View Full Version : Best/fav trick

07-10-2005, 11:41 AM
Kinda stole the idea of the new tricks thing...but what trick is your dogs fav/or what he/she is best at??

Zeke always seems so willing to play dead..I can be like Zeke "do this" and he drops to the floor haha. Or someone can be like oh can I give him a treat and he'll just sit pretty

Josie always does the sit pretty thing too. If you have a treat it's liek an automatic

07-10-2005, 01:05 PM
Currently, Kiara's favorite is "Go to sleep" :rolleyes: Sometimes I'll tell her to roll over or "bang bang", and she'll go to sleep.
And since it's the newest, she gets especially excited about showing of "Throw it away"

Simba's favorite is to sit pretty.

Nala's favorite is to turn, she gets to excited about turning. That and "High five"

07-10-2005, 01:09 PM
~_^ if Gonzo doesn't understand what you're saying, or he's too lazy, he'll just keep shaking your hand with one paw then the other and try to give you high-5's. He is also an obsessive spinner :p like, when I don't throw his ball fast enough, he spins around about 50 times until I do.

07-10-2005, 01:12 PM
Mistys favorits are stick'em up then play dead, its hilarious, she will throw her paws in the air and then litterlly jump up and throw herself on her back, her tounge hanging out the side of her mouth. her other fav is closing the lid and flushing the toilet, you should see the look on her face if I forget and do it myself instead of asking her, her face just drops, then I feel so bad and let her go through the motions of it lol

07-10-2005, 06:05 PM
Shadow - Head down
Micki - Speak! or bow
Mini - she doesn't have a favorite, she hates them all!
Kyra - Hide your eyes or roll over
Jack - Sit pretty or spin and his newest is "lights on" and he will turn on the light switch, he gets really excited about that one!

07-10-2005, 07:16 PM
Kirby doesnt really have a favorite.. but hes picked up on if he he hears a zipper.. he knows that im getting my camera out and gets excited and starts doing play bows and barking.

think hes taking a likeing to get his picture taken. LOL

07-10-2005, 07:18 PM
Not really a trick but its too cute...after Gracie goes out and potties she runs in the house full speed and slides in right in front of the pantry and throws her head back and looks at you as if to say "Now where is my treat" its hilarious..she does it the same way every time.

07-10-2005, 07:43 PM
Awww Gracie sounds adorable!
try to get us a picture of her doing that,, it does sound really cute!

07-10-2005, 07:47 PM
Jesse's favorite trick is to play: Catch me with the ball in mouth! lol!
Other than that, she likes roll over, jump, and back..

07-10-2005, 08:20 PM
Autumn does "dance" which is bouncing around in a circle. So cute but I've yet to get her to go counterclockwise. If I have a treat and I tell her she has to impress me to get it she usually picks dance. She gets so frustrated when I say I'm not impressed and keep the treat so she goes in faster and faster circles.

07-11-2005, 08:17 AM
Clover loves to speak, and Elvies favourite at the moment is "High 5" he offers it all the time now, and is even starting to offer "Damn" which is great :D.

07-11-2005, 12:11 PM
Maggy loves to play fetch, but on top of that, if she puts the ball too far from you, you can tell her, "I can't reach," and she'll roll it closer to you with her little nose. She also understands that command in Spanish!

07-11-2005, 03:07 PM
Now that Nanook is old his favorite is to speak.

Raustyk loves to do anything as long as you are happy with the results. Oh and food is involved. She's a real winner when it comes to pleasing mom. If she were to pick one though I'm sure she'd say lay down cause it's so easy to do. lol She likes to roll over a lot too.

07-11-2005, 03:30 PM
MAXIMUS does the usual stuff...sit, be pretty, down, shake, five, kiss, oh! the newest one is "push". He will push the front door open after you unlock it. He doesn't know it yet, but, "push" is gonna have more meaning later. The best thing he does is get in the shower. Once he knows there's no getting out of it. He looks at the back door to see if it's open (to make a run for it), then, he'll hang his head, and pout the whole way into the tub for his shower.

07-11-2005, 04:25 PM
Maggies fav. is to wave. She will do it when I am taking pics if i have a treat or when she wants a treat. She also does it if you say bye.

Autumn only really likes to sit.

Boo Boo isn't trained real well but he loves to lie down on command.