View Full Version : Do your cats sleep with you?

02-20-2002, 11:16 PM
Noah and Noel sleep on the bed with us. Noah is on my pillow and Noel sleeps between us. What about your fur kids?

02-20-2002, 11:38 PM
Usually Chester and Leonardo sleep with me. If it's really cold, so does Luke. Leroy claims a warm space by the furnace. In the summer, they mostly sleep in the kitchen where they have their own set of shelves by a window plus a fan. For some reason, this week, Chester has taken it in his head to sleep in the kitty carrier that I take them to the vet in. Luke has been in it too. What's that all about? :D

02-21-2002, 12:46 AM
We can only pick one of the answers in the poll. :(

Usually 2 sleep on my bed, one sleeps on the floor in my bedroom, and one sleeps in my step-son's room.

Former User
02-21-2002, 02:04 AM
Casper and Kitty sleep in the bathroom. That gives us all a chance to sleep better. We tried letting them sleep wiht us in the bed and that worked out, but the fact that they start running aroun dhere at 6:00 didn't, so we had to lock them up. But they absolutely LOVE their bathroom, they always have a race who's first there when they hear th door opening :rolleyes:

Here they are in their fave spot in the bathroom, the sink:


02-21-2002, 02:44 AM
Mocha Bean likes to come up and POKE you with her paws so she can "Rent an Apartment" under the covers this takes at least 3 tries before she settles under there! Then Bonzo Bean likes to be either under Mama's chin or in my armpit!:rolleyes: :D

C.C.'s Mom
02-21-2002, 05:29 AM
Eddy always sleeps in bed with us. I'm usually reading before going to sleep so it's our special time together where she snuggles up under my chin and starts to purr me sleepy. She also likes to sleep on my pillow or on her pillow between mine and dad's pillow.

Rudie usually comes and sleeps either at my feet or next to my hand. But after a while he goes downstairs to the guest bedroom and sleeps there until it's time to wake me up for food or food.

We also have al-Kittda followers - Rudie and Eddy who attack each other or they crawl under the bed and start tearing the mattress. Lately my toes are a target too.

02-21-2002, 06:24 AM
Chuck, al-kittda has me laughing out loud this morning! Good one! Trevor and Andy always used to sleep with me but since getting Bella a year ago the bed has become very crowded. Usually if there is too much moving around in the bed on Bella's part they are off to more quiet places. Trevor will occasionally stay because he can go into such a deep sleep that not very much bothers him. Andy on the other hand is like the story of the Princess and the Pea. He's my delicate, sensitive kitty. ;)

02-21-2002, 09:38 AM
Sometimes they sleep with me and this may not be a full night's worth, but also may come and go. Usually, however, they have their own little places where they spend the night. Now that our central California spring weather is upon us, I am finding that they prefer to sleep alone or with another cat.


02-21-2002, 09:50 AM
My two BRATS usually sleep with me but don't usually come to my bed until late at night. Then they burrow under the covers until they reach the bottom. At that point they start moving my night clothes and covers around to suit them. They like to have their furry little paws touching my skin. If they can't find skin, they will start digging, so I make it a point to leave "a little leg" available for them. What BRATS. They are on my "S-list" this morning, since they knocked a mantle clock off it's purch last night. They are awfully cute though! And they know it. I think I need to bring them in to the bedroom just for supervision purposes, since they seem to get in to trouble while I am sleeping!
:rolleyes: :eek:

Former User
02-21-2002, 10:05 AM
Originally posted by sasvermont
I think I need to bring them in to the bedroom just for supervision purposes, since they seem to get in to trouble while I am sleeping!
:rolleyes: :eek:

Sas, that was the main reason why we put C&K in the bathroom for the night. They started doing all kinds of nasty things during the night, and it was always stressful to find out in the morning what they had been doing during the night.

02-21-2002, 10:49 AM
My boys like to sleep in my bed, but they also have spots that they like around the room. So I guess, they usually come and go. Elvis likes to sleep on top of the comforter, leaning up against my legs. His current favorite off- the-bed spot is on the rug, snuggled up against the heater.
When Danny sleeps on the bed, he's by my head, on the sheet, but never on the comforter or leaning up against me. He also likes the chair in my room, and has claimed it for himself. I don't even dare sit on it because of the fur! It's a good thing that the chair is sort of a golden/orangey color-it matches him perfectly, lol!

02-21-2002, 11:25 AM
Yum Yum and Dutchess are not allowed in our bedroom unless we are reading in bed then they join us but as soon as we go to sleep they know they have to get out.
Yum Yum loves to sleep outside our bedroom door at night and she is still there in the morning when we wake up. :)


02-21-2002, 02:16 PM
Thelma & Weezie sleep on each side of my head, like kitty earmuffs. :D

Hmm ... I may have just realized why I am still single. :o

02-21-2002, 03:36 PM
Catwoman....you are too funny!! Thank you for my after lunch laugh!! :)

...reminds me, last week Spencer made his mating chatter (yes, Ms Vicky was there...)
What does mating chatter sound like?

02-21-2002, 05:16 PM
Sawyer usually sleeps somewhere in the house, if he didnt go outside. Da Baby Kitt usually sleeps on a bunkbed, top bunk, that has clothes and boxes on it, with a matress lain over it. She perches on this until my mom wakes me up, then she comes down(I sleep on the floor) and walks down my legs and side, lies down, purring, until I get up. :D

02-21-2002, 05:40 PM
LOL Catwoman!!!

Stump always sleeps on my bed, but never under the covers. He's either at the foot of the bed or curled up next to my hip. Emmett, on the other hand, comes and goes. When he does decide to jump up on the bed, he paws the covers until he can crawl underneath and then attaches himself to my back or my side. Of course, he doesn't stay there; he eventually crawls out from under the covers and then decides to groom Stump, which usually ends up in a wrestling match, much to my chagrin. But when they're not wrestling or whacking each other over the head, it's really sweet to see them both curled up on the bed.

02-22-2002, 03:24 PM
Originally posted by NoahsMommy
Catwoman....you are too funny!! Thank you for my after lunch laugh!! :)

Glad I could amuse! ;)

Signed ... Single but Warm,
Dianne :D

02-22-2002, 04:38 PM
LOL LOL You guys are so funny! My Marius will sometimes sleep with me, depending on his mood and how cold he is :rolleyes: But, when he does decide to grace me with his presence...same thing happens EVERY time. He'll jump up onto the bed (on my side) and make a chirrupy noise. Then, we walks around my head on the pillow and finally he burrows under the covers to sleep against my back. That's when he's really cold. Otherwise he'll curl up on my back or between my feet on top of the covers where I am stuck in an uncomfortable position until he leaves or moves:rolleyes:

02-22-2002, 09:15 PM

02-23-2002, 09:04 AM
ritz goes through phases....she often comes to bed about 2am, cuddles up next to me and sleeps practically in the same position as myself..(on side, paws, arms, legs out, curled up slightly...uses my arm as a pillow. Other times she is on her carpeted window lair, other times on the back of the sofa or curled up on the love seat....equal opportunity kitty.

Lately, she's been up all night ...um....moving furniture downstairs...or at least that what it sounds like. It seems to be her favorite playtime recently, chasing the fake mousies under the closet doors in the linoleum foyer, then slamming herself against the door trying to get to them.

I think I would love to attach a mini - kittycam to her to see what she does all night. Last night she found it necessary to trounce over me from head to toe about 8 times during the night...hmmm..mommy makes a good trampoline!

02-25-2002, 07:05 AM
Gucci used to sleep with us when he was alone, but since we got Tsoomi he decuded it's better to pick on Tsoomi at night instead. Tsoomi never sleeps with us as he's too hot, he sleeps on the floor and sometimes in the sink.
Milki and Kfitzi used to sleep with us when we first got them, but then they startes waking us up at 5:30 every morning...lately all four cats decided to drive us nuts, they like sitting on the window above our heads because there are birds out side in the early hours... the problem is - they fight over the "good view" and they tend to fall on our heads!!! In the past few weeks we just close the bedroom door, otherwise we won't get much sleep.

02-25-2002, 07:11 AM
Efrat, I have tried closing the bedroom door at times too but Trevor just pounds on it with his front paws. He is one persistent kitty! :rolleyes:

02-25-2002, 07:17 AM
Hi Pam, My babies just find other windows to sit on... but the funny thing is when I open the door in the morning they all site right next to it, lined up and ready to jump in...:D

02-25-2002, 10:37 AM
When Fister first came up, I said: He is NOT going to sleep in our bed!! Well, I guess I had to change my mind about that! :D He's there most of the time now.

In the evenings, just before we go to bed, he will sit on the duve waiting and sometimes even call, if he thinks we're too slow or if it's later than usual. :rolleyes: He walks back and forth between us about 10 times and then decide to lie on my husband's chest while reading or watching TV. If he goes out for a snack or something, he walks all over John - and he often jumps right up on him when he comes back, as if he was made of concrete - but never on me! The minut I lay down to sleep, he comes over and lie behind my head (that's when I have to give him a headbump) demanding half the pillow and he stays for an hour or so. I can even turn around now and he will stay! :) Later he retires to under the wardrobe or to his own bed in the next room.

Edwina's Secretary
02-25-2002, 10:56 AM
We returned home yesterday from a short (rainy) holiday. Obviously, Edwina had quite enough of the Olympics. As I was trying to watch the closing ceremonies she insisted it was time for bed. She lead me upstairs and jumped up to "assume the position."
She likes the crook of my knees or hips -- depending on which side I am on. I seem to perform three essential functions 1) furnace, 2) back rest, 3) protective barrier against being rolled on by the larger, far more active sleeper that is papa.

02-25-2002, 01:08 PM
LOL, Dianne!
I often think that, when (and IF) I find a guy, I wonder how my boys will feel about sharing their bed with another boy! LOL!

02-26-2002, 07:52 AM
Lamoni will not come up on the bed when we are in it any more. Fifi has pushed him out of that job years ago. He will occasionally come sleep on the couch near me while I watch TV.

Fifi will get on top of the covers after she thinks that we are asleep. I like it when she sleeps between my feet. That way I can feel when she is there.

She comes to the bed an makes a chirppy noise before hopping up. One time that woke me up and I rasied my head as she came up. She was all P.O.'d to see me awake. She stalked to the edge of the bed mumbling all the way and got down. Ten minutes later she was back. I kept very still. She got between Cindy and me on top of the covers, laid down, groomed her front paws and went to sleep. Go figure.

Lamoni won't sit in my lap but just let me leave my pants on the bed. Well, he'll curl up in that empty lap the moment my back is turned. Arrrgh!

I love them anyway.

02-26-2002, 09:22 AM
Guess what happened in my bed last night? :eek: :eek: You guys know Mimi's total dislike for Butter. Its been over a year now, so I think it is a hopeless case. :(

Mimi decided to sleep with me instead of Helen and was safely balled up between my legs (and of course, I was trapped as a result). Butter always sleeps with me, so when he came wandering into my room, he just jumped right on up, looked at Mimi and proceeded to come lie down beside me. Uh Oh!!! :eek: Mimi did not want to share the space, but finally quit her growling and hissing and settled down. I couldn't go to sleep!! Too much tension in that bed! Ha Ha!!!! Someone finally moved in the middle of the night, Butter, making his usual rounds, the hissing started again, Butter went outside (at his request), Mimi left me for the safety of Helen and Honey's bed, and I finally got some good sleep! :)


02-26-2002, 11:51 AM
Originally posted by Logan
Guess what happened in my bed last night? :eek: :eek: You guys know Mimi's total dislike for Butter. Its been over a year now, so I think it is a hopeless case. :(

Mimi decided to sleep with me instead of Helen and was safely balled up between my legs (and of course, I was trapped as a result). Butter always sleeps with me, so when he came wandering into my room, he just jumped right on up, looked at Mimi and proceeded to come lie down beside me. Uh Oh!!! :eek: Mimi did not want to share the space, but finally quit her growling and hissing and settled down. I couldn't go to sleep!! Too much tension in that bed! Ha Ha!!!! Someone finally moved in the middle of the night, Butter, making his usual rounds, the hissing started again, Butter went outside (at his request), Mimi left me for the safety of Helen and Honey's bed, and I finally got some good sleep! :)


Logan, I can just picture that scenario perfectly!!! It's funny how we allow for our own discomfiture when it comes to sleeping cats! LOL LOL :rolleyes: I can only imagine that tension!!! Yikes! :eek: At least you were able to finally get some shut eye when they left! LOL LOL There's something to be said about a good night's sleep, ya know? LOL

03-01-2002, 03:35 AM
Kedi sleeps with us, mostly on MY PILLOW :rolleyes:

Wylie does not really sleep.......he rests a bit. Weird. :confused:
When he does this, SOMETIMES it's with us, but most often it's downstairs in a chair.

Liza (RB) used to sleep a the foot of the bed- kept my feet warm in winter. :D

Sara luvs her Tinky
03-02-2002, 12:37 AM
Tinky sleeps with me right next to me and I LOVE IT!! She will usually curl up in my arm pit :o :p . Every day though I have a favorite show that comes on at three and she always jumps on the couch to take a nap on me. I love the way that spot gets instant warm where they lay. Tinky is funny though when she sleeps she changes positions so many times. She always starts off in the kitty ball and ends up all streached out long :) =^..^=.

03-09-2002, 03:38 PM
I use to have a twin size bed, but with two cats and a dog (Lhasa Apso) sleeping with me i had to change to a double. My little girl, Katie, would sleep behind my knees. My big boy, C-Fer, (deceased) would sleep on top, or behind my head and my dog
Buddy sleeps at the foot of my bed. I wouldn't change things for the world.:D