View Full Version : No bark collars

07-10-2005, 08:12 PM
Anybody ever use one. I had to get one for Autumn because my stepdad started threatening seriously again. It doesn't seem to be a strong enough shock to hurt her but I hate using it anyway. She doesn't even bark that much- just once when the door opens. That doesn't even qualify for excessive barking but he'd just like all our animals to be dead anyway. I can't wait till I'm done with college and I can move out. I'm not giving my new address to either of my parents when I do. I couldn't buy a digital camera today because I had to spend money on this collar. I plan to swipe any money they leave laying around until my stepdad has paid for the collar and then some. Anyway done ranting, I wanted to know if anybody has used one and if its ok to leave on the other collar when you do. It says not to leave on the other collar because of the tags but I've seen people who leave on both. I have her regular collar off but would feel safer with it on.

07-10-2005, 09:00 PM
I used a no-bark collar on my RB Rosie - she barked ALOT all times of day and night. it actually worked pretty well.
I spent alot of time behavior training for the barking too. I also taught her the command "no bark!" and then if she was quiet for a minute, praised & treated her and said "Good no-bark Rosie!"
I only used it at night, and I took her regular collar off. I have now loaned it to a friend whose GS barks alot, seems to be working for her too. hope it works out for you.