View Full Version : I have just won a prize.....

07-11-2005, 05:54 AM
I am sitting watching the TV with hubby and Melissa, when the phone rings for me, this guy ask if I am Carole......... I say yes, then he asks how I am, I tell him truthfully rotten (I have my usual dose of winter Bronchitis) and then I ask who is this,not knowing the youngish man's voice, to find out it is the Radio Station , the one I have won many prizes with, just two days ago I entered a competition on the internet,(this is my first ever internet prize) which was running a competition in conjuction with the Radio station,, which just happens to be the one I listen to.

I was very taken aback and suprised, I am so darn lucky, I have won an airfare to the Gold Coast Australia.

I have a year to take the prize, which is just as well, as my British Passport has not been updated, since my last travel way back in my twenties, I have had no need for it until now.

I am not sure what to do, whether I can transfer the prize or not to a member of my family or I have take the prize myself, it is only for one airfare, so I really am not sure what I will do yet, I would have to find the means to save money for acommodation and spending money, and I am really scared about traveling, its like a dream come true, but on the other hand I am nervous just thinking about it, my sister travels there every year so I could go next year with her maybe,a part of me would love to send Melissa, as she would love to go to the fun parks, something that I would not beable to do, oh well I have a while to think about it, just wanted to share my good fortune, funnily enough I told hubby recently I am going to win us a holiday, as we have not been away for over 2 years, so I kinda won part of it didn't I?

Pawsitive Thinking
07-11-2005, 05:56 AM
That's brilliant! Well done!

King Spartacus
07-11-2005, 05:59 AM
Oh well done you!!! That's super! Hope you figure out what to do with the ticket... I would have saved up to buy another, and take someone with me, as my grandfather said "Never give away anything you win, as you'll loose your luck" (he told me that when I was 8, and I've always held on tight to anything I've ever won). I often win stuff, but my luck in other divisions is pretty bad though, even though it's starting to perk up a bit!
Best wishes, Sylvie, KS' mom

07-11-2005, 06:02 AM
Ideally I would love to take someone with me, but our finances are not going to allow me to do that, it is a bit of a dilemma really , but I am still happy to have won it and grateful, just have to do some figuring out.:)

Pawsitive Thinking
07-11-2005, 06:10 AM
Enjoy your winning moment - worry about what to do with it later!

07-11-2005, 06:11 AM
Wow, how utterly fantastic... maybe the fates are telling you something? I always thought that contests gave tickets for two. So maybe someone else is trying to tell you that you deserve some time alone to pamper yourself! :D

07-11-2005, 06:16 AM
I am sure it is only one ticket, the thing is I just realised the guy who rang me was Dominic Bowden, I thought it was someone called Ron, Dom is a really cute guy, he hosts our NZ IDOL show, If only I had known that, my heart would have been missing a beat, both Melissa and I adore him, silly ole me,he is a bit of a celebrity in NZ.:D

07-11-2005, 05:11 PM
Well needless to say I did not sleep much last night, too excited, and I have come up with a plan, my hubby and I were planning a south Island NZ trip 2007, so now we will go to the Gold Coast instead, I already had the money for our airfares saved, so it will pay for another fare, my mother has promised the kids some money in the future, so that will pay for their airfares, now we have to save hard and make some sacrifices if we want to go for the accomodation, spending money, passports,car rental, etc etc, but it is great I feel I have been given such a great opportunity , too good to miss, and that it has given me the incentive and some goals to look forward to in the future, something I really need right now, it might even keep my on the weight loss path as well.:) :D

07-11-2005, 06:30 PM
Sounds like a great plan, with the perfect impetus!

07-11-2005, 06:51 PM
It sure sounds like a super trip that you planned, Sis! I think you need a break from everything and this seems like the perfect break!

07-11-2005, 09:03 PM
Yep Bro I really do need a break from it all, but it will have to wait for a year as we will need that time to save up.but when there is light at the end of the tunnel, one can hang on in there , and besides June is a nice time of year to go to OZ, not too hot, but nice and warm all the same, still not sure if we can do it, but heck we will give it a good try lol.:)

King Spartacus
07-12-2005, 07:34 AM
Fantastic!!! That a wonderful solution, and all of you get to enjoy your win!!!

Maya & Inka's mommy
07-12-2005, 07:43 AM
That is a great prize!! Congrats to you, Carole!!

ps. no matter how hard I try, I never win anything....:rolleyes:

07-12-2005, 03:03 PM
Well yes it is fun planning ahead, still don't really know if we can financially do it, there is a lot of extra expenses, because both our passports have expired and mine is British and cost twice the price, and Melissa will need a British one too, Scott is ok, but then he maybe not be coming and going off to UK again anyhow,so I guess we can only but try and think on the positive side and hope we can get it together before then.

I still consider myself extremely fortunate, there would be thousands of people who enter, and I only did this a couple of days ago and put it out of my mind,it is always nice to have a goal for the future isn't it?

07-12-2005, 08:45 PM
i say go. travel is fun, educational and a break from the daily-daily is good,, enjoy it!

07-14-2005, 03:32 PM
A part of me really wants to go , another does not, I have some health issues that worry me for traveling, and also I just don't know if we can save that kind of money, or should spend it on something like that, its a lot of money for a week's holiday, and we need so many other things ,. but then you only live once, I am caught between a rock and hard place if ya know what I mean, I will wait and see when I get the prize, a part of me thinks it would be better to ask if my sister would take my daughter next year, she would enjoy the fun parks so much, and she can save money herself towards her spending money and it would cost relatively little, ah well we shall just have to wait and see what life brings eh.:)

07-14-2005, 05:26 PM
:D Congratulations! Great prize! it is nice winning even if you give away the prize>

07-14-2005, 06:54 PM
Oh I agree, it really is an awesome prize and I am extremely lucky to have won it for sure, just have to see what we will do, I have a long time to ponder over it and make a decision, so at least I won't make a rash one.:)

07-14-2005, 07:52 PM
That is great, you are very lucky. :)

07-14-2005, 11:47 PM
WOW! What luck! Carole, I LOVED the Gold Coast-one of my most fave places in the whole world! Had so much relaxing fun! Maybe Air NZ or Quantas or one of the smaller airlines have specials! I hope you get a chance to go! It may be a once in a lifetime trip! GO GIRL! GO! I'm jealous!

07-15-2005, 03:05 AM

Originally posted by carole
Dom is a really cute guy

You can say THAT again!


Dom MONAGHAN that is! :D:D:D:D:D

-squeals shamelessly-

07-16-2005, 05:07 AM
My prize will be with Freedom Air, which flys out of my City, it is the cheapest airline, so we would all travel with them if we go, thanks for the encouragement Karen.

As for Dom, well I think this Dom is kinda cute too, he has a great personality,and appears to be a really nice guy., the girl he is with in this pic is from kiwi band GOLDEN HORSE,just a plug for some good kiwi music lol.