View Full Version : Aaaargh! Can anyone help, please???

King Spartacus
07-12-2005, 05:35 PM
We've got a dial up connection, and I'm desperately trying to view this picture/film/music show!

Does anyone have a few secs to spare, and try the link for me? I've tried it 5 times, but as soon as I have gotten the 2 film clips loaded, it goes into the 1 of 75 pictures... and then I get "error" up!

Can anyone with a quick internet connection please try this link for me http://www.photoshow.net/educat/cats ? I'd really appreciate it, as I'd then hopefully find out if it's my slow computer messing it up, or if there's a fault with the show...

Aaaaaargh! *pulling my fur out* I was sooo excited to see it, and now I'm just deflated...

07-12-2005, 05:39 PM
That site would probably take a week to load on your computer.;) It doesn't look like a very good one for dialup. There are like 75 photos in the slide show. Sorry.

King Spartacus
07-12-2005, 05:41 PM
I wouldn't mind waiting a week to see it (I'm in it... so me and mamma are just tip-toeing around in agony!), but I keep getting "error" up!!!!

07-12-2005, 05:59 PM
I can see it just fine. Cute King Spartacus and all.

King Spartacus
07-13-2005, 03:01 AM
Thank you Janelle! That means I have to befriend a kitty with a better internet connection than me... mamma's gonna try at work today, but it's dial up there too... so she's not having too much hope!

07-13-2005, 02:44 PM
I have DSL, worth it if you ask me. LOL

I like the slide show with the music and special effects. Wish I could get that with my pics. Do they charge a price to post on their site?

King Spartacus
07-13-2005, 03:33 PM
If you go to the link (just that page, without starting the sildeshow), it has a link in the top hand right corner to sign up for free!!! I know... but we've decided agains ISDN/broadband, as mamma and daddy claim they should be able to survieve with only dial up... aaaaargh! I'm not though... I still aching to see this!!!

07-13-2005, 04:52 PM


07-14-2005, 02:01 AM
My hubby decided on DSL since I live on the computer and he couldn't call in when he wanted too. LOL

07-14-2005, 03:05 AM
Dialup's not so bad if you've never known anything better and are aware of it's limitations. I keep telling myself "one day" but it's still a fair way off yet.

King Spartacus
07-14-2005, 11:40 AM
hurrah!!! I finally managed to see it!!! Had to re-install flash (did have flash, but obviously something was making the error)... and it was super!!!

Purries from an ever so happy Spartacus!!!