View Full Version : The Pit Bull Problem

07-12-2005, 12:35 AM
This is a graphic movie, but very good. Please view: http://www.pitbullproblem.tk/

I watched it and I got all choked up. I couldn't believe some of the pictures in it.

Steph and Jes

07-12-2005, 01:40 AM
That is great, but so sad.

I read your Post title and thought to myself "what Pit Bull Problem". But now I see what you meant.

Thanks ....

07-12-2005, 02:12 AM
I tried watching this once and didn't get past the 5th or 6th picture. I'm gonna try again.

07-12-2005, 02:15 AM
I just can't do it !!!! I breaks my heart. The first pic of that poor injured baby killed me. I couldn't go any further. I guess I am just too soft. I don't know. How can people be sooo cruel??????:confused:

07-12-2005, 04:29 AM
Ive seen that video before.. and ALWAYS end up in tears. :(

the slide show gets a very strong point across to thoes that need.

07-12-2005, 08:15 AM
I've seen that a few times, brings tears to my eyes each & every time.
Although it is sad it does get the point across & strongly. I think it would be great to have that as a commercial so that many family's & individuals see it that would not normally search for it on the net. Those are the ones that need to see it the most.

07-12-2005, 11:53 AM
*tears*I can't see how anyone could do that to their dogs. And as for people who think all pit bulls are mean..ugh! When are people going to start realizing that its not pit bulls, its how dogs are raised????:( :mad::(

07-12-2005, 12:04 PM
I've seen it a few times before. I always get all choked up, and Frisk starts worrying about me. Its hard when I live with both of my parents and they both are tottaly against the thought of Pit Bulls being nice and loving. They once lived in a city where there were so many reports of Pit Bull violence, so its like their mind can't change into beleiving in a Pit Bull as a family pet.

07-12-2005, 12:22 PM
I've seen this video many times and I still tear up when I watch it. kittycats_delight: the pictures at the end are well worth waiting for.

07-12-2005, 01:22 PM
Oh my gosh *cries* I've seen this before and the pics with the pitties and the kids and the one w/ the family is priceless. Thanks for sharing. I think everyone needs to see this. I plan to be owned by a pittie someday.

My Peanuts
07-12-2005, 01:36 PM
I couldn't watch all of it. This may sound harsh, but I think anyone that even willing attends a dog fight should be put to death or severely punished. I think a fair punishment is to let the dogs that have been abused and tortured maul the people that attend. If a person is capable of finding that entertaining then God knows what they are capable of! :mad:

07-12-2005, 06:10 PM
Originally posted by My Peanuts
I couldn't watch all of it. This may sound harsh, but I think anyone that even willing attends a dog fight should be put to death or severely punished.

Nope - doesn't sound harsh to me at all!!!! :mad:

07-12-2005, 06:42 PM

I have a pitt & I love him to death. was going to use him as a 4-h dog, but they told me to get a "puppy" or something you can learn with, something not set in his ways! They had met my dog for 5 minutes while he was patiently sitting calmley & they can tell me this?! they can turn my dog down because of his breed? arg
I dropped that idea & didnt join a dog club that year.

07-12-2005, 08:01 PM
The site didn't work for me. But, after seeing everyone's reactions to it, I'm glad it didn't. I'm sure I couldn't handle it.
I've probably seen it before. I just rips my heart out. I just look in my lap, and see my sweet pittie's face looking at me so lovingly, and I just can't understand people.

07-12-2005, 08:14 PM
Originally posted by lv4dogs
I've seen that a few times, brings tears to my eyes each & every time.
Although it is sad it does get the point across & strongly. I think it would be great to have that as a commercial so that many family's & individuals see it that would not normally search for it on the net. Those are the ones that need to see it the most.
I knew shouldn't have watched it. :( , but you're right. It would be the perfect commercial. If it hurts someone even half as much as it hurt me, I think the point would be made. I agree with MYPEANUTS as well. It's not harsh at all.

07-12-2005, 09:03 PM
I must admit that I watched it through my hands ..... so I could block out the images ............

However, I want to print out the slide that said "Pits are 4th ........ from the bottom of the 100 dogs most likely to bite"!!!

Hugs to all the Pittys here ........... *kiss*kiss*

07-13-2005, 12:10 AM
I read your Post title and thought to myself "what Pit Bull Problem". But now I see what you meant.

However, I want to print out the slide that said "Pits are 4th ........ from the bottom of the 100 dogs most likely to bite"!!!
I realized what it looked like after I entered it! I wasn't too worried though, people in PT read before they type!

I just realized that you could do that!-I think that I will now though!

I just can't do it !!!! I breaks my heart. The first pic of that poor injured baby killed me. I couldn't go any further. I guess I am just too soft. I don't know. How can people be sooo cruel??????

I all most stopped it, but, I went through it with tears in my eyes until the end...
When are people going to start realizing that its not pit bulls, its how dogs are raised????
I don't know when..Not soon enough though! I just got done talking to my grandpa, and I told him about this movie, and I actually changed his mind about Pit Bulls!:)

I couldn't watch all of it. This may sound harsh, but I think anyone that even willing attends a dog fight should be put to death or severely punished. I think a fair punishment is to let the dogs that have been abused and tortured maul the people that attend. If a person is capable of finding that entertaining then God knows what they are capable of!
I personally think that you are going soft on them...

For everyone who meantioned that it gets across at a strong point, I agree. Many people should watch this...and those who are not effected by it, or can go to a dog fight, have no heart, it should have the most painful, agonizing death that there is!

Steph and Jes

07-13-2005, 09:43 AM
I couldnt bare to watch, i saw it before, but i think LV4DOGS is right, they should start airing that on tv as a commercial for people to see how sick the humans are!! Not the Pittbulls.