture. Those eyes and that smile of her's..
This is what I see when I eat a snack on the couch. They wanted a taste of seaweed salad.
Nala girl at the dog park..
Another favorite... Those eyes & That smile.
More in the next post..

07-17-2005, 01:07 AM
Eating some icecream..
More smiles..
Another of her catching a toy. Lately she's been wanting ME to play a lot lately. Usually she'd bring a toy to Simba or Kiara but she brings them to me and "asks" me to play..
Pretty girl in her favorite spot (under the lemon tree) looking for birds!
More in the next post..

07-17-2005, 01:07 AM
WoooOooo! Wooo! Wooooo!
This is what she was Woo'ing for, a "P-nut"... I think they look like turds. =o
She thought it was good though.. But tell me, how can that be comfortable? (look at her back leg)
Another of her favorite spots in the backyard. That girl loves laying in the sun. I'm glad her fur is covering the skin where her hot spot was, I hated not letting her stay in the sun for long.
Trying to catch Ki's tennis ball..
Goof ball!!
That's all. I hope she gave you smiles like she does us! [/COLOR][/B]

07-17-2005, 01:11 AM
OMG! I love that pictures of her looking for birds, LOL! What a sweet girl (and PSSST...I love your camera!).

07-17-2005, 01:12 AM
Awww Nala you are so pretty. These are great pics of Nala and I enjoyed each and every one of them. Glad to hear she is healing well in all her owwies. She is such a sleek looking dog. :)

PJ's Mom
07-17-2005, 01:12 AM
I'm smiling. :D

Nala is so cute and cuddly and loveable. :p I'm sure I can think of other words to describe how adorable she is, but it's late and my brain is closed for the night. :)

07-17-2005, 01:20 AM
Cute pictures! My favorites are her going "Woo woooooooo!" and the one of her looking for birds. :) You always catch her personality perfectly in the pictures you take of her!

Did she like those peanut things? I'll have to get some for Riley because we still have those coupons..but I don't think I've ever seen them at Petsmart before?

07-17-2005, 01:23 AM
CUTE! I love her face wrinkles, hehe.

I love her collar. Where did you get it?

Great pictures! :)

07-17-2005, 02:31 AM
Originally posted by Kfamr

This is what I see when I eat a snack on the couch. They wanted a taste of seaweed salad.


Aww :D Dontcha just love that "Pllleasse mom, just one bite!" look ;)

Great pictures!

07-17-2005, 05:03 AM
Fantastic pictures Kay! I love those closeups of Nala. She is such a happy looking pup! :D

Dixieland Dancer
07-17-2005, 05:54 AM
GREAT PICTURES! I could cuddle with Nala anytime! Glad to hear she is doing better with her ouchies! :D

07-17-2005, 07:20 AM
Dear Nala,

I am beside myself over here looking at your beautiful pictures. I don't know why, but my Mommy keeps telling me to keep my tongue in my mouth. :confused:

Nala, you are so, so beautiful. Your eyes and your smile make me melt inside, and your creamy fur looks so soft and inviting. I would love to come play catch with you; and did you know that rumpling sheets is one of my favorite past times, too?? And if you shared your "P-nut" with me, I'd uhhhhhh gobble it down and ask for another - I mean I would be so honored, and would give you one back.

Yours truly, forever and ever,


07-17-2005, 07:33 AM
I liked seeing the few pictures that you sent me last night, but the rest of them gave me a big :D this morning too!
I can just imagine that girl of yours playing in the sheets, she looks so happy doing it!
And those pictures of her jumping are so cool!

But that one of her under the lemon tree looking up, that's my favorite (and my new wallpaper!):D

Daisy and Delilah
07-17-2005, 08:17 AM
Oh Nala!! You're the happiest girl in the whole USA!!! What a pretty girl you are Miss Nala!!:D

Terry, Daisy, and Delilah:cool:

07-17-2005, 08:25 AM
Nala you are such a pretty girl, and a cutie! :D Loved your pics!

07-17-2005, 08:54 AM
Hi Nala-Girl! Man, do I miss seeing you in person all ready! I wish we could have had more of a chance to play while we were there. You're a beautiful girl with such a silly personality! I can't wait to get to see you and your fur/skin family again!!!

07-17-2005, 09:43 AM
All your pictures are wonderful!! I love the Goofball Pictures! They are my favorite!:)

07-17-2005, 10:39 AM
Nala put a HUGE smile on my face! It looked something like this: :D

Anyway, fantastic pictures! Nala is such a gorgeous girl!

07-17-2005, 11:08 AM
Nala Bala,

You're so pretty :) I ♥ that pretty smile of yours! Kisses to you big girl! :D

07-17-2005, 11:09 AM
Great pictures Kay!
I love them all.

I agree with you about the P-NUTZ. They do look like turds! hehehe :D

I opened one up and gave it to Beenie and she left it on the carpet. My husband walked in the room and you can immagine the hysterics! heheheheeeee:D

07-17-2005, 11:36 AM

07-17-2005, 11:54 AM
she is beautiful and so cute!!!!

07-17-2005, 01:01 PM
Nala is so, so beautiful. I would cuddle that girl all day long if i could.;) She has such gentle, beautiful eyes and that smile. She is amazing Kay.:D

07-17-2005, 01:52 PM
Awww...Nala! :) You are so adorable! I love your smile just as much as any other person would! I love your collar too! ;) Glad you're feeling better! Does that mean we get our *signs* soon?:p

07-17-2005, 02:10 PM
those are great pics

07-17-2005, 10:52 PM
Sophie~ LOL, She's constantly under that tree looking for birds. I've yet to see ONE bird in that tree.

Amber~ I'm glad you enjoyed. Nala says thank you very much.

Dawn~ Glad we made you smile! :D Nala is definetly cuddly. I think she's the most comfy dog to cuddle with. She just flops right with you.

Kristen~ Yep, she loved them. We got them from that one Greenies site. I haven't actually given one to Kiara or Simba yet, but Nala's had two. I've seen them at Target and PetsMart. I saw them at PetsMart at the end of the isles.

Julie~ Thanks. :) I got her collar at PetsMart. I bet Daisy would look great in it! :p

Lindsey~ Hehe, they did get a bite too. The loooveee seaweed salad. (Maybe that's why they like to get into the seaweed at the beach, silly girls.)

Annette~ Thanks! I do think she's a very happy girl. She always seems so carefree.

Candy~ I bet she'd LOVE for you to cuddle with her!

Oh my sweet Malone,
You've made me blush so much! Today I was telling "gradma" about you, I showed her the picture of you and Emerson that you sent me. My mom keeps it on the shelf in her room and I look at it when I awaken every morning. :) My P-Nut is all gone, but I've got this big bone to share. Mom just washed my favorite sheet and my bed is big enough for two. What do you say love?
I love you Malone, and i'm so glad to find a man who truely appreciates me.

Anna~ We're glad she gave you some smiles..hehe. Nala's is proud to be on your desktop!

Terry~ Nala says thank you, she sure is one happy babe.

Carly~ Glad you enjoyed them, thank you for the comments!

Judy~ Nala says she misses you too. she says you guys should come back since her boo-boo's are almost completely gone, mean ole me would let her play more. :p

Sarah~ We're glad you enjoyed, thank you for the comments on my pictures.

Sarah (& Sadie)~ So glad we gave you a smile!! Thank you. :D

Krista~ You should come see her smile in person, it's even prettier if I do say so myself. ;)

Carmen~ Haha! That'd be so funny to see his reaction.. That gives me an idea, although they wouldn't last too long on the floor here!

GoldenLuv~ I sincerely apologize for not knowing your name, but thank you for the Awwwwwws. Nala gets excited when she hears someone Awwwwww. ;)

Tracy~ Nala says thank yoooouu! WOooo WoOooo!

Donna~ Thanks! Nala loves to cuddle.. she's the type of dog that likes to do whatever you want to do. She'd sleep all day or play all day if you wanted!

Paula~ Thanks! I'm going to wait until her fur grows back on her face and her back before I do signs. I may just do them soon so I don't forget, but she looks so silly with missing fur. I could always photoshop it out, though. Hmm..

Kari~ Thank you!

Thanks again everyone, sorry if anyone's bothered by me replying individually but I like to do that when I get the time to. Thanks again for all of the comments on my sweet Nala girl. :)

07-18-2005, 08:32 AM
Nala does have a beautiful beautiful smile! I love her little white teeth! Great action shots, Kay! Have to say I love the ones of her playing in the sheets - what a silly girl!

Ginger's Mom
07-18-2005, 09:00 AM
:D What a silly, pretty girl. I love the pictures of her playing in the sheets, and the ones under the lemon tree. And Nala, that bone is huge, I think Malone would have to stay for several days to help you eat all of that! ;)

07-18-2005, 01:20 PM
Such lovely pictures of Nala! I love how her wrinkles dissapear in the pictures of her looking for birds. :D

07-18-2005, 02:12 PM
I love seeing her, she's so photogenic.
I'd beg too for the seaweed salad.

I LOVE that collar!

07-18-2005, 02:42 PM
Ohhh Nala Bala!! I'm so happy to see you today. I'm glad I didn't miss this thread. You are such a pretty girl with a beautiful smile. I love the pics of you and the sheet..lol..those made me giggle. I can just see you playing and horsing around in it. I think my fav has to be the one of you wooing though. You look like you do that just like my Katie girl;)

I'm so glad you are healing up well. That is good news. Unfortunately Tori has some boo boos now. The top of her nose has some sores on it and it is swollen. We don't have a clue how it happened. Its like it just appeared. We noticed it yesterday and today it looks even worse :(.

Big hugs to you, Nala girl!

Buddy Blaze Lover
07-19-2005, 12:58 PM
Oh Nala girl, your smiles sure made me smile!:D You are such a perdy girl!:)

07-19-2005, 01:27 PM
You take some of the BEST pics that I have seen. I wish that I could do so well! I love those pics 9All your pics you show here) And Maggie sits the same way, the pic that looks like it hurts, I was laughing at Maggie last night 'cause that's how she was, and sleeping like a rock. Thanks for the pics!

07-20-2005, 01:26 AM
Great pics Kay. Nala is such a beautiful happy girl. A bit like a giant Possum.:)

07-20-2005, 01:32 AM

about time she got to feelin' better! :D
there was about 3 or 4 shots that made me laugh.
shes such a goofer!

and that is one BIG rawhide!