View Full Version : Max's knee...

07-14-2005, 01:15 PM
Okay, last year max was limping really bad so i took him to the vet and she told me that basically max had a torn ligament. She gave me some pain killers and told me to see a specialist. Unfortunately, I don't have the money to get his knee operated on. Lately he's been fine, occasionally you can hear some clicking but for the most part he's fine. he can run with his little cousins, I basically want to know if anyone has any advise. Max is 3 years. As long as he doens't run real hard he's fine. He's not in any pain and still as playful as he's always been. I just can't afford a sugery? Any advise would be appreciated!:confused: :(

I'm not on this board too much, so you can e mail me if you's like.
[email protected]

Thanks in advance.


One of my latest pics of the monster!;)

07-14-2005, 03:46 PM
Raustyk did that to both back legs, I had them both repaired.

There really is nothing more to do. Just keep him confined, less active.
The longer he goes with it un-repaired the more of a chance he has at developing arthritis in that leg. If it's been a year he most likely already has arthritis. Raustyk went only 5 months before her first one was repaired (cause I was in the hospital having my own surgery) and when they went to operate they saw that arthritis already kicked in.
I'm not trying to scare you , just prepare you for what is to come.
The second one she had operated on within weeks of her first symptom & the Dr. found a TINY bit of arthritis starting but not bad at all.

I'd get him on some supplements for arthritis, like glucosamine & chondrotin. Some food have that added into them alread, especially the large breed &/or senior foods, but you still may need to add a little more.

I'd consult with your vet first, maybe they make a payment plan?

I really wish I could offer you more. Good luck with the cutie!

Cinder & Smoke
07-14-2005, 04:30 PM
Originally posted by halter91

... limping really bad so i took him to the vet and
she told me that basically Max had a torn ligament.

... occasionally you can hear some clicking
but for the most part he's fine.

"clicking" :confused:

"Clicking" sounds more like what Smokey has in his left rear knee -
a "Luxating Patella" = aka a "trick knee" ~

The KneeCAP is loose and shifts off to one side or the other -
and causes *pain* when it happens. :(

Smokey was probably *abused* in his first year (before he showed up
at the Ranch and was "adopted" by Cinder) - and his problem wasn't
noticed for a while untill he started to 3-Leg It whenever his
knee *popped* out.

Doc Mike diagnosed it, and showed me how to *pop* it back into place
if Smokey couldn't *shake it* back into position.
I played Knee Popper for him for a year or so; and we started
giving him Glucosamine 2X every day ...
We're now doing 1,000 mg of Glucosamine every other day -
and I haven't seen him "limp" for a couple of years! :) :D

The surgery was estimated at $800 - but with a recovery period
of 4 - 8 months (very limited running & jumping) -
would NOT have made SmokeMutt a happie kampur!

The Vet and the Surgeon agreed to a "trial" with the Glucosamine -
IF his knee didn't get any worse - we'd not do the surgical repair.
We've been *poppin pills* for 4 years - and I haven't *popped* his knee
for at least two years! :) :D

He's learned to "live with it" - and knows just how to run like a deer and
not *pop* that knee. Most people can't even notice he "favors" that knee!
I'm positive the Glucosamine has helped to lubricate the knee.

The Old Man (Bowser) arrived at 10+ years of age with "stiff hips"
and a slow gait ... a few months of Glucosamine and he's getting
right back in shape, too! :)

You might consider a "second opinion" -
checking for "Luxating Patella" only takes a skilled Vet a few minutes
and is done by "palpating" (feeling) the knee - X-rays won't show much.

And Glucosamine ( SAME over-the-counter stuff you can find in Wally'sMart) -
certainly won't hurt - but it takes several months to begin to show
any improvement.

/s/ Phred

07-18-2005, 04:10 AM
I would look into a payment plan to pay for the surgery.
My dog Smokey had a torn ligament as well and since he was favoring the other leg his bad leg started losing muscle mass and started to develop arthritis. Getting the operation was the best thing I think. All things considered I don't think it was *that* expensive (about $1000 if I remember correctly). He was not even 3 when he had the surgery and he is in good health otherwise so I couldn't imagine him limping and in pain for another 9 or 10 years...

...another reason i wish i had signed up for pet insurance when he was a pup....

best of luck
