View Full Version : new PICS from both litters

07-12-2005, 08:10 AM
Here they are, updated pics from both litters:
Here's the first litter:

And the new litter, born Sat:

So many choices. I guess I just have to wait about 12 more days to visit the pups for the last time before I make my final decision to keep one from the first litter or wait for the next litter (or any litter after that).

Pawsitive Thinking
07-12-2005, 08:12 AM
They are all so beautiful - have you any idea which one has stolen your heart?

07-12-2005, 08:17 AM
I can just hear them yelling YEAAAAAAA!! as they run around the yard. These babies are killing me with cuteness! It's just toooo much for one dose and not enough for every hour :p

07-12-2005, 08:31 AM
Originally posted by Brody's Mum
They are all so beautiful - have you any idea which one has stolen your heart?

Both boys from the first litter stole my heart. In different ways but equal.

The red boy is more hyper (but what aussie isn't? lol). That is good for agility & frisbee, but what if he's too hyper & takes longer to focus & listen to commands?

The blue boy is more laid back which would make it better for bonding purposes & would probably more willing to please & listen. But what if he becomes too laid back & is not fast enough for either sport?

The red boy loves me, he wants to take me every where. He was constantly pulling on my shirt, pants, sneakers, camera bag etc...

The blue boy loves me, he wants to always be with me, sitting on me, near me, with me etc...

The red boy is more mouthy, always chewing & destroying.

The blue boy is a lover, except he likes to nip at noses.

The red boy's body structure is more solid, which would still be good for agility but frisbee *may be* a little more of a challenge for him.

The blue boy's body structure is more petite possibly making him the better choice for a frisbee dog.

Now that is what I am experiencing so far, they still have almost 2 weeks left to grow into their personality. Things can change and I certainly hope so because as it stands right now I am litterally torn between the 2. I like them equally. They have certain traits that I like & dislike, both equal. Now if I could combine them then it would be prefect. I really need one to really change or one that litterally picks me or the breeder to give me the choice of only one otherwise I am not sure how I would choose if they stay the same.

IF I were to choose for looks (which I will not) I would still be torn equally between the two.
Red merle is my favorite color BUT it has to be the right red merle. I don't really care for the red merle on the boy, the red is too solid & he has no white on his face. But his body structure is awesome.
The blue boy is georgeous. Awesome markings. But his body structure is more slim.

I prefer blue eyes, neither boy will have blue eyes. There is a *small* chance that the red boy may have some blue specks or marbling to one or possibly both eyes, but mainly all amber. The blue boy will most likely end up with darker brown eyes.

If anyone has any pointers or suggestions as to what I could possibly do to help me choose between the 2 please share.

07-12-2005, 08:48 AM
Awwww they are so, so cute. I really like the pup with the blue eyes. Do you think you will get one from this litter?

Ginger's Mom
07-12-2005, 08:50 AM
Just a thought on the personality thing. When I initially went to look at the puppies at shelter, I had a choice between Ginger and her sister. Ginger was the more lovey one, her sister was runnig around getting into everything. I left the shelter to think it over while having a bite to eat. I decided that the sister may be too much for me to handle, and decided to take the quieter baby. When I got back, only Ginger was left (good thing she was the one I decided on :)). Anyway, I bring up the personality thing for two reasons. First, Ginger is a very timid dog, she is afraid of people and large lawn ornaments (don't ask). So if you are still thinking of therapy, he may be to timid. However, put her on an agility course, or in a dog run with other dogs, and she comes to life. She loves it. I mention this because you said the blue boy may be too laid back for those types of activities. I guess what I am trying to say is that he may be Aussie enough to really come alive at such activities.

No matter what you decide I am sure you will have a wonderful dog, and he will have a wonderful home. Keep those pictures coming. :)

07-12-2005, 09:04 AM
They are all so precious...

Pawsitive Thinking
07-12-2005, 09:08 AM
Both boys from the first litter stole my heart

It its any help I'd go for the blue boy from the first litter.......don't know why though ;)

07-12-2005, 09:21 AM
Originally posted by Jadapit
I really like the pup with the blue eyes. Do you think you will get one from this litter?

The blue eyed baby is a girl so I won't be getting her.

As you may have read in my other posts I hope so but I really don't know if I'll be getting one from this litter or not. It all depends on if one of these boys will work for me or not. It is looking promising though. It's a VERY tough choice but I really think that either pup will do just fine despite the pro's & con's I have of each boy.

This is the perfect time of year for a puppy. I can get out in the nice weather to socialize him, get most or all of the potty training done & at least one puppy socialization/obedience class before winter hits.

But Kandi, the mom from the second litter has more herding drive in her which would probably make her pups a better choice for agility &/or frisbee because they shoold be way more active. But her pups won't be ready to come home until mid September, snow starts here in October & I hate to get out & drive in the snow.

And I really don't want a pup from the next litter planned after that, as IF they go ahead with the breeding they will be ready in the middle of winter. Trying to potty train a puppy when the snow is bigger than are and it's very cold is no fun.

And I don't want to wait until next year, thats too much torture. lol

07-12-2005, 09:28 AM
Ginger's mom thanks for the advice, that is exactly what I am thinking. And thats the main issue that makes my decision making so hard.

The blue boy may be too laid back for therapy making him timid & scared. Possibly so laid back for sports that although he will do good he will just be too slow.
But then again he could be laid back to the point where he is perfect for therapy, friendly & calm. And the aussie in him may be enough for him to be great at sports.
Or a combo of the 2, good for one & not the other.

But the red boy is way hyper, he may be too hyper for a therapy dog. He may also be too hyper to concentrate at sports.
But then again, if he gets enough exercise in sports he may be calmer when it is time for therapy. Or because he is more adventerous he may be friendlier for therapy.
Or again I may find a combo of the 2, good for one activity & not good for another.

07-12-2005, 02:24 PM
Originally posted by lv4dogs
Both boys from the first litter stole my heart. In different ways but equal.

The red boy is more hyper (but what aussie isn't? lol). That is good for agility & frisbee, but what if he's too hyper & takes longer to focus & listen to commands?

I don't think being hyper will effect his willingness to please you, Tango is one of the most hyper dogs I've ever met but she'll listen to every command I give her and focuses very well on me. I'm using her as an example because she's got a very Border Collie personality and they're similar to Aussies. Being hyper might not be so bad if you want a great frisbee or agility dog. Good luck with whichever one you choose! They're both adorable:D

07-12-2005, 02:26 PM
They are adorable :). I actually love the mostly red boy's coloring, I've always loved the darker merles. I guess I am just drawn to richer/darker colors. All the pups are gorgeous though and I can't wait till you bring your little boy home!

07-12-2005, 02:47 PM
I know that Swissie's are more laid back than Aussies in general...but looking back on Dale as a puppy, he was much more hyper...the really playful one of the litter...and as an adult... he still loved to play play play!! But was also more stubborn. :) Harlee is a much more laid back puppy. She is more willing to please, instead of doing her own thing, where Dale had more of an alpha personality ( also being a male), and though he knew I was alpha, he was harder to train and was more stubborn ( though I loved him so). Harlee, being more laid back, seems more willing to please and doesn't try push it, by trying to become the alpha ( but she is a female, so may have been more submissive from the get go b/c of that).

If it were me, I would go with the blue boy...he sounds like he has a great personality. But then again, I love laid back doggies, hence the fact that I love Swissies :)

Anyway, I am not sure if you have an Aussie already...if not, maybe starting with a more laid back one for your first might be a good idea...just my 2 cents!! Good luck deciding...they are all adorable!!
