View Full Version : For Phred: About a Pet Hazard in the Home

02-20-2002, 10:39 PM
Phred, this is a true story of how a garbage disposal can become a pet hazard in people's homes. The pet involved came out fine in the end...but only just.
I bet if these people had come knocking on your fire station's door, you would have known how to help.



02-20-2002, 11:10 PM
Originally posted by Angels3
...I bet if these people had come knocking on your fire station's door,
you would have known how to help.

Marie ~
Good on'ya for thinking to post that story here!
I did see that somewhere on the I-net; just not thoughtful enough to post it here!

How would *I* have handled that if it happened in my town? I'd have quick-like-a-bunnie called PAT - my department's Master Plumber!!
(Also Cinder and Smokey's Dawg Sitter - Unka Pat to the FurKids.)
Good ol' Pat has bailed us out of more *interesting situations* than I can remember.

Everyone! ~ Be sure to click on that link Angels3 posted ~ It leads to a GREAT Kat Tail!!

02-20-2002, 11:14 PM
Originally posted by Phred
I'd have quick-like-a-bunnie called PAT - my department's Master Plumber!!

I can do an impurr-sonation of a plumber.... ;)

I've read that story before--TOOOO cute!

02-20-2002, 11:22 PM
Originally posted by zippy-kat

I can do an im-purr-sonation of a plumber.... ;)

OK, Zipp ~

Unka Pat wants to retire ~
You're up for our next *interesting situation*!


02-21-2002, 12:41 AM
Phred, gee but I'm slow...slow as a wet week. I just noticed you spoke some Oz talk...you said 'Good on'ya!' Another little example of how the moderators make us all feel at home on PetTalk.
I look forward to when you can do a perfect 'bloody' insertion...you know, stick it in the middle of a word without breaking the rhythm.