View Full Version : Ugh.......I ***hate*** computers!!!

07-13-2005, 12:12 AM
I know I know.....I do love them, BUT, it is a love/hate relationship. :p Seriously.

Okay, an uppiedate on this thread...

First, listen everyone. NEVER buy an HP desktop. N-E-V-E-R!!! They stink.

Okay, now for the update.

The new computer I got a few days ago was fine and working great, and I was happy. This afternoon, my brother came in and asked me if I tested everything to make sure it worked, and I did.....everything other than the DVD writer. He tells me we need to check that, and goes to get a DVD to test it with. Guess what? It didn't work! The DVD player did not work. :mad: Then, he tried to burn a CD on the same drive, and that didn't work either. The first HP completely died in 20 days, and the second one's DVD player/writer didn't work at all to begin with. The computer in itself was fine, BUT......when you spend $600 on a brand new computer, you expect it to be perfect.

So.......off to the store we went, to exchange it again. They took it and again, told us to go and get a new box, which we did. As we were getting another computer, I looked to the side and saw STACKS of HP and Compaq desktops with the 'returned' sticker on them. Most of them were HP, and there were a LOT of them.....all returned. My heart sank, and I told my brother, "It seems HP isn't a good computer." He had been telling me HP isn't good to begin with, but I needed a computer so my dad told him to just get it. We took the box anyway, and got it exchanged.

When we got home, we told my dad about the stacks of returned HP Pavilions, and he told us he didn't think it was worth it. If all those HP's had been returned, and we had to return two, there was a pretty good chance of this one going bad too. We decided to take it back to return it without opening the new box, and thought we would bring home a Sony...which we 'thought' was $100 more.

We went back to the store, returned the computer and went to check out the Sony's. It said $750 with $150 mail in rebate. It was $150 more than the other computer, WITH the rebate, and there have been many times when we never got our rebates after sending them. We didn't have $900 to spend on a computer. Well.....I honestly didn't want to have my parents spend $900 to get a computer for me. I didn't feel good about it, and though my dad was saying to just get it, my brother and I decided it wasn't worth it.

So.....instead of coming home with a new computer, we came home with tons of new parts to rebuild/upgrade the old computer with. My brother's thinking 'maybe' its only the harddrive that blew up, and the mother board might be okay. Even if the mother board isn't okay, he 'could' buy another one, and with the new parts, we would have a better quality computer for a cheaper price than both the HP and Sony. We got a new harddrive, USB ports, video card, DVD writer, etc., and now, my brother is working on it. I don't know how long it will take. He says he feels better doing this because he got all high quality parts that are much better than the ones manufacturers use.....so after the upgrade, hopefully the old computer will be fixed and better than new.

I'm praying that everything will work out. We got the parts for a total of $350, and that is much cheaper than a new computer.....and the parts are better than what the manufacturers used. So 'hopefully' the old computer will be fixed and better than the HP soon, for a much lower price.

I'm sad right now.....but hopefully I'll have my computer back soon. I can't thank my brother enough for doing this for me.....what a good big brother. :D He he he. I took my dad's laptop as hostage for now (he he he), and I think my dad and I will be sharing it until my computer returns. I don't know how long it will take, but my brother's working on it. We shall see what happens.

Now to find our Windows XP CD, as we will need it once that computer is back up and running!

UGH! NEVER BUY AN HP!!!!!!!!!!
I almost feel like calling HP just to tell them how badly they need to improve. It isn't good to take advantage of people who aren't able to build computers on their own by putting cheap parts in the computers they sell.

:( 'sad without my computer' :(

07-13-2005, 12:14 AM
My parents bought an HP and also had problems with it. I'm a big fan of Dell computers, I've never had a problem with mine.

07-13-2005, 12:17 AM
Sorry about your luck. :( Sometimes computers really irritate me.
Hopefully you'll be able to get your new one back and working!

I've never had to buy a computer, my brother has always built them, so hopefully your brother can do the same!

07-13-2005, 12:22 AM
Originally posted by Kfamr
Sorry about your luck. :( Sometimes computers really irritate me.
Hopefully you'll be able to get your new one back and working!

I've never had to buy a computer, my brother has always built them, so hopefully your brother can do the same!

Kay, this is the first time I bought a desktop of my own. My brother has always built our desktops.....since he was in middle school, and he's really good at it. He just bought this HP cause he was sick of dealing with computers, but now it seems he has to do that anyway. The one he's fixing was built by him, and it lasted for YEARS. Only now did the harddrive die. Hopefully it will be fine after the upgrade, but this is just SO frustrating.

Laura, Dell's are pretty good, but for desktops, Gateways and Sony's are the best. They were just sooooo expensive that I didn't feel right to have my parents spend all that money for me. HP's and Compaqs don't last long though. I always knew Compaqs were bad, but sheesh.......now I think HP's are worse!!! I think Dell makes pretty good laptops...but I have several friends with Dell desktops, and they're not happy with them. Toshiba and Sony laptops are amazing, but I wasn't going to get a laptop at this point.

Computers can be SUCH a pain.

07-13-2005, 12:46 AM
If I had known that's what you were buying, I would have told you the same. My brother told me. He built my computer. I hope yours gets back to working soon. I am very fortunate to have two brothers that do computers.

07-13-2005, 09:23 AM
I wouldn't ever buy anything besides a Dell. This is my 3rd, and I love it. I haven't ever had any problems with them....

(and, I think lots of computers are made the same....the componenets are made by one or two large manufacturerers, then, the big name companys assemble them, and put their names on it...)

07-13-2005, 11:47 AM
Originally posted by Cataholic

(....the componenets are made by one or two large manufacturerers, then, the big name companys assemble them, and put their names on it...)

That in itself is true, but the one or two large manufacturers make many different parts.......some of high quality, and some cheaper. The companies that use the better parts (Sony/Gateway/etc.) sell their computers for about 3 times the price, and it is worth it because they last, but I didn't think it was right for me to buy one of those when my brother knows how to assemble computers. He he he.....trust me, there is a HUGE variety of parts. There were several shelves at the store just full of different quality cd rom drives, hard drives, ram, sound cards, mother boards etc. The lower quality ones do go bad earlier.

And.........btw, my brother already fixed my computer. :D It took him 2 hours. I can't believe it......I thought it would take a week!!!

AND......its like 10 times faster than the HP was. Yay for techie brothers. LOL!

07-13-2005, 12:14 PM
We just bought a sony at home and I love it! We had a gateway for 7 years and had no problems either. The sony was $2000..:eek: ...my husband just bought a sony last december for his business also and he loves it.

Here at work all of us just got new dells and soooo many people have had problems...

07-13-2005, 12:19 PM
HP sucks!!!! We have 2 HP laptops at work...they're both trying to die and we've only had them 2 years! We also have an HP copier/printer/scanner/fax and I can't tell you how many times we all want to go "Office Space" on it!! :mad: We have to restart that stupid thing 5 times a day if we want it to fax anything. Ugh....loathe HP!

We just got 2 new Dell's to replace the HP laptops and they're amazing. I also have a Dell at home...David's ALWAYS gotten Dell computers, even after having 2 Sony Vio's that died on him!

I'm sorry you're having such bad luck, PCB. :( Hopefully your brother can figure out your old one. :)

07-13-2005, 12:23 PM
I love my Macintosh. Just hadta say that.

07-13-2005, 12:25 PM
One more thing, if you buy from costco you can return for up to 6 months...but there pc's are pretty pricey.

07-13-2005, 12:29 PM
I swear by AMD !!! I want nothing to do with anything else. My computer was built as well and when I first had it done it surpassed any computer you could buy and for half the price. My husband and a friend built it in less than a day. It is still great. We need more ram now and a new processor just to make it faster and bring it right up there with the computers you can buy today. But I don't think I will ever buy a factory made computer.

07-13-2005, 12:36 PM
Dell is the greatest for a PC. I have had 4 of them in the past 10 years or so and none of them have crapped out on me. However, if I wasn't so hooked on PC's I'd definately have a Mac.

07-13-2005, 03:47 PM
Although I am all for PC-bashing....

I currently have 4 HP's (3 desktops and 1 laptop) and an HP desktop at work. I can't say I've had trouble with any of them. They all worked fine out of the box and the speeds have been resonable. We bought all of them from Walmart when we were in a computer pinch. My Dell laptop (which I LOVED) was too slow and having some troubles from what I believe was due to viruses. Instead of going through the headache of finding someone professional and reasonable to upgrade, I just ran to Walmart one night and bought my HP.

So far so good.... :D I've had Dell, Compaq, HP, Mac, and Gateway - I would say that Dell was my favorite when it was new, but after a year, it was ready to go to PC heaven, or a PC doctor. I really liked the Mac too but we had that in the 80's and early 90's, so I don't remember a whole lot about it.....

07-13-2005, 04:40 PM
Okay....all done. Finally!!!

Not only is my computer fixed, but it is pretty much a new computer in the old case. Its so fast its amazing!!! :D My brother changed pretty much everything other than the old mother board. We thought it had died, but thank God, it didn't. So...I'm back on my own computer. We returned the video card because this computer already had a good one, so the cost went down to $250, and we got really cool speakers instead. My old speakers were messed up, so I needed new ones.

So HOPEFULLY, I'm over with my computer problems for quite some time. Hopefully...as we did get really high quality parts. The DVD writer works great.

Now back to installing EVERYTHING again...for the 3rd time...and hopefully the last.

For those of you who got lucky with HP's, well...you got lucky. He he he. They have to be bad to be the only brand at the store in STACKS with the returned label.

I was just talking to my brother about Dell, and he said some of their models are amazing, while others are not so great. Guess it depends on the model. He has had a lot of experience with these computers as he used to work in this field part-time, while in high school.

Thank God my brother knows how to build computers. I think home-built computers are the best, because you know what parts you put in them.

I guess the only good thing HP makes are their printers. My friend has an HP digital camera, and that's always dying too.

07-13-2005, 05:57 PM
I guess you could say I've got an HP computer. That's my brother's initials :p I love home made computers! You can have them made exactly as you want. I've got tons of space, a cd burner and a DVD player. Computer brothers rock!!