View Full Version : Moving in with my parents?

02-18-2002, 11:50 AM
My wife and I are building a home and our current house has sold so that means we need to move in with my parents until our house is done. At our current house we have a pretty nice fenced in yard were my Brittany "Brinna" is able to run free and have fun. My parents do not have a fenced in yard, but do have an Australian Shepherd that goes out on a leash when let out. I can't really trust Brinna off a leash and let her run free and my parents will let their dog. I am wondering what others would do in this circumstance. I just don't want to chain her up every time she goes out!
We move out of our current house March 15th and our house should be built in June for us to move in. So that is around 3-4 months living with my parents.
I'm just very concerned with Brinna and will she get the running around, enough exercise and attention she got at our current house. Any feedback on this situation would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks Brook

02-18-2002, 12:51 PM
Congratulations on your new home to be.
If Brinna will be staying inside the house,
I would just make sure she would be getting
plenty of daily leash walks. You can buy one
of those re-tractible leashes and take her to some
open space. If She will not be inside, can
you purchase or build a temperory GOOD size
chain link secure dog run with shelter?
It might cost you a couple of hundred to make, but
at least you will have the peace of mind that she will not run off. You will still need to take her for plenty of walks and you
can take down the dog run when you move back to your
new home.
My brother-law lives in a place where you are not allowed to
fence your property. He is on his 2nd Golden Retreiver.
She is a house dog, and he takes her for plenty of
walks and jogs with him. I would have suggested
a friends yard or a kennel but that would be to
long of a period for Brinna.

02-18-2002, 12:55 PM
Are there any dog parks around? Or any fenced in areas where dogs are allowed off leash? That would be a great place to take Brinna and let her run her energy off without being restricted to a leash. There's an internet site with off leash dog parks listed for every state. I think the addy is www.dogpark.com

Good luck!

02-18-2002, 01:43 PM
You know Brinna is an inside dog and she will stay that way. It just is so simple to let her out and let her run with a fenced in yard.
I do jog with her 3 times a week and will have to let her go running in some fields near by. We do this once in a while and she points and chases pheasants all over :-) It's great for her and fun for me so we'll be doing more of that.

02-18-2002, 03:41 PM
I currently broke up with my boyfriend, so myself and my Husky/Austrailian Cattle Dog mix had to move back in with my parents.

They do not have a fenced in yard and Kia will take off if she's not on a leash. I didn't want to do it, but I have to tie her up if she's to go outside. She doesn't seem to mind it.

Currently, Lansing is working on building a dog park. Hopefully it will have a fenced in area where she can run off leash. Until then, Kia either has to be tied up, (It's a long lead so she has access to most of the 2 acre yard), or put into a cage we set up for her. It's not huge but she can move around off leash.

Good luck.

02-18-2002, 07:02 PM
For the first three years of Hannah's life I took her out on a 15 - 20 foot leash to take care of her business. Morning, noon and night, any time she had to go, I was out there with her. For exercise I would put her on a 30' leash and let it drag on the ground. She could run after her kong and play just like she were free. If she started to go for the lot line, I was after her like a shot. With the line dragging on the ground, all I would have to do was to step on it to stop her. If she did manage to get out of the yard, I could get her before she got too far. No, it wasn't easy, no it wasn't ideal and I got more than one rope burn on my legs (which became infected) because I didn't jump out of the way of the dragging leash which would catch me as Hannah tore after her kong. Eventually we did get our yard fenced in and it has been the best money we ever spent, keeping other dogs out as well as keeping our dogs in. But in the process of taking Hannah out, it opened me up to the enjoyment of being outside in all kinds of weather and all times of the day. The routine of going out with my dog early in the morning and late at night turned out to be rather enjoyable instead of just a chore.