View Full Version : Snowys Sick - Help?

07-07-2005, 03:18 PM
Snowy has had bad diarrhea since Saturday. We called the vet and she said we should put her on a diet of white rice and beef. She likes the beef, but won't eat the rice. She also isn't drinking much, but we did get her to drink a little soup broth.

If she doesn't start eating or drinking more my mom said we can take her to the vet either today or tomorrow.

And ideas on what she might like to eat/drink? I even tried getting her to drink with a baby bottle, but she didn't.

Any help would be appreciated!

07-07-2005, 03:23 PM
If she's been sick since Sat. I'd bring her to the vet.

How old is she?
What breed?
Is she UTD on vaccines?

07-07-2005, 03:25 PM
If she's got a simple upset digestive system, she won't want to eat. But it should settle in a few days. Dogs can go much longer without food than they can without water.

If she's not drinking, she needs to see a vet asap! Dehydration can get dangerous very quickly. I almost lost Preacher once to dehydration. After only a couple days of not drinking, his kidneys and liver were shutting down from dehydration. How much less is she taking in than she usually does? Is she vomitting too? Is she lethargic?

07-07-2005, 03:27 PM
My mom is calling the vet right now. The thing is, she isn't acting sick. The vet thinks it might have been the stress of leaving her (we were on vacation) but that wasn't the case. She goes to the best dog sitter she could - she visits her dog mom, dad, and sister.

She is 4 years old.
Bichon/Maltese Cross

She is up to date on all of her vaccines. The one thing that we didn't vaccinate her against was Giardia. (sp?) And we went swimming in a lake about 2 weeks ago.

07-07-2005, 03:31 PM
I hope Snowy gets better soon.

And even though she loves the dog sitter, she still could have been a little stressed out when you were away. I don't know if it would make her that sick, but you never know.

Get well soon Snowy!

07-07-2005, 03:33 PM
Originally posted by Glacier
If she's got a simple upset digestive system, she won't want to eat. But it should settle in a few days. Dogs can go much longer without food than they can without water.

If she's not drinking, she needs to see a vet asap! Dehydration can get dangerous very quickly. I almost lost Preacher once to dehydration. After only a couple days of not drinking, his kidneys and liver were shutting down from dehydration. How much less is she taking in than she usually does? Is she vomitting too? Is she lethargic?

My mom just took her on a walk and she drank a little. I gave her an ice cube and she licked it, so she is getting some fluids. I'm making more soup broth right now for her.

The thing is, she doesn't act sick. Shes running around, barking at people, and just acting normal.

When my moms off the phone I'll ask her if shes bringing Snowy to the vet or not. (Or I'll atleast call the vet and find out what else I can do)

07-07-2005, 03:36 PM
Good luck with the cutie.

Its amazing sometimes how well they can hide illnesses. If I had bad diarrhea & not eating/drinking much for 5 days I know I wouldn't be able to run around & bark. lol

07-07-2005, 03:38 PM
Originally posted by chrissycat21
The thing is, she doesn't act sick. Shes running around, barking at people, and just acting normal.

If she's acting normal, I would tend to support the stress theory. Did she get different food at the sitter? That could upset her little system.

When Preacher was dangerously dehydrated, he was very lethargic too and not at all like his usual self!

07-07-2005, 03:41 PM
Originally posted by Glacier
If she's acting normal, I would tend to support the stress theory. Did she get different food at the sitter? That could upset her little system.

When Preacher was dangerously dehydrated, he was very lethargic too and not at all like his usual self!

I'm not sure what type of food she had there. I know that they used to use the same that we do, but I can always call and check.

This is just really confusing, I'm so worried about her, but she is acting fine. I'm such a worry-wart. :o I'm probably going to sleep on the air mattress down stairs again, since she isn't allowed up incase she has an accident.

07-07-2005, 03:49 PM
Oh I hope it's nothing and she gets rid of the diarrhea soon.

Daisy and Delilah
07-07-2005, 04:03 PM


07-07-2005, 05:03 PM
I hope you feel better soon. :(

07-07-2005, 05:09 PM
I just thought I'd share what we've been dealing with with Skye

She is a stress disorder - she gets a bacterial infection and has long, bad bouts of diaherra for days until we get some meds in her. She acts totally normal and healthy, but just has a lot of diaherra. Her drinking does slow a bit, but we can still get some liquid in her. She gets "colitis" that can be diagnosed with a simple stool sample. Then she goes on Metronidazole for a few days and changes to a low-residue food. This clears it up in no time.

I wanted to post this because it sounds a lot like what happens with Skye. She did this when I was away on vacation and she was home with my family and also again when she came with me to Florida just about a week ago. Leaving home stressed her out a bit and made her sick again. It is something we will always battle, but we know what causes it and how to fix it. I would definitely try to take Snowy to the vet just to make sure that there is no bacteria and if there is, then a quick antibiotic will clear it all up :)

Feel better Snowy!!!!!

Queen of Poop
07-07-2005, 05:14 PM
Maybe try some oatmeal. When my Sami would get sick and wouldn't eat the rice mix she would sometimes eat oatmeal (porridge). Hope Snowy feels better soon.

07-07-2005, 05:35 PM
Thanks for telling me about that, Shutterbug.

Snowy is going to the vet tomorrow, unless over night she magicly becomes better.

Queen of Poop- If I can find some plain oatmeal, I'll try that!

Also, thank you for all the good wishes.

07-07-2005, 05:48 PM
We're keeping paws crossed Snowy is ok - just something minor. The fact that she's acting pretty normal is a good sign. Good luck at the vet's.

07-07-2005, 07:23 PM
Thanks. :)

I got Snowy to drink more and to suck on an ice cube. So I guess thats progress? Hopefully she'll just continue to get better, and we can hopefully save h er from a stressful trip to the vet. But, if she isn't 100% by tomorrow (which I kind of doubt) we'll be at the vet office after they re-open from their lunch break.

She is acting perfectly fine, she just ran five laps full speed around the backyard and is now tied up out front with my mom and my sisters (I was out there, too, but I decided to update). So, hopefully it is something very minor!

07-08-2005, 07:40 AM
Originally posted by shutterbug0303
I just thought I'd share what we've been dealing with with Skye

She is a stress disorder - she gets a bacterial infection and has long, bad bouts of diaherra for days until we get some meds in her. She acts totally normal and healthy, but just has a lot of diaherra. Her drinking does slow a bit, but we can still get some liquid in her. She gets "colitis" that can be diagnosed with a simple stool sample. Then she goes on Metronidazole for a few days and changes to a low-residue food. This clears it up in no time.

I wanted to post this because it sounds a lot like what happens with Skye. She did this when I was away on vacation and she was home with my family and also again when she came with me to Florida just about a week ago. Leaving home stressed her out a bit and made her sick again. It is something we will always battle, but we know what causes it and how to fix it. I would definitely try to take Snowy to the vet just to make sure that there is no bacteria and if there is, then a quick antibiotic will clear it all up :)

Feel better Snowy!!!!!

Buddy gets the same thing, normally after the 4th of July or after a few days of thunder storms when I can't give him his tranquillizers quick enough.

I hope Snowy is feeling better soon!

07-08-2005, 09:20 AM
Now I know she isn't feeling good; she just completely ignored her food. This is the same thing we have been feeding her since my mom talked to the vet, about 4 days ago, and normally atleast the meat is gone in minutes.

She also snapped at me. (Which she has never done)

I think one of her legs is hurting her, she has been licking it and holding it funny. I'm not sure if she is limping though.

Well, she's going to the vet today...:(

07-08-2005, 11:56 AM

My mom just called from the vet's office. Snowy has a bacterial infection, so we got the medicine for her. She should be back to her old self soon! :D

07-08-2005, 12:05 PM
I'm glad you guys found out the causes of making poor Snowy sick, Sorry she's feeling down.

Keep us updated on how she's doing!