View Full Version : crazy cats

02-20-2002, 09:52 AM
Yesterday (2/19), my furkids were running around crazy, both indoors and outdoors, tearing things up, knocking (pushing) things off the shelves and squabbling with each other. Some of them went far afield in exploration. The only way I could get them together was feed 'em, and then I kept 'em indoors. Did any others out there experience the same behavior yesterday?


Former User
02-20-2002, 10:13 AM
Yes, but not only yesterday, but every day ;)

C.C.'s Mom
02-20-2002, 10:17 AM
Mine never do such a thing (lucky me), but my previous kitties would. They would simply get out of control every once in a while, being completely nuts for a few hours and than returned to be as if nothing happened.

I once read, that this is a behaviour normally found by indoor cats (mine were indoor) only because they don't do much exloring of the outside world. I don't know if that's the reason. My in/outdoor cats don't do this, so it might be true...

02-20-2002, 11:26 AM
Originally posted by Casper & Kitty
Yes, but not only yesterday, but every day ;)

Not OUR Casper and Kitty??? I can't imagine....

Actually, my cats only exhibit this kind of behavior during their RCO's....:D Luckily...that's not very often! :rolleyes:

02-20-2002, 01:17 PM
Oh yes, Noah and Noel tend to do that at 6:00 in the morning and then again around 7 or 8 at night. Sillies!!!

Former User
02-20-2002, 01:24 PM
I don't mind their running, I always stop watching them, and I can see they are having the time of their lives. I can't imagine what goes on in their heads while chasing each other, but whatever it s, it must be fun. It's also a good way to keep them in shape :D And since they do it before going to bed, they are always pretty worn out :rolleyes:

02-20-2002, 01:28 PM

Totally, they look like they are having the time of thier lives....arching their backs, playing with each other.

Do C & K wrestle with each other?

Former User
02-20-2002, 01:30 PM
OH YES!! I just made a cute movie during the weekend them wrestling, too bad I can't post it here :( but hopefully my husband will update the homepage pretty soon....

02-20-2002, 01:56 PM
When Cassy and Sassy were tiny kittens, they'd be extraordinarily hyper (instead of their usual general run-of-the-mill hyper :rolleyes: :p ) just before a storm and on really windy days. Now that he's a mature 31 month-old, Cassy's somewhat mellower... ;)

What was your weather like yesterday?

Former User
02-20-2002, 02:18 PM
Ours or Wayne's? Rainy day here yesterday, just like today :(

02-20-2002, 02:33 PM
Uhm, I was thinking of Wayne, specifically. Have you noticed whether Kitty and/or Casper are affected by weather? Is it any different now that they are older?

02-20-2002, 02:42 PM

Isn't it FUN saying "husband"?? I am finally just saying it without giggling!! :)

The weather doesn't really effect Noah or Noel. Unless there's an earthquake or really strong wind....then they retreat to under the bed.

Former User
02-20-2002, 03:04 PM
Kelly, yes it is so much fun saying husband! I love that! And my husband :) Still feels a bit unreal every now and then, but we really ARE married! WOW!

AmberLee, I've noticed that if it is rainy, they tend to be more playful, and when it's sunny, they prefer to lay on the window sill, sunbathing :rolleyes: what a tough life they have ;)

02-20-2002, 03:31 PM
We had a very tiny earthquake just before Christmas and I was slightly disappointed that the fur-babies slept through it. :eek: I'd heard so much about the magnificent sensing capabilities of animals that I'd rather expected them to get in a doorway or climb into a hardhat or something. ;) :p :D

Oooh, that's it! Their magnificent senses told them the trembler was so tiny that they could just sleep through it ... (Sorry, getting weird here.) :rolleyes: :D

02-20-2002, 05:37 PM
We had our last earthquake a few weeks ago, and the cats went crazy. They looked as us really afraid and then ran around. Poor things...its didn't help to have my husband doing the same thing!!:rolleyes:

02-20-2002, 05:51 PM
How big was your quake? I'm guessing ours was a 4.0, if that big... You could feel it shake, but not really disturbing: glasses rattled and hanging lamps swayed, but nothing fell.

In the Loma Prieta quake of '89 (Do you remember the 7.9 that brought down building and freeways in northern Calif.? It messed up reception of the World Series -- um, it was 17 Oct 89) my parent's neighbors apparently were watching their cat cross the yard just when the quake hit. He (Oliver, a gray tabby) dropped flat to the ground and held on while it lasted, then poofed his hair on end and disappeared for three days. The poor kiddo must have been terrified: I know I was -- the aftershocks kept coming for weeks.

Was this your husband's first quake?

02-20-2002, 07:09 PM
Amberlee, with an approaching weather front, or clouds, they will usually lay around inside the house until the cloudy weather or rain is over. But I have never seen them act up as they did yesterday. This place was crazy for a couple times during the day. In fact, Jumper followed me out next to the highway. He wanted attention and was willing to go all the way out there to get noticed. Needless to say, when I saw that, with Snow Cat right behind him, I immediately turned around and went back to the house and opened up a can of "meaty-goodness" cat food. That brought 'em all back inside. And then I closed up the place so they wouldn't get out again. But then they calmed down and slept a good portion of the day away. I have noticed this type of behavior according to Lunar phases more than anything else. Yesterday, and into today we are under a first quarter moon.

Snow Tiger is now rolled up IN one of my pair of jeans on the table, sound asleep, as it appears all the rest of them are doing now. After yesterday's episodes they are probably, like me right now, too tired to do much of anthing (except sit an gab on the 'puter).:D


02-20-2002, 08:00 PM
Originally posted by AmberLee
Was this your husband's first quake?

:eek: :eek: I'm sorry, I don't mean to sound insensitive or anything, but being a New Yorker, I have never experienced an earthquake and don't know how I would react to one. I just know that the mere thought of one sends chills up my spine!
First quake? I think that it would only take one to send me running back to my quake-free town! (meanwhile I face all of the dangers of New York City without batting an eye, silly New Yorker!:rolleyes: ) LOL!

My first cat, Sydney used to be affected by rainstorms with thunder and lightning. He would just sit at the window and stare with the widest eyes I have ever seen! I would stand there with him and comfort him, but I could feel his body shake. Sydney was deaf, but he must have been able to feel a vibration in the air from the thunder, because he would cringe when the thunder struck.

02-20-2002, 08:13 PM
:o Maybe I was the one being insensitive. Noah's Mommy described her cats and husband's reaction to a recent quake, and I had the idea it was a new experience for them. I've been through many little ones, but the Loma Prieta was the biggest in my experience and it was very disturbing.

I lived in an apartment at the time and a neighbor helped me get into my home. (A closet adjacent to my front door spilled open blocking the entrance.) My most vivid memory was surprise at the variety of responses evoked. There were many many aftershocks: during one I was in my apartment looking out over the tennis courts -- people were playing tennis while I was in mild shock and could hear others yet screaming in fear and much deeper shock. Amazing how differently people react to things.

02-20-2002, 10:24 PM
You girls are sweet!

It wasn't David's first quake, we have both been born and raised in Southern CA. Actually, when he was younger his mom took his sister to school and there was a quake, he was alone and ever since, really is afraid of them. I think that by now I am used to them. The one in '94 in Northridge was really bad. There were aftershocks for days and weeks. I lived about 20 minutes away from Northridge and although our house was OK, everything from the walls was on the floor (got new carpet!! :) ) I hated the aftershocks and would cry each time becuase I was sick of the interuptions... :)

Now, I just roll with the flow. You cant really do much else.

Now my dear Thelma, those hurricaines would SCARE me!! How do you feel about those? Where do you go when they come? NY gets them, right?

02-20-2002, 10:27 PM

Yes, the EQ a few weeks ago was a 4ish...it was centered above Simi Valley, CA and was believed to be an aftershock from the '94 quake. :eek:

02-21-2002, 11:32 AM
Yes Wayne,

Normally I am at work during the day but yesturday I stayed out sick. Yum Yum and Dutchess were both chasing each other and all...Dutchess wanted outside till right before it started raining and Yum Yum didn't want to go out all morning till it started raining. Cats are very strange but you got to love them!! : )


02-21-2002, 11:54 AM
Knowing that our state sits right on top of a huge fault is frightening, but in my 39+ years, we have never experienced an earthquake. Hurricanes are the norm, but I live inland enough that I am rarely affected by them, except maybe some extra wind and rain.

I remember when Hurricane Hugo came through SC in 1989, and my parents were right in its path. They took shelter in their home, with their dog and my brother, under a mattress in their den. We lived about 60 miles away and had much rain and wind, but not nearly the damage that they suffered. It was probably my most frightening experience though, and I remember that I had baby Mimi and the Yellow Lab, Chuck, cuddled up with me on the couch the whole night from dark to daylight. Scary, scary.

You Californians, be careful!!! :)