View Full Version : ANGRY and Sad, please help!

07-08-2005, 10:30 PM
I AM SO FRIGGEN MAD!!!!!!!!!!!

The "Zooman" told me that I could adopt another hedgie, but they were too young yet, so I've waited and waited, he hadn't emailed me back!

Tonight, I emailed him asking how the baby hedgies are doing, and guess what, he says that NONE are up for adoption!!! We were looking forward to this SO much, and now my family and I are mad, and I guess that I'm crying right now, cause, well, I miss Pepper, and I wanted another hedgie to be in our family again!

I hate this so much! This is the first time I have actually had to post how angry I am, could I please have some PT support?

Steph and Jes

ps. Thank you very much for even just taking time to read!

07-08-2005, 10:35 PM
Oh, so sorry! I am sure there is a hedgie out there who needs you, and you will find each other soon. And now you know never to trust this guy again.

Heeere hedgie hedgie!

07-08-2005, 10:55 PM
I'm sorry I know how hard that can be. When Alexa and I were looking at dogs we had a similar situaiton with a foster dog that we were looking at. It's crushing when someone gets your hopes up and then lets you down. But don't worry, just like how Alexa and I found the perfect doggie I know you will find the perfect hedgie!

07-08-2005, 11:19 PM
Thanks you two, I have another problem, that happened just now..My dad and I got in a fight and the dogs were barking and he was trying to sleep..They hate being in their kennels, but we are all supposed to be asleep. Well, Sammy, isn't used to the kennel so she barks frequently, now my dad is threatning to shoot them. I know he won't but, he will give them away. What do I do, my life is falling apart...

07-08-2005, 11:20 PM
Aww, I am sorry!

If you are intrested, there is a VERY sweet lady on another forum that I lurk around, and she breeds hedgies! Last I heard, she had a few available-- the are beautiful, too!


07-09-2005, 01:14 AM
Tiah, thank you very much!

I found one baby that I liked and before I can adopt, I have asked her a few questions. I'm very glad you gave me that website!

I still am sooooo mad at the Zooman though. Half of me wants to email him again, but the other half is telling me, no, keep your cool! Oh, this is so hard! I really hope that I can adopt that little sweetie!

Here is her pic:

She is supposed to be a cinnamon or a brown when she gets bigger!

Steph and Jes