View Full Version : Grrrr...maintenance entered my apartment again!

02-19-2002, 04:48 PM
I am so upset! After the whole thing with Graham's leg, and me SPECIFICALLY telling management to prohibit ANYONE from entering my apartment unless there was a serious emergency, someone entered again today and installed a carbon monoxide detector and did some other maintenance checkups while I was at work!!!!

First of all, I walked in and was hit with the EXTREME HEAT!!! They, in testing whatever they needed to test, turned my heat up full blast and forgot to turn it back down after they left! It was just over 90 degrees and the heat was going full blast, non stop! Then, a panting Graham came up to me in a not-so normal way, he was really freaked out and he was SO hot! He was so hot that he had drank everything out his water bowl...it was bone dry and it was filled up pleanty this morning! He was also just plain freaked out! I called management again after I took Graham for his after-work potty walk and I YELLED at them!

I am just so upset! If they had given me any warning that they needed to enter my building I would have taken Graham to doggie daycare on the day they requested to enter. They didn't give me any notice whatsoever and that makes me SO mad!

I am sorry to vent...I am just so upset! I can NOT wait to get out of here and into a house where I won't have to worry about my dog (s)! This is just aweful!

02-19-2002, 05:06 PM
That is just terrible. I am angry also. I would have yelled at them so loud that they wouldn't be able to hear for a week!! HOW DARE THEY??????? Oh, I am just so mad for you!!!!!

02-19-2002, 05:45 PM
Oh Leslie!!!!!!!!!!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: Make sure you get something in writing from management!!! Can you put one of those slide chain locks on your door; the kind that YOU can open with a key from the outside???? Considering what happened to Graham before, you would think they wouldn't WANT to come in without notice! That was the best thing about moving into a house....No unwanted intrusions! Poor Graham!! How frightened he must have been. AND uncomfortable; so hot!

02-19-2002, 05:51 PM
Oh Leslie this really makes my blood boil!!! :mad: :mad: How dare they come in unannounced, especially after what happened last time!! How I wish you had a surveillance camera in your apartment! Poor Graham, having to be there in that heat with no water! :mad: :mad: Don't worry about venting to us! Now we are venting right along with you! This is just unbelievable!

02-19-2002, 05:58 PM
:mad: :mad: :mad:

On top of yelling at them on behalf of Graham's sake, I sure would ask if they intended to pay a portion of my next electric/gas bill!!!! Then I'd ask if they are willing to pay vet bills if something like this happens again!

I dont' know if it would be any help to you, but there should be a number you can call...it's sort of like free legal advice but pertains specifically to rental properties, tenants, etc. Tell them your problem(s) and then they give you a list of options to consider.
I have the number for NM (somewhere)--if you don't have the # for your state and wish to find out more info, let me know...I'll dig the (NM) number up and surely they can give you one for your state.

So glad you came home when you did--be sure to give sweet Graham a kiss for me!

02-19-2002, 06:01 PM

I can imagine how angry you must be. I'd probably
have just stormed into the Office & made a big scene.
How DARE they do that, after what happened to Graham?
What does Dan say about this? Have you had a chance
to tell him yet? I just cannot believe the Stupidity of
Management & Mantainence of your apartment complex.
Please hug Graham for me and let everyone know if you
any response from Management about this. Liz.

02-19-2002, 06:10 PM
Poor Graham!

That is so frusterating, Leslie. I'm glad you yelled at them. If another accident had happened, they would REALLY REALLY REALLY be in trouble. If nothing else, they'd have a ton of angry Pet Talkers beating down their door! I agree you need to get something in writing from them. That way if they do anything again, you'll have legal grounds to stand on.

I hope Graham has cooled down. Poor boy. The men probably scared him to death. I wonder if he remembered the last time they were there :( :(

02-19-2002, 06:10 PM
Blood pressure is up all around the PetTalk community over this! How could they?????? How plain old stupid of those people! Sometimes it seems like they hire only the people that flunk out of Common Sense 101.

In some states, there is a 24 hour notice rule about landlord access to a tenant property. Be sure and check that aspect. Others have given good advice about what other course of action might work.

Graham, on behalf of pets in rentals everywhere, you have taken enough abuse from these people! Don't they get it that they could actually, literally kill you with their actions?!?!?!?!?!? I don't mean to sound melodramatic, but it is true! Poor Graham! Poor Leslie! They are a law suit in the making - I'm just sorry that it is our dear friends that suffer because of it!

02-19-2002, 07:07 PM
How horrible!:mad: :mad: Poor Graham, he must have been so uncomfortable! I would dfinitely write them a letter!:mad:

02-19-2002, 07:12 PM
I need to add my angry faces :mad: :mad: :mad: . That is just so wrong!!! So glad nothing as awful as the last time happened!!!

02-19-2002, 07:16 PM
:mad: :eek: :mad: I'm angry on your behalf. So glad you had this place to vent to. So sorry you and Graham had this shock today. How terribly irresponsible! You might try checking you yellow pages under county government for tenant's rights group(s). [Well, mine was NO help when I needed them, but sometimes they can be... Also, do you local news agencies have "Action Line" or similar departments???]:confused:

02-19-2002, 08:35 PM
Aly, you said "that way if they've done anything "
They've already done something very wrong, TWICE..

I'm sorry to get so upset about this but every "standard
lease/rent agreement" should have a clause about
proper notification upon entering your apartment when
the tenant is not present..

Does your complex have a website ? Seems everyone does
now-a-days. Would need to see your lease/rent contract
to put a stop to this sort of thing. This is sooo wrong !

02-19-2002, 08:43 PM
OMG, Leslie!!! That's just HORRIBLE!!! :mad: :eek: :mad: Poor Graham! He must have been sooo hot! They deffineatley should at least leave a notice, before coming! I hope things get better for you!

Sarah & Sadie:)

02-19-2002, 09:35 PM
Thanks everyone for letting me vent. I just don't get it. I give them specific instructions, for the sake of Graham, not to enter. It's not like I asked anything difficult or confusing. I am really worried about Graham now. He's not an overly protective dog (although sometimes, in a case like this, I wouldn't mind if he were). He barks for a couple of minutes then just stands at a distance watching these people invade his house. This is what one of the maintanance guys tells me, before Graham's accident. Graham is so uncomfortable with people in his house while I am gone, but he never shows a huge amount of stress...on the outside! He lets his stress show when I get home and I don't like that.

He ALWAYS poops 3 times a day...it's very ritual, once in the moring when the alarm goes off, I get dressed and take him for his first outtie, and he poops. Next is after his morning breakfast when he goes out for the second time. And his last poop is always after work when I take him out for the 3rd time. He didn't poop after work today :( I have taken him out 4 times after work and he only pees. Stress often causes him constapation. He's so sensitive. He should not be put in situations like that. I don't know what else to do. We are officially completely broke after Graham's leg injury and his treatment. We have nothing else in savings, and we only make enough money to pay our bills and buy Graham's food. We can't even go out to dinner or movies for awhile due to lack of money. We could never afford to hire a lawyer and I know how expensive they are. I don't even know if it's legal what they are doing. I would think it has to be, since they do it, but I don't know.

I am just really upset. Tomorrow is another day. Hopefully Graham will be back to his old self and he will be 'regular' again.

This August our lease is up. Hopefully my mother-in-laws house (she passed away recentlly) will sell soon and that will be the down payment on our house. If so, then we are going to try to buy a house before the lease is up so we can move into the house and out of this place. Funny, when I moved in I thought it was great because we live on a little lake and it's so woodsy and pretty. I don't feel that way anymore! I just want out!

Thanks again for letting me vent. You are all so supportive.

02-19-2002, 10:54 PM
There are places that offer free legal advice from actual lawyers (kind of a community service thing) - I would call your state's bar association and ask if they know of such a service. It would seem, if there is ANY clause in your lease about them being required to give some notice - which most leases have - that you should be able to recoup some of poor Graham's vet money, or at least a settlement of some kind, after they have again violated your apartment and your good will.

I bet everyone will be glad when you are in yourown place - you, Graham - and everyone at Pet Talk, too! Poor sweet boy, give him a nice tummy-skritch from us.

02-19-2002, 11:58 PM
Karen took the words right out of my mouth. Well, put Karen!

I know in WA. where we live there is Landlord/Tenant Law.... Our landlord is REQUIRED to give 3 Days notice before entering UNLESS it is an Emergency. This law applied when we lived in an Apt. building also.

Loves to Graham and his Wonderful Family.:D

02-20-2002, 12:01 AM
:mad::mad::mad:OH I WOULD BE SO ANGRY IF THAT HAPPENED!!!!!!!!!!!:mad::mad::mad:

I dont think I'd be brave enough to storm in, but I think I'd scream at them on the phone!You call that legal number!Poor dog..Graham....oooooooooooooooooooh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!: mad: :mad: :mad::mad:

02-20-2002, 12:12 AM
Leslie, you sound much calmer and more composed than many of the rest of us do about this! I am so peeved I cannot see straight!

I've rented apartments in California as well as near Chicago, and in both places the following was a LAW: the landlord must give written notice (24 hrs or 3 days, can't recall which) to enter an apartment for any maintenance that you didn't request. I believe the only time they can come in without written notice is if you have given your notice that you'll be moving out, in which case they can show your apartment pretty much anytime.

Warn that landlord STRONGLY and by registered mail that you'll take him to small claims court for any damages--to poor Graham, to your heating bill, whatever--he causes next! It's inexcusable.

Dixieland Dancer
02-20-2002, 04:01 AM
HUGS AND KISSES TO DEAR GRAHAM! I hope the sweetheart is back to his REGULAR self real soon!

:mad: :mad: :mad: I guess it's my turn now! :mad: I would make real sure I found out what the law was and if they are required to give you notice before entering, then I would persue legal channels. A lot of lawyers will give you a free consultation to let you know if you have grounds for a law suit.

Anybody messing with my dogs is messing with one angry lady and better stand clear of a tornado. And I consider Graham to be one of my dear dear cyber babies!

In your case I can only wonder if it's the same jerk who caused Graham's accident and if he left the heat on intentionally. :mad:

Let me know if you want me to call the landlord and give them a piece of my mind! :mad: :mad: :mad:

Former User
02-20-2002, 04:53 AM
:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: Can't be legal to go to other peoples places like that! Poor Graham, hope he's back to himself now? Why didn't they learn from the first time and stay away, or at least let you know when they were coming. And I would definitely make them pay some of the bill, they left the heating on too high. :mad: :mad:

02-20-2002, 06:23 AM
I think that noone has the right to enter someone's house without notice unless it's an emergency (e.g. burst gas and water pipes). And that's it!!! What if, instead of Graham, they would have found a dog that would have attacked the intruders? Obviously it would have been the dog that would have been in trouble not the idiots who eneterd the flat without any notice.

Did they give you an explanation of why on earth they entered the flat without warning you even though you specifically asked to be alerted? Talk about privacy as well! :mad: :mad: :mad:

I'm sorry Graham had to go through this after all that he's been through recently! You have every right to be mad and upset, I hope you will be able to move to your own place soon.

02-20-2002, 07:01 AM
leslie, do you HAVE to stay in that complex? is there any way you can move to a house of your own?
if not i have a few suggestions. contact your attorney to send to the manager and the maintence supervisor a registered letter, addressed to them, at the complex addy, not the management company reminding them of their LEGAL obligation to let you know before non-emergency access. save the registered receipts. (alex the wonder dog has epilepsy that can be triggered by lawn spray chemicals, i have spoken many times over the years on the phone to the managers about getting notice so that i can keep him inside after the application till those toxins settle and still they've failed to let me know and alex had such a bad seizure that he went to the vet er). the day after the letters leave for them, go the office, speak to the manager and speak in a soft sweet low voice, making sure that it's obvious that you are barely controlling your FURY-act if you have too- look the manager in the eye and tell her/him there is a problem and you want it resolved NOW, what is the best way for US to fix this problem together? (i know it's their action thats' the problem, but this is a tatic) insist on getting the maintence supervisor involved RIGHT NOW. remember you are giving these fools your money, do not let them push you off. take notes in front of them, make sure it's totally clear that only emergency access is allowed, be polite, be clear, be firm. make it plain, you are considering further drastic action. this worked very well for me. (i now get a phone call from the lawn guy and the office 24 hrs before the lawn company comes. i made an impression.) i hope this helps. best wishes

02-20-2002, 07:43 AM
How horrible! I suspect that the maintenance persons just don't give a hoot and will enter no matter what you say. I would move first chance you get. Poor Graham! Good luck with "management".... Gosh. I would be so angry! :mad:

02-20-2002, 12:20 PM
What they did is NOT legal, I'm just not sure what recourse you have. At the least it should be clearly understood now that they are not to enter without explicit permission. If your apartment is part of a complex owned by a large management company, definitely write that company, and save copies of all correspondence.

They should be so sorry for the trouble they've caused you, don't they have a heart? Did they not see the cast for so long? I hope you can get out of there soon you and Graham deserve better!!!!!

02-20-2002, 12:28 PM
you have every reason to be MAD, they could killed the Graham.
I am very mad now..

02-20-2002, 01:10 PM
:mad: :mad: :mad: I'm so mad I could scream! There must be something you can do to stop this from ever happening again for as long as you have to stay there. Are there any free Legal Aid lawyers in your area? Those people deserve to be punished for all the suffering they have caused you and Graham.
I hope you can find some legal help. In the meantime, best wishes and much love to you and sweet Graham from us.

02-20-2002, 02:01 PM
Are you allowed to install your own deadbolt? It would seem to me that this is your home, and as long as you are complying with the rules of the apartment complex, that they have no right to come into your "home" unless you are aware of it.

I'm thinking a second deadbolt would do the trick.

Please hug our laughing Graham for me. I am just so angered that he has to put up with this and that you do too.


02-20-2002, 03:25 PM
That really makes me mad. It might not happen again if you ask the manager or rather report to the manager that your missing some cash you had on the counter and you it must have disappeared when people were in your apartment!!!!! What if they would have knocked once (if they bothered to do that) and you were in the shower and then came prancing out in your birthday suit? Who do they think they are? I don't think its legal unless you have given them WRITTEN permission to do so. You should check on getting free legal advice on this. I think you should write and sign a sheet that states that nobody can enter your apartment with out your permission unless a real emergency.:mad: :mad:

02-20-2002, 03:35 PM
I was just thinking would you like a few (say about 30 or so) "Pet Talk People" to come down and have a talk with your apt. manager? Sure they would get the point. LOL

P.S. anybody hear from laurie B. she hasn't posted for awhile.

02-20-2002, 07:39 PM
My superintendent doesn't even have my key. Once, when I was living here alone, I asked him to keep my key, just in case I lost mine or something. He said that he would, If I absolutely could not find someone else I trusted keep a spare key for me. He really only likes to keep keys of tenants who are elderly, at the specific request of their family members.

Even when they had people come to all of the apartments to install new toilets and shower heads, the super had to go from door to door, making appointments so that people could be there to let the workmen in.

I don't know, but it does sound strange to me that they would go in your apartment without your consent.

02-20-2002, 08:22 PM
Hi Thelma,

Sounds like your apartment's set-up for repairs,
and maintenence of utility services is ideal. Most
standard lease/rent contracts state 24 to 48 hours
notice to the tenent on a need to enter the apartment
for general maintence & upgrades.

ONLY when there is an emergency situation (gas leak
water main break, etc) are maintence people allowed
to enter your apartment unannounced.

Poor Graham, hope he wasn't to scared... Prayers &
Good Wishes for Graham & Family !!!

02-20-2002, 09:17 PM
I know that in Alberta there has to be some notice given (not sure how much) but if there isn't notice given and someone enters the apartment or house that does not have permission it can be used as grounds for breaking the lease and I think you can even get the police or something involved. Anyway hope some butts get kicked because of this.

02-20-2002, 09:36 PM
I could loan you Killian and Shiloh to greet the next unexpected maintenance man. :D

02-21-2002, 07:20 AM
Leslie - do you have a copy of the lease you signed and does it say that they can enter your apartment without notice any time they feel like it. This just doesn't seem right. What an invasion of your privacy. What would keep them from coming in when you're home in the shower or asleep in bed? I feel that could be considered breaking and entering - I'd change the locks and look into the legality of this right away, you just can't assure the safety of your personal possessions and of course your sweet dog with people having such a free run of your home:(

02-21-2002, 07:29 AM
I do want to say that you definately have a legal matter here and I'd definately look into it. You MUST get something in writing that will not allow anyone to enter your home without prior written notice unless it's a dire emergency and that could only be due to broken pipes, gas leaks, fire, etc. Good Luck Leslie - I DO know how you feel, believe me!!!!