View Full Version : Help Please!!!

07-09-2005, 06:32 PM
Hi, as most of you know I've had my baby kitten Starr now for a little over a week. He's still battling coccidia and I have enough Albon to last me until around Tues. morning.I'm keeping him in a large dog crate. I noticed the other day that his left eye was getting crusted over and goopy so I've also been putting some antibiotic eye ointment in his eye 2 times a day. It's some medicine that I had left over from Sky back in April.

Now I noticed that his right ear has some white flaky stuff on it and his left foot also has a bald patch and it looks white and scaly looking.:( I haven't seen him scratching these areas but he has a vet appointment tomorrow morning. His right ear has also been very dirty and every time I clean it, the dirt comes back. What does this condition sound like to you? I sure hope it's not ringworm or something else that's contagious.

I was also reading one of my cat books and it said that I should be sanitizing his area every day with hot water and lysol for the coccidia problem so he won't reinfect himself. I thought that Lysol wasn't a good thing to use around animals. I clean his litter box as soon as I notice it's dirty but he loves to play in it and sometimes just sits in it too. I also clean his area daily but I don't sanitize it. It doesn't stay very clean for long because he's constantly scattering litter every where. What else should I be doing? Please help me.:confused:

07-09-2005, 06:59 PM

07-09-2005, 07:04 PM
I posted this a while back about Lysol products,and cats. Clorox, or ammonia is the best disinfectant for killing coccidea in the litterpan. Be sure and soak the scoop as well, or you risk re-infection. Many people I know who are dealing with major coccidea have found that upping the dosage of Albon works better. You may want to buy a few cheap litterpans, and keep rotating them, while one soaks, you can have another one dry and ready for Starr. I sure hope it isn't ringworm on his leg etc. Get out the tinactin (?) just in case. Good luck!

07-09-2005, 11:02 PM
Aww, Tracey....that's the hard/frustrating part of kittens, huh??

Hope the vet gives you good news tomorrow.

Kelly :)

07-10-2005, 06:07 AM
Tracey, with Lizzie and Robbie I bought a stack of thin aluminum baking pans - they were 2 for 88 cents at Wal-Mart. I used small amount of litter, scooped often during the day and threw away the whole pan each day. Easier than trying to scrub the box. I also like QSA's idea of rotating pans and then scrubbing/soaking one and using the other. I do use Lysol but rinse VERY well afterwards. I find bleach so hard to get off with water.

Maybe keep a hand vac or small whisk broom (what I use) and pan for scattered litter control.

Sorry but I don't know about the white flaky patches or what they could be. Please let us know what the vet says, ok? I think I would start using tinactin anyway. I also used this on Liz and Rob.

smokey the elder
07-10-2005, 06:55 AM
Nothing beats good old bleach! This is the gold standard for sanitizing anything bio-hazardous. Just make sure to rinse and rinse some more, since bleach is also quite caustic. The disposable Al trays are a good idea, too. The white spots, however, are more alarming. If they are ringworm, your vet may prescribe high dose Program for ALL your cats; to knock it out of Starr, and to prevent it in the others. I had to do this two years ago; it worked a treat.

Good luck!

07-10-2005, 09:28 AM
Poor Starr and poor you! I don't have anything to add except to say good thoughts and prayers are heading your way that Starr will have a good vet visit and that it isn't anything serious. Feel better soon Starr!! Let us know what the vet says.

07-10-2005, 11:17 AM
Thanks for all of your replies.:) I think that Debbie's idea sounds great because I don't have the time to scrub litter boxes every day. :) I e-mailed Starr's foster mom and one of her other kittens has ringworm but he's been in with both of his brothers and they don't have it. She's offered to treat Starr for me so depending on what the vet says, I may take her up on the offer since I'm going to be out of town from Fri. afternoon to Sun. night. I sure hope that I haven't caught it. I'll update you as soon as I know anything.

07-10-2005, 12:10 PM
I've got a bottle of Albon that I can send you if you need more. Let me know.

07-10-2005, 12:30 PM
Poor little Star! I'm hoping and praying that there's nothing serious going on here. All you can really do is see what your vet says, and don't be afraid to ask questions! Please let us know what your vet says? Lovebug to Star, feel better soon, little sweetie!

Maya & Inka's mommy
07-10-2005, 01:18 PM
I have no idea, so I am glad you will be seeing a vet tomorrow! Please let little Starr be healthy asap, he is such a doll!!

07-11-2005, 01:33 AM
Well I have both good news and bads. Starr doesn't have coccidia any more but he does have ringworm.:( His foster mom had e-mailed a reply to me before I took him to the vets and she said that he probably had it because she has an infected kitten with it now. Even though she tries to be as careful as she can, she some how gave it to Starr. The 2 brothers in with the kitten with ringworm don't have it though and so far the 2 kittens that were in with Starr don't have it either. The foster mom doesn't have it yet either.

She offered to treat him for me and since I'm going out of town this weekend I decided to let her do it. I did have him checked out by the vet to confirm everything and I bought the special shampoo and spray for him too. It may take at least 2 weeks before he's not contagious any more and it could take up to 4 weeks. He was very scared at the vets and was kind of scared back at his foster mom's house. He knows I'm his new mommy and it was so hard to say goodbye to him. I'm going to miss him terribly:( but I know that I needed to separate him from my other furkids.

Just to be safe, I gave Storm, Sunny, and Sky a bath today. I put some of the special shampoo in a spray bottle and added some water to it and then put them in my shower and sprayed them down. I had to leave this on them for 10 minutes and then I filled up a pitcher of water to rinse them off. Sky was the easiest and Storm sounded like I was killing him.:rolleyes: I took some pictures and will start a new thread about my wet humiliated boys.;) I also bleached Starr's dog crate and the carrier he was in and I sprayed the areas where he's been with some antifungal mixture that the foster mom gave me. I also threw out the few toys that Starr was playing with and I'll wash his bed too. This sure wasn't the kind of weekend that I had planned.:rolleyes:

Thanks again for all of your help and nice comments.:)