View Full Version : New Pool Pics

07-12-2005, 09:19 PM
We started the pool the first of May and it was finished June 4. We have really enjoyed it so far. We got our first water bill after filling it up and it wasn't too bad..we got our first electric bill and it was double but it had to run 24/7 for the first week..so hopefully it won't be so high after this month..we have one part of the yard sectioned off with a cyclone fence so that is where Gracie goes to potty. I don't let her out there at all unless we are right there...the first week I was sitting in a lounger and she was in my lap and she saw a squirrel run a long the fence and took off and jumped straight into the water..just like she was running across the yard..I guess she forgot..and I had to jump in after her..scared me too death! She has been in a couple of times and she swims, but you can tell she is only doing it to please me, she isn't really thrilled about being in it so I don't force her.

But sometimes when I am in it she acts like she wants in so bad..and I call her to get her to come and she prances around like she is thinking about it but so far she won't get in without you picking her up and putting her in. I guess that is really a good thing tho, I really wouldn't want her to just jump in when I am not ready.


07-12-2005, 09:23 PM
WOW! Your pool is very pretty! I love it! :D LOL, Lexi would be in there 24/7, especially since its an inground!

Is that a Hot Tub attached as well! WHOA! Where do you lie, even if it takes a couple hours, we'll invite ourselves over! :p

07-12-2005, 09:27 PM
Wow! Thats a really nice pool. Can i come over and hang out with you?;)

07-12-2005, 09:31 PM
Very nice!

07-13-2005, 07:09 AM
Thanks for those who posted...
we really are happy with it and have bigger plans..like adding a pond...more palms..etc

Come on over...I am still off for the summer...don't go back til Aug 1 so we can swim all you want...

07-13-2005, 07:32 AM
Wow! Your pool is so pretty.
Haha, I can totally picture what Gracie does. My min pin, Charlie, has been swimming twice and isn't too sure about it either. The first time he went swimming it was off the back of my father-in-law's boat. The second time was this past forth of July in my parents pool. He liked the lake better. I'm not sure why, but he wasn't too fond of the pool.
Nova, my dachshund mix, went in Kay's pool at the PT meeting last month. She wasn't too fond of it either. She sat on the step for a little while and then on the raft. She was scared though. She wasn't too good at actually swimming, but Kay helped her.

My friend has 2 cats and a chihuahua. She was worried about them falling into the pool. Even though they are never left out there unattended, her biggest fear was of one of them falling in and not being able to get out, and her not getting to them in time. To ease her worries (or possibly confirm them) her boyfriend got in the pool with each of the animals (yep, even the cats). She said the chihuahua did great, swam right to the side and was able to get out at the steps. They were surprised at how well she did. One of the cats also did very well, but the other struggled a bit, but did get out on her own. She really felt better knowing that they all did well and can all swim. Though she still never leaves them unattended, and never will.

07-13-2005, 07:35 AM
We felt better knowing Gracie instinctively swam too...however..I just don't think she would have the sense in a panic to know which direction to go towards the steps to get out.
I had a pool when I lived in Arkansas and RB Mercedes always got in with me but she never did figure out which way to go to get out even when she was calm. She seemed to lose sense of direction once in the pool.

Ally Cat's Mommy
07-13-2005, 08:41 AM
What a great pool!!

Re Gracie jumping (or falling in), we had the same problem with my dog Rags when I was a teenager. (He was quite small, around the size of a Jack Russell) and he could ONLY climb out at the steps. So we used to put him in the pool at all different parts of the pool, sometimes after dark etc, and train him by waiting on the steps with treats, so he automatically swam to the steps where he could get out on his own. We really worried about him getting stuck when we werent there, so we spent a lot of time making him "pool safe".

finn's mom
07-13-2005, 09:26 AM
I like the pool. But, I LOVE the noodles! Are they just stuck in that raft?! How cool. I've seen those rafts, they look like they have a lot of cup holders. ;) That's a good idea to keep the noodles in there. Anyway, good luck with your new pool and with keeping Gracie safe and sound. I think if you train her to find the steps, that would be a good thing.

07-13-2005, 09:42 AM
Yes the fun noodles are kept in that raft..its an easy way to keep them out of the way..

Great idea about the training to the steps with treats..will work on that...thanks!

07-13-2005, 12:04 PM
Beautiful pool! I don't think our electricity is too bad because of the pool, we have had it for 9 years so I don't remember before but my electricity bill is horrendous from the a/c....and the pool helps with that, after I swim I am cooler all night.