View Full Version : mane and tail shampoo

07-08-2005, 11:49 AM
I'm switching my dogs to Mane and Tail shampoo and was wondering if anyone knows if you can use this on cats?


07-08-2005, 12:54 PM
When my son was working as a stable manager at a horse farm, it was used on the horses with great results. However, its use was not recommended for other animals. You may want to ask your vet just to be sure. It may be too harsh for a sweet little kitty

07-08-2005, 12:56 PM
I'm not sure if it would be gentle enough for cats. Dawn dishwashing soap is great for washing kitties, it's very mild and makes their coat beautiful. I know lots of people who show their kitties will use Dawn to bathe them. I also use Dawn to bathe my rats and I've never had any problems.

07-08-2005, 01:04 PM
Mane & Tail Shampoo is made of a very harsh detergent that is for coarse hair. It will be to harsh for your kitties skin and will most likely cause dry spot called Hot Spots by Vet's. Thus requiring additional monies in vet bills to treat the hot spot. Dawn is siad to be the best thing over the counter to wash kitties in. You may also try Ivory Laundry detergent. We used it in the good ole days for our baby clothes becuase it is so mind and does not irriate the delicate skin. Good Luck!

07-08-2005, 03:07 PM
I'm a hairstylist and I used to train and show horses(in my younger days) and I use mane and tail shampoo on my own hair, with a warm stale beer rinse. I also use wisk laundry detergent, as a hair detox before perms and colors, and every so offten I use it also on my dogs when their coat has been dulled and heavy. I would never use it on my cats though! They perfer to give their own baths:eek:

07-08-2005, 04:21 PM


07-08-2005, 04:57 PM
Thanks everyone! I'd never thought of using Dawn on them. I've used it in the past when we had a guinea pig, but never really thought of using it for my cats. Makes sense. Based on what everyone has posted I think I'll skip the mane and tail for them, the last thing I need is a vet trip for skin problems that could have easily been avoided. Thanks again!:)

07-09-2005, 04:45 PM
I dont want to sound stupid here, but I'm just curious as to why you would bath a cat. I've never bathed a cat before because they stay clean in the house and bath themselves. Unlike dogs that have a natural oil and can smell pretty bad after awhile. Now I have had to bath kittens that have come from the barn and have sheep poo poo on them:p but other than that, my cats would never speak to me again if I put them in water! LOL!

07-11-2005, 10:16 AM
My roomate has mild cat allergies. She's not so severe that she can't be around them, but if I don't give them a bath about once a month she starts getting really conjested. The longer they go without a bath the worse she gets. Since their indoor only my options are either bath them, get rid of them, or keep them locked in a room. Since the last 2 aren't an option the compromise is they get a bath. Although I'm not sure which they'd choose sometimes, since that's usually when I trim their claws as well!:D

07-11-2005, 10:20 AM
I use Mane & Tail on MY hair...and have for years...it is not harsh at all...I have long hair and I am not one bit shy to say it is one of my best features..I have always gotten lots of compliments on my hair..my daughter uses it too...

Don't know how it would be on animals other than horses...I don't use it on Gracie..she has her own shampoo/conditioner