View Full Version : Update + *LOTSA* Pics

07-10-2005, 01:28 PM
hm.... There has been SO much going on. I don't even know where to start! Ok, first of all, me and Di and the pups had fun at the Herding clinic ^_~ Seshy did reeallly well, I think he was one of the best dogs there with the sheep and ducks. Gonzo was acting like a freak with the sheep! He had no fear of them at all, and he's never even seen a sheep to my knowledge. His parents are both cow dogs, so he was basically treating them like cows and running up really close to them. The trainer said he has very good eye and he was walking up, but his instinct is so strong that it'd take a LOT of work to get him into circling.. I think it's also because I've supressed his herding instinct so much (so he wouldn't herd kids, people, cats, dogs, cars, etc :p)!

Seshers and Gonzo and Miko got to swim in their pond to cool off, and they were having a lot of fun. Then, when Miko got out, his left ear was completely flopped down and he was crying... we just thought he had water in his ear, because he started to hold it up later. I took Miko home because Di was leaving the next weekend and it'd be easier to take him then instead of her driving up again. He seemed really happy here the first day, he got a bunch of treats and spoiling of course. I took them to the dog park the next morning, and I noticed his ear was flopped down again and he wasn't playing much. By Wednsday, Miko was obviously really uncomfortable and home-sick... I brought him into the Vets because me and Di were worried, and even the Vet said it sounded like an ear infection. Miko was yelping and hiding so they had to take him back and give him a sedative...

They actually found a Foxtail in his eardrum!! We think it probably stuck to the outside of his ear, and when he went swimming it was flushed down to his eardrum. I'm VERY glad they got it, because foxtails can travel through the body and end up in eyes, nostrils, or even his heart. I felt so bad for him... he was totally sick (he had a VERY upset tummy too), and he just didn't seem happy at all, so we met Di and gave Miko back. I guess Di did get to go to WA though, so thats cool. =0) anyway, in general I feel horrible about everything, but I guess that happens! Miko was really sweet and funny while he was here... and I got a few pics!

If you want to see all of the *awesome* Herding For Dummies pics Di took, go here (http://www.amens-uz.com/herding.htm)

Here's a few of Di's pics of Gonzo that I looooove ^_^





the boys ;0P

much, much more coming! (you will hate me after this)

07-10-2005, 01:37 PM

the pond


>.< cute little lambies!

wet pups


Seshy herding!


Miko with his ouchie =(

Gonzo trying to dig into the herding pen... and Miko just hangin out

07-10-2005, 01:45 PM
Abby (Corgi) was soo awesome

Gonzo "herding" ducks! LOL

the cutest Sheltie puppy EVER!



Miko on the ride home ~_~




sleeping at home

07-10-2005, 01:53 PM
At the dog park...


handsome boys!




waiting for a cookie ^_~

bobbing for treats

pretty eyes!!

thats all, finally! Also, I forgot to mention this in the first post, but one thing I've learned from this is to *definitely* be cautious in places where you know there's a lot of foxtails/burs. I was picking foxtails out of their tails and legs after the Herding clinic and I thought of that... I know it must've really hurt Miko, poor pup >_<

Buddy Blaze Lover
07-10-2005, 02:02 PM
Aw, Miko and Gonzy look so cute in all those pics! That's so neat they herd too!!:D ((hugs)) especially to handsome Gonzo boy!!:)

07-10-2005, 02:23 PM
Your pictures are wonderful!!! I enjoyed them all. . . . . . . . and I'm on dial up.

07-10-2005, 02:40 PM
I love Miko's markings. Di has done a great job with him, he seems so happy.

Him and Gonzo look like great pals! I bet Gonzo misses having his buddy around.

07-10-2005, 03:13 PM
Awww Miko! Di told me about his ear owie, but I didn't know it was that bad:( I wonder how he's doing right now.

Greyt Pics! Miss Gissie nearly gave a swoon when she saw the first pic of Gonzo. I swear she's fallen into a state of depression during Gonzo's absence.

Oh Gawnzo, all I kood do was sleep and dreem of when we wood be re-yoonited.

Wub Much,

Miss Gissie

Ginger's Mom
07-10-2005, 04:15 PM
Don't hate you at all. The pictures were great. :D
Looks like the Herding Clinic was a lot of fun. At least it looks like the boys had a good time. And, I'm sure Miko enjoyed his stay with you and Gonzo despite his owwie.

07-10-2005, 04:16 PM
MIIIIIKOOO! I'm so glad to hear he's doing better, Di told me about his poor ear and showed me the pics she took a while back. Hehe, he still looks so lanky. What a cutie. :D

Awww, Gonzo! It's so good to see some pictures of him. I love that first one of him that Di took. He's sooo gorgeous. That herding clinic looks like fun, I wonder how Molly would do.. hmm.

Great pics, thanks for sharing them with us! :D

07-10-2005, 04:52 PM
YAY!! Miko pictures...and super cute Gonzo and Seshy pictures!!!

Looks like you all had fun. :)

07-10-2005, 05:21 PM
Great pictures Erica! I enjoyed every one of them:D

07-10-2005, 07:46 PM
thanks for all the comments, you guys!! :D I do think Gonzo misses Miko... but he's a brat, he's used to having everyone's attention all to himself ^_~

Sophie, the vet gave us ear cleaner, ointment, and antibiotics... so I'm sure he's fine by now :) hopefully. Gonzo misses Giselle sooo much! She should come to his B-day party xP he'd loove that!! If only your parents would drive you guys the 1 1/2-2 hours up here... hehe

I was wondering how Molly would do too... probably better then Gonzo :p

07-10-2005, 07:48 PM
Great pics!

07-10-2005, 08:01 PM
YAY! The BCs! I ahve never seen Miko before! Hes so handsome! :D Hello Gonzo and Sesh! Its been a while since I've last seen you guys! Those are awesome pictures Erica! :D

07-11-2005, 07:27 AM
Wonderful pictures!! Its so great to see all the dogs. They are all gorgeous! Uh, why didn't you steal the little sheltie and send it my way ;). Looks like it was a fun day and I also enjoyed seeing the sheep.

Hugs to the furcrew!

07-11-2005, 08:41 AM
Great photos :D, it is wonderful seeing the Borders out giving herding a go, well done.

Thanks for sharing.

07-11-2005, 09:24 AM
Thanks for sharing! I was wondering where you've been....figured now that you have a car you were too busy for us!

07-13-2005, 05:42 PM
Great pictures! That herding clinic looks like it would be neat to do. All of the dogs are so handsome, gotta love those border collies! Sorry to hear about Miko's trouble, I hope he's feeling better now!