View Full Version : New tricks anyone?

07-09-2005, 07:37 AM
Hi everyone

After Kay posted Kiara's new trick it gave me an idea. What new tricks or commands have your dogs learnt lately.

Elvis has learnt a few newies....

High 5
Damn (He is in a drop/ lie down and slams one of his front paws on the ground/ floor) it is hilarious :D.
He can fetch his little plastic red wagon now.
And i am teaching him to fetch his ring toys and put them back on the post, like quoites (Spl?).
He learnt the "Finish of Recall" in obedience class over the last couple of months.

Clover has learnt...
High 5 and we started working on "Damn" when i got home this afternoon.

Elvis, Clover and i are entering back into Obedience trials again in August, Elvis for the first time and Clover back in again after a break.

So any new tricks, anyone? Photos & videos encouraged ;).

07-10-2005, 06:08 AM
People other than Kay and myself don't train their dogs these days? :(

07-10-2005, 06:10 AM
You know what they say about old dogs, girl. Duke knows a few but I honestly haven't even tried teaching him any new ones.

07-10-2005, 06:45 AM
Lol i know Clover is having "Issues" now where she is not enthuasiatic about learning new tricks, obedience commands are fine and she picks them up quite easily.

{{Hugs}} For Duke ;).

07-10-2005, 06:57 AM
I have been working on the obediance commands so I haven't taught Snowy any fun tricks - shame on me :p
Snowy has now moved on to the intermediate class and being the newest she's the only one who hasn't mastered the send away command... well doesn't mind that.. she doesn't even fetch properly but we're working on it :D

07-10-2005, 09:05 AM
I think Kiara's next trick will be something more challenging. She loves to learn.

Her most current tricks:

Go to sleep (She lays down and puts her head down)
Throw it away (throwing away the trash)

Nala and Simba still love to learn too, but they don't like to do the complicated tricks, only to simple ones that earn them a treat or two. :p So, i've been working on silly little commands with them, making them wait longer for treats, making them look me in the eye before getting a treat, ect..

In this picture she was doing her "go to sleep" trick:

07-10-2005, 09:10 AM
My girls don't know a single trick...lol. They are very spoiled. They only know basic commands and aren't too good at that either...lol

07-10-2005, 09:15 AM
Originally posted by RobiLee
My girls don't know a single trick...lol. They are very spoiled. They only know basic commands and aren't too good at that either...lol

Send em to Florida. ;)

The other day I taught my friend's dog Cohl, to roll over. My friend said that she was "sooo untrainable" within minutes I had Cohl rolling over for me. :p

07-10-2005, 11:37 AM
Zeke has been learning new stuff...

Well, I don't know what exactly is 'new' now
If something is on the floor, I can tell zeke to go pick it up...he will go get it and bring it to me. I've been trying to teach him weird objects so he'll pick up whatever I ask.

He seems to know crawl well now too...although I never really practiced with him

bang bang..where he plays dead.

Recall. He does this now too. (come, sit in front of me...then go into heel position)

Zeke is soo easy to train. He works for me and not treats. As long as I tell him how much I love him and snuggle with him and play around, he's sooo happy to do it. Someone told me Zeke has the personality that I can do anything with.

I haven't been working with Josie much. Although she'll do anything for treats, I just feel she is good with what she knows already. She is a lot better at obedience than Zeke as is.

Zeke playing dead

Zeke crawling

07-10-2005, 11:52 AM
Hannah is quite resistant and likes to do things *her way*. My two previous dogs before Hannah could do lots of tricks and people who came to my house always wanted to see their routines. I of course thought I was hot stuff in the dog training department. Then came Ms Hannah with a mind of her own and who constantly wanted to reinforce that I was not the boss of her. So much for me being any good at training dogs.

Anyway, yesterday after buying her a new purple ball at PetsMart Hannah amazed me by completing a retrieve by bringing the ball back within my reach. Previously when retrieving she would bring it to a yard or so away, so I would have to come get it from there. She is going to be 10 years old in November, so maybe her ornery ways are mellowing a bit.

I know this isn't a new or interesting trick of any kind, but after all this time with the incomplete retrieves, it was worth mentioning. :rolleyes:

07-10-2005, 06:16 PM
Originally posted by Kfamr

The other day I taught my friend's dog Cohl, to roll over. My friend said that she was "sooo untrainable" within minutes I had Cohl rolling over for me. :p

Kay, that sounds just like me! :p My friend couldn't teach her dog to shake, I went over there to teach her to shake and before I was finished I had her spinning and rolling over too!

Jack's new trick is turning on the light, It took him maybe 5 minutes to get the hang of it. When I say "lights on" he runs to the nearest light switch and turns it on...it is very cute!I have also been teaching him to jumprope, he will jump when I say "Boing" but would rather play tug with the rope :rolleyes: He just loves learning new things and I enjoy teaching him!

07-10-2005, 06:21 PM
I haven't taught them anything new lately, I haven't been able to think of anything else to teach her. Maybe this thread will give me a few ideas.....

07-10-2005, 06:37 PM
recently I have been working with Happy to run through a hula hoop as its rolling, she cant do it yet, but she is getting there lol with Misty I have mainly just been doing extra practice on her older tricks, but I have been working on teaching her to stay put when I am playing with another dog, and to calm down, she is very mouthy and likes to grab toys to fast, so last night I started working with her on "touch" and "drop it" 2 things she already knows but having her "drop" the toy then lay down, and tap it with her paw, I dont think it has worked to calm her down much.. lol she is anything but delicate as she drops the toy throws herself to the ground and slaps the toy as hard as she can :rolleyes:

I dont know what Blair has learned new, I wont kniw that till my mom shows me lol but perky recently learned to crawl backwards, now everytime I tell her "down" she drops to the ground and starts crawling backwards, its funny lol and Ripley is not to bright and not to keen on learning new trick, she has a hard enugh time rembering the old ones without adding new ones lol

07-10-2005, 07:17 PM
We can now tell Gracie to go get her "chicken" and she does..its her fav toy. We used to say "go get the ball" and she would just randomly pick a toy out of her toy box..but she does know that darn chicken!

07-10-2005, 07:30 PM
Lets see... well Kirby has tought himself a new trick.. when he hears a zlipper,, he knows its me getting into my camera bag,, and gets all excited. :D

his newest trick is to sit where i want him to.. ill just point at the ground/floor,, and he'll come over to where i have my finger and sit.

and heres one one picky with.. its not really a trick. but after hes done eating,, he must bark at me to hop up in my lap before he even thinks about getting up in his bed. if he gets up in his bed without barking at me to hopup in my lap first,, i set him down on the floor and hes not allowed in his bed untill he barks to get up.

yes i now.. im weird...LOL

07-11-2005, 01:26 AM
LOL the "damn" trick really cracked me up, I may have to teach Nebo that. :D

I haven't really taught him any new ones lately. :o I guess the latest is I'll ask him questions such as "Are you cute? Do you want a treat?" and he'll do this little playbow and howl. It's so freaking cute but he won't do it all the time, only when he's really happy.

He loves to play dead. Half of the time I just ask him to sit and he'll play dead, he's a dork.