View Full Version : Possum killer? (kinda long)

07-08-2005, 11:10 AM
Last year we found probably 6 or so dead, young possums in our fenced in back yard. Not all at the same time but spread out over the summer months. We thought that maybe Quki, our only indoor/outdoor cat, was killing them as they were pretty small.

Well we got home last night and as I was getting ready to release the dogs into the back yard, they are kenneled all day, When I see what I thought was Quki laying dead in our back yard. After getting a closer look I realize that it's a possum and a HUGE one at that. Now, I know Quki couldn't have done it because 1-she was in the garage all day and 2-there's no way she could have fought that thing. So, my conclusion, one of my dogs is a possum killer and probably did it when I let them out yesterday morning before kenneling for the day.

I have a feeling that it's Niki my BC, (far right in my siggy), but I'm afraid I'll never know. Also can possums climb things? As I said my yard is completely fenced.

My dogs are vaccinated so I don't worry too much about disease but geesh how can I stop this without having to monitor them the whole time they're out? It's very dark too.

07-08-2005, 11:27 AM
LeahMM writes:

I have a feeling that it's Niki my BC, (far right in my siggy), but I'm afraid I'll never know. Also can possums climb things? As I said my yard is completely fenced.

Yep they can. Murph was outside late one night and started just a barking up a storm. I went out to get him and he was jumping up on the fence, while barking. I was so busy trying to catch him, I didn't pay any attention to what he was actually barking at. When I finally nabbed him right next to the fence, I was quite surprised when I looked up at the fence to find myself nose to nose with a possum. Scared the bejabbers out of me.


07-08-2005, 01:12 PM
Rocky catches possums too. :(
Since the possums usually come out at night,
I try to make sure Rocky is in the house
by 8:30 p.m. The cerfew has been working
out fairly well.

07-08-2005, 11:02 PM
Star's killed a several possums too. Little and big. Yes, they're good climbers. As mentioned, they are nocturnal, but I don't know how you would stop a dog whose intent on getting one. When we first moved in, both my dogs dashed to the edge of the woods and began digging furiously at a compost pile - then Star drug out a HUGE possum and started shaking it by the back of the neck - ugh- it pooped all over her and then went limp. (She was the center of attention at the dogpark that night! They ALL wanted to smell her! ) I went to move the body the next morning, but guess what? It must have been playing possum cause it was nowhere around--haven't seen it since- LOL!

07-09-2005, 06:02 AM
Yep in fact the beloved dog I had put down this past March Melissa was a keen possum killer!

Her brother Pugslee kills moles, mice, rats.

They are really the pest control around here, I haven't seen their mom Sheba or sister Sunny kill anything yet LOL