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07-09-2005, 02:42 PM
Queen Chyna's dog, Hanson, has passed away.





Hanson was the best golden retriever ever. He lived on a farm with 3 other dogs, one he was particularly fond of, Zoe.
He was only around 4 years old. He was a good hunting dog, a fun water-retrieving dog, a good protector dog. Most of all, he was a good friend.
Hanson would allow himself to be dressed up. He would follow you if you went somewhere. He would always fetch, he would jump on bails. He would comfort you if you were sad. He was full of energy, a lively, happy dog who loved his freedom.

Hanson was the best dog. He used to belong to Sheldon, one of Katherine (Queen Chyna)'s friends. When Sheldon moved, he gave Hanson to Katherine. Sheldon used to visit them, and I was always so excited to see Hanson if I was over there. When Hanson came to live with them a couple years ago, I was ecstatic. He was the greatest dog. Katherine, Hanson and I would go out late at night, and lie on the picnic table looking at the stars. He was so friendly and such a wonderful, wonderful friend. I will miss him so much, and so will Katherine's family.

07-09-2005, 02:47 PM
How sad !!!! :( So young too. What happened? Please accept my sympathy and condolences. Rest in Peace Pretty Hanson. You will be forever loved and missed.
Play hard at Rainbow Bridge and watch over your family. My RB Shadow will be waiting at the gate to show you around and be your pal.

R.I.P. Hanson sweetheart

07-09-2005, 05:59 PM
Hanson, you have the sweetest face. I'm hoping you're having a blast at the RB. Sorry you had to leave this world so soon. I know you'll be missed.

07-09-2005, 06:02 PM
Rest in peace, Hanson. Another Golden angel now at the Rainbow Bridge.

07-09-2005, 06:17 PM
I'm so sorry. :( Rest in Peace Hanson.

07-09-2005, 07:01 PM
Play hard at the Rainbow Bridge Hanson:(

07-09-2005, 08:25 PM
This is a sad sad day :( R.I.P. Hanson :(

07-09-2005, 10:44 PM
Oh, this just rips my heart to hear :(. What a most handsome golden he was, with such a beautiful smile. He always knew just what was needed to bring a smile or comfort. He was truly a very special friend and companion, and will be missed dearly.

Play hard at the bridge, dearest Hanson. Dive in the lakes and roll in the meadows at the Rainbow Bridge as you await your very special human on earth. What a beautiful reuinion that will be. Watch over your Mom Hanson, she loves and misses you so.

07-09-2005, 11:56 PM
Oh, what a handsome boy Hanson was.. he sure was a cutie. I'm so sorry to hear this, Maria. :(

Have fun at The Rainbow Bridge, sweet Golden boy.

07-10-2005, 01:57 AM
Thank you everyone..I will try to see if I can show this to Katherine. I just can't understand how this is affecting me so much.
Me feeling so bad - I don't think I could begin to imagine what she's feeling.

Here is a picture of us last Halloween.

Me, Hanson, Katherine.


07-10-2005, 02:34 AM
I'm so sorry for you, Katherine, and anyone who knew and loved Hanson. He was a handsome boy, for sure, and will be deeply missed.

Have fun at the bridge, sweet boy...

07-10-2005, 02:41 AM
I am so sorry for this loss. Play Hard at the Bridge.

07-11-2005, 07:42 PM
hi everyone, i know, i have not posted for a long time, but, things have been very busy for me, and the whole thing with Hanson! well, i am very sad, and thatnk you so much to maria, for doing all of this!
this summer has been so hard for me, mariaM and i are not going to the same school anymore, so that makes me sad, and my brother is moving out, so that also makes me sad, but yes, i was at camp, and then when my dad picked me up, he told me the news, and i just started crying, and i was so mad, it all happened when i was away! when i left i never knew that i would never see him again! so now, i go on and on, wondering, why, but thats just the way things go, and i am sure he is happy on the rainbow bridge! GODDBYE MY SWEET!!!!!!! i love you HANSON:(
i thank you all for your sympathies!


Buddy Blaze Lover
07-12-2005, 01:57 PM
Oh that is so sad!:( Hanson was definitely a beautiful boy, and I know he will be dearly missed!! RIP sweet guy!!:(

07-13-2005, 11:14 AM
I am missing him so much, i feel so incomplete, i just can't believe it still...but it is hard to realize, i will go outside, and Hanson would come running to the door whenever he heard it open, but there is no Hanson, it is just weird, i am used to him to do something, but it never happens anymore, its hard to explain this feeling, but the sadness is so hard! I am trying to remember all the happy times we shared, sometimes it makes it better, and sometimes it makes things worse...

07-13-2005, 11:15 PM
The lost you have endured, Queen Chyna, is so dramatic and sad. :( I'm so sorry that your good friend, Hanson, is gone. He was a very handsome Golden boy. My heart is just breaking for you.



07-15-2005, 12:41 AM
thank you, it is hard, but all of your sympathies make it better...
things are just never the same!:(

07-16-2005, 12:58 AM
here is another picture of him!


I miss him so much! :(

07-18-2005, 09:14 AM
I'm so sorry to hear this he was a beautiful boy who sounds like he had the most wonderful personality.
I'm sure he'll be missed by everyone he knew.

07-18-2005, 11:00 AM
yes, well i kow that Zoe misses him alot to! poor girl! they were best friends!

07-18-2005, 01:55 PM
Oh I'm so sorry to hear of your loss, I can't imagine what could have happened to end such a young sweet life. How hard this all must be on you.

Play Hard Sweet Boy :(

07-18-2005, 02:08 PM
Happy fun at the RB sweet, handsome, Hanson

07-19-2005, 12:41 AM
the one thing that really makes me mad, my brothers are so mean sometimes, and they didn't even like Hanson, my brother has no idea what i am going through~ he says stuff like "Oh, who cares about the stupid dog!" and i will just start crying! he just has no idea about it! he doesn't care about the animals very much, so he just doesn't have feelings for them like i do!:( it is just horrible!!! i absoloutly hate it when he does stuff like that!

08-12-2005, 02:48 AM
QueenChyna, just ignore your brothers. You have your whole PT family here for you.

I know that no words can completely take away your sorrow, and it will take time to heal. Just know that Hanson loved you just as much as you loved him. He died knowing that you were happy, so that made him happy.(((((HUGS)))))

R.I.P. Hanson, watch over your mom and let her know you are still listening to her.

Steph and Jes

08-18-2005, 01:23 AM
I had a dream about you last night Hanson, you were running happy with Major. :(

08-18-2005, 01:46 AM
oh Hanson, I know you are listening, and i love you so much, i think about you soo much! i am always thinking about you, and i still dream of you! its hard to stay happy, when something so sad happens! thanx you guys, i don't know what i would do without all of this support!:)
i luv you guys!

08-18-2005, 03:12 PM
Darling, I am so sorry for your loss. :( Hanson was so handsome.

RIP sweet boy. :(

08-19-2005, 01:45 AM
oh thanx!
i had a dream about hanson, last night. he came back, and he was so happy, and i was crying joyful tears! and i never could let him go! and where ever i went, he came and stayed! he was so loyal in my dream, and he was in real life too! I MISS YOU BUD! AND I LOVE YOU SOO MUCH!
i have been thinking about you so much lately, everything reminds me of you,a dn i just start to cry...:(
i know you are having fun on the the bridge, btu watch over me, make sure i am safe, as always!