View Full Version : What can I do?

07-15-2005, 10:27 PM
First off, I love my sister, and she is a great person...however, she should NOT have animals. period. Remember Jade? I "puppy"sat her once when she was really little. Well, she's had her for a few months now and she's getting big. I saw her for the first time today since that day I looked after her. My sis tells me her kennel is getting too small...I saw it and my heart sunk...that's how bad it is. The poor dog stays in the kennel while they're gone, and she can't stand up in it. Her paws stick out the side...I told her how awful that is and she laughed and was like yeah her paws stick out!! and I was like No, it's not funny. It's seriously wrong for her to be left in that. She said she can't afford 100-200 bucks for a new one right now. I told her to look for an old used one..anything is better than that!

Then she tells me how the dog pulls and she can't take the dog running with her (She runs everynight). I took the dog out and in 5 minutes I had her heeling and sitting when I stop. That dog is so incredibly smart it's crazy! She can do so much with it! I thought "Crap, I don't have treats she's not gonna listen" but I praised the hell out of her and she did anything to get it. She told me Jade broke her collar and got loose and ran around crazy and didn't come back. I felt like saying "Well I wonder why? I don't blame her. I would too after being left in a cage and never getting to run. Why come back to that?" so today I had her and she pulled the leash out of my hand (no big deal, it's at my cottage but still, I didn't want to chase her) so I just clapped my hands and said "Jaaaaaaaaaaaadeyyy!!!" realy happy and she came running to me.

She tells me she gets into EVERYTHING. I guess she might be starting to "talk back" to them when they try to say no to her. I told her "no!" when she did something bad, and if she did something good she'd get a ton of pats. Then I took her collar off and she ran off (inside the house though) and she did the play "bow" thing and wouldn't come. So I said "no! come. Sit" she did just that and settled down.

I sware, this dog is so smart. She NEEDS to be worked with. She's the type of dog who loves to learn, and NEEDS to. I'm no trainer, but even I had her doing things. I need to train my sister!! I almost wish she'd say she didn't want her already..(she does this with all her pets once they're not small and cute...not that dogs aren't always cute hehee) she's gonna end up breaking her like she did with her JRT. I want her to give her to me. I know I can give her a good home...she deserves a better home!!

What do I do?! I feel so sad thinking about her. And I'm so passionate about this I just can't stand it anymore....

07-15-2005, 10:53 PM
Can you talk to her and tell her what you've told us here about how the dog needs more than she's getting in the way of attention? maybe you can "offer" to take her into your home for a while to "train" her, since your sister is "so busy", and your sister will loose interest? Sadly if you imply your sister is not taking good care of her she may get ticked and say no, but if you can make it sound like it's a good thing for her (your sis), maybe she'll say yes?

07-15-2005, 10:55 PM
Oh dear, your sister should NOT be owning a pet now or maybe even for a few years. Right now, she is financially challenged and it sounds like she doesn't realize the responsibility that comes with pet(DOG) ownership. I know she is your sister and you love her dearly. Perhaps you can type up a letter that addresses these few issues:

1) That she is currently in a financial ditch and perhaps cannot keep up with the expenses of a dog.

2) Is the dog fixed and up to shots? If not, then I would advise her to either do it now or seriously consider relinquishing her pup.

3) Laughing at an animal's misery is not something appropriate of a dog or ANY pet owner. Does she want this dog or not? To me, it sounds like she's a "keep-it-till-it-loses-its-cuteness" type, A.K.A. one who should not be owning an animal.

4) If she wants to keep Jade and truly does love her, then she has to commit herself. This involves paying and attending obedience classes with a passion. This also involves regularly visiting the vet, regularly taking Jade for walks and runs (that's an easy one), actively incorporating Jade into the family and house, and finally, realizing Jade is a living, breathing creature that needs love, compassion, and a responsible owner.

And finally add that you are her sister and you love her. If your sister decides to keep Jade, you will help with her problems and always be there for support. I'm terribly sorry that your sister has decided to go this route, but I wish you the best of luck in correcting your sister's ways. :) Good Luck!!!!
Edit: I just saw Cyber-sibes post and I have to wonder, is your sister the type to get offended if you point out her problems with Jade? Or is she the type that doesn't quite care so much about the dog? If she is the former, then you should take a more comfortable/casual line of attack like a visit to her house and non-chalantly mentioning Jade's problems.

07-15-2005, 11:30 PM
Audrey, I'm sorry to hear this...Why did your sister even GET a dog? It sounds like she doesn't have the desire or the responsibility to care for the dog and that she just wants to enjoy the "glory" of saying that she has one...? I know she is older than you but it sounds as if SHE looks up to YOU.
I have a crate, a VERY large one that I will happily mail to you for your sister to use if she can't afford a bigger one...the thing weighs 50lbs easily and will probably cost more to mail than it would to buy a new one...LOL! But I will do it for Jade's sake...
I think Giselle's advice was great and I don't have much more to add...It bothers me on personal level because I adore you and hate to think of you being upset about your sister's irresponsible behavior towards her animals, and I think, the rest of her life....
What does your father think of you getting another dog? Would he be OK with Jade living with you? That's alot of dog in one house...Perhaps you could arrange something with your sister where you train Jade for her a few days a week (she would have to be there too of course...) and you could show her first hand that the problem is not the dog....train both of them at the same time actually..;) I don't know darling....I wish I could help more...If you need the crate mailed, let me know....Love ya!

07-15-2005, 11:44 PM
well i might have missed it somewhere, but what kind of dog is Jade? just a question, i would imagine she is a big dog, but i hope maybe your sister will smarten up, and make the right choices! that is bad of what your sister is saying and doing, but, you should do something about it, like what Giselle said in her post, i agree!
I hope things work out for you!:)

07-16-2005, 01:04 AM
I'd talk to your sister and do what another post said and make it seem like you were taking her to "train" her and then maybe your sister would let you keep her. She doesn't deserve a dog at all.

07-16-2005, 08:29 AM

07-17-2005, 08:07 PM
I just found this thread, and OMG, I could not relate to you more right now... :( *huggles* you definitely sound like you care more about her pup than you do. Offer to find her dog a new home, post her in the Petfinder classifieds, or really really get her educated on dogs if you think there's hope. UGH, my sister knows as much about dogs as I do, she's just choosing other priorities (material things, mostly) over her dog now.

-.- I hope everything works out for Jade. I was really hoping this wouldn't happen when she got the puppy...

Pawsitive Thinking
07-18-2005, 06:04 AM
To me, it sounds like she's a "keep-it-till-it-loses-its-cuteness" type, A.K.A. one who should not be owning an animal

Breaks my heart that there are still people owing animals with that attitude......makes you wonder what they do when their kids reach the grotty stage (shortly after birth :rolleyes: )

07-18-2005, 09:21 AM
I agree with cyber-sibes. Maybe you could just say you'd be willing to train her and then your sister would realize she doesn't have to take time with the dog any more and you could just keep her!
I wish you luck!

07-18-2005, 11:00 AM
For the short term, I would accept jennifert9's offer of a larger
crate. That would make the dog more comfortable.It does
sound like Jade needs more training & one on one time. If you
could spend a few days a week working with her that would be great. One of the saddest parts of dogs being dumped off at
Humane Societies, is no one has ever made any efffort to train
them at all & the shelter's are not set up to do it either. It really
cheats the dog of ever finding a good home. Not many people
want to train an older dog when they can get a smaller pup.

Poor Jade is missing out on so much. Your sister is as well, but
maybe she doesn't see that.:(

07-18-2005, 11:07 AM
Originally posted by gemini9961
I'd talk to your sister and do what another post said and make it seem like you were taking her to "train" her and then maybe your sister would let you keep her. She doesn't deserve a dog at all.

I agree. Good luck! :)

07-18-2005, 12:37 PM
Thanks everyone for the reply. I read them all just now, so sorry if I forget something..

First of all, thank you so much for your kind offer Jen! How much do you thinking shipping will be/how much for the kennel? or send it back if she ever gets a new one (doubt it :()

I would buy her one myself but I can't afford them for my own let alone hers. However, mine don't need to be locked up. I can leave them alone and trust them not to destroy anything. This took me a lot of time though.

A little pet history on my sister: she got a kitten. had it for a while. went into the hospital for a long time (left it with no one to care for it for weeks...just having someone stop by to feed it) so my mom and I took her in. She was an amazing cat, but when she got out she wanted her back. I wish so much we kept her. She thought the cat was peeing on the floor so she gave it away. (infact it was probably her baby!)

She got a dog. It had major health problems. I can see whys he got rid of this one.

Then she got a JRT, didnt take care of him and he turned dominate and very aggressive towards her family.

She might have had others, I duno..

Her crate was bought for her JRT. Jade is a lab mix..she's GOING to get bigger. I think they'll NEED to get a crate.

I've already talked to my dad about taking her for a while to train her. I KNOW she's going to end up like her JRT. I know I'dbecome so attached to her though, and want to keep her. I honestly feel like telling my sister to give the dog up, that she can't take care of it. Anytime I bring something up how "this isn't right" or "do this more!!" she laughs and things I'm joking. When I said that about the crate, she laughed, but for the first time I actually said "No, it's not funny" and she got serious and said they dont have the money.

I have no idea that she'll let me take her dog for a while. Dad said I should take her for the day, then return her at night...but my sister is far away..I don't have the gas money!!

I also think Jade would be an amazing flyball dog. I would pay for her to go...but again, I'm short a crate. If she were my dog, I would save up and buy her one so she could go to flyball. I KNOW she'd love it and be good at it. She is so friggen smart. She NEEDS something liek this.

Our HS spays/neuters all pets before leaving. Jade is fixed. (somehow she had 500 bucks to buy her...and 900 bucks to buy het JRT a while ago) I think she takes her to the vet too.

The first thing Jade did when I took her out of her crate on friday was jump on the counter. That's a big no no for me. By the time I put her back I would say "noo!" and she wouldn't do it. I tough her to stay, heel, sit when i stop....all in about 15 mins I was there. She should be so happy/proud she has such an easy dog to train!!!!!

If Jade does come to stay with me for a bit, her crate will be our kitchen. There is nothing for her to get into, and we have doors on both ends so she can't go anywhere. She had plenty of room to move about. I did this with Josie and Zeke, and it's only temperary so it'snot mean to the dog. Plus, I WALK my dogs regularly!!!

Sorry this is so long, I'm just so pissed off about it

07-18-2005, 12:41 PM
Sweet, sweet Jade when they first got her. She's a lot bigger now.


The first few pics she's in her crate....she still has that one.

07-18-2005, 12:42 PM
You guys, I'm gonna cry...I NEED this dog. If she's not gonna care for it, I can't stand her being there. I KNOW I can give her the life she needs...I'mjust so upset, and this is all I think about lately

07-18-2005, 12:57 PM
Have you talked to your sister about maybe taking her for a while to train?

07-18-2005, 01:05 PM
My mom did. She told her that I won't be able to train her. Mom reminder her what I did and she was like "ohh she's so smart" - the dog. then said she doesn't listen to them, why would she for me. an excuse not to give her ot me

07-18-2005, 01:19 PM
Audrey, I will look into getting the crate shipped to you for Jade to use...I think it must weigh about 50lbs. I paid $100+ for it when I first got Duncan 4 years ago and he only used it for about 2 months.
I don't have any idea what it will cost to ship but Collin may know since he worked for UPS for years or he may be able to get me a deal since he works at a package company now too. I will ask him about it.

I don't know if I will be able to get to it this week though since I have been looking for a job and have a bunch of interviews this week and we have company coming for the weekend but I will find out next week for sure. If it is going to cost $50 or so, maybe I can just send you the money instead..? Again I will talk to Collin and see what he thinks...
Hang in there kid!

07-18-2005, 01:53 PM
Nooo. I'm sure I can figure something out. I'm going to look for some cheap used ones.

07-18-2005, 05:22 PM
I'm so sorry to read about this, Audrey. I don't have any advice. I wish I did. I hate when this happens. I've had to watch too many family members do the same thing with their dogs :( I hope things get worked out and in my heart I wish you could just take her and raise her. I know she would have a wonderful home then.

07-18-2005, 07:57 PM
I guess I'm gonna look for a cheap crate and maybe see if she'll buy it...then I think I'll go over to her house atleast once a week and work with her dog. I hope to train her and her husband as well.....she doesn't listen to anything i say though. She thinks it's a game or something not worthwhile