View Full Version : Happy got to run some flyball :D

07-09-2005, 11:43 PM
lol well the club usually asks me if they can "borrow" Happy as a spare for in town tourniments, so Happy went to a tourny today. they decided the EH! team may need her more then the storm as the this was the first tourny for the storms height dog, and if the height dog did not run, the whole team could not run. unfortinatly for Happy, she only got to run 1 race because she was too fast and made the team breakout :o I mean it does not look good when your team is seeded low in the division, your running against a team that already broke out earlier in the day and you are half a lane ahead of them lol the team was seeded at 19.05 seconds, but Happy had been nowhere near when the team was seeded, when sweep was replaced with Happy, they broke out by a full tenth of a second with 18.04 seconds lol so poor Happer got cut :o they tol my mom that for tomorow her choice is bring Happy and run her full time on storm, or dont bring her. they would love to put Happy on storm and break some records(replacing a slower dog with Happy tends to slice a full second of a teams time) but my mom does not want to run Happy all day, and I can understand, she is used to running small dogs, and Happy is not only large, but she is extremly fast, something that I am used to, but she is not lol

07-10-2005, 06:55 AM
Could you run her Shayna? That would be a shame to not use her to her full potential.

I am glad to hear Happy ran so well, do you know what times she was running?

07-10-2005, 07:36 AM
I don't know anything about flyball-- Happy got cut because she's too fast?:confused: Well, I'll bet she had a blast doing it! Her chance will come!

07-10-2005, 01:02 PM
there are divisions in flyball, differnt times run in different divisions so that the racing is fair, otherwise only 1 team would ever have a chance at winning, the team Happy was placed on was in division 2, teams that were faster then 18.05 had to compete in divsion 1, this team was seeded(the time sent in) at 19.05, but Happy was making the team run 18.04, which puts the team in division 1, and is therefore unfair to the other teams in division 2. make sence? lol

I wish I knew how fast she was running, my mom said she was easily running 3 second times, and she would have had to have been to speed up the team by a full second, when the dog she replaced runs very lows 4's.

my mom eneded up taking Happy and Misty today, last night she told me she was only going to take Happy if another dog went lame or something, unlikley but possable. this morning my mom comes in my room and says Dyna(Happys mom) all of a sudden went lame so she is taking both my dogs. :eek:

07-10-2005, 05:25 PM
update on how it went today lol, Happy was replacing Dyna, on the EH! team today, so obviously they broke out lol they ran a 17.09 :o if the team was in division one that would be exellent, but seeing as it was division 2 that was WAY to fast lol but because they broke out so much they were even denied even a low ranking prize!

Happys breeder was running Happy, she kept poor Happy close to her and everything but an aussie ran over from the other lane and attacked Happy, I have worked REALLY hard to get her over her fear of other dogs, and to trust that whoever she is with will not let another dog attack her, and she will be safe, so she is with someone else and another dog attacks her. I think I may have some work to do getting her to trust other dogs and people AGAIN. :(

07-10-2005, 08:49 PM
Thanks for the explanation and the update. Sorry to hear poor Happy got attacked - is this common? I hope she regains her trust soon. It's great that you are willing to work with her, she seems like such a sweet dog.

07-10-2005, 11:19 PM
no not common, actually its not allowed, it was not a severe attck so it would not have been severly penilized but if a dog actually injured another, that dog would be banned from NAFA(the organization that runs flyball in north america, basicly the dog would be banned from flyball)

Happy is my increda dog lol my mom said everyone wastalking about Happy at practice tonight(for the newbies, not the dogs that just raced lol) my mom said they were all talking about how fast Happy is, and the girl who an her yesterday said she could not believe how Easy Happy is to run, she runs other peoples dogs all te time, she said most get back and start looking for their owner but Happy was like "you released me, I come back to you, duh" lol and Happys breeder who ran her today still cannot get over the fact that Happy runs for nothing lol most dogs if you want any hope of getting them to run properly and fast you need a very inviting reward, try to reward happy and she rejects it. like a good border collie, as far as she is concerned running the coarse IS the reward, she runs fast and without screw up for the sole reason of being able to do it again, after seeing her run again, the club is now begging for Happy back lol

07-11-2005, 06:56 AM
Go Happy, you little star you ;). I am sorry that the other dog interfered though, i hate that :(. A little Boston in one of our teams has had dogs from the other lane chase her down the last couple of comps, but she is still running ok and is not too scared.

Elvis is like Happy he will run for nothing, at training i play with him and the ball that he brings back, but in comp he gets back to me i grab him, he turns around ready to go again :D, it is great.

Oh you would be proud Shayna, Elvis has the best box turn now he gets all 4 legs up and realy pushes off the box, it is awsome to watch and people from other teams want to buy him lol, not likely i told them, then they just wanted to borrow him for next season lol, they were determined.