View Full Version : Can I share my Mom's dogs? 4 pics

07-07-2005, 02:25 PM
Since this is such a friendly group, I feel so comfortable sharing pictures of some more special dogs in my life.

I have mentioned my Mom's dogs in another post (I think) if not, I'm sure I will one day.

Here they are:

First, there is Bonita, Bonnie for short aka Momma Dog. She is the sweetest dog I have ever seen. She loves to snuggle, yet is very playful at the same time. She hates for you to scold her and will try very hard to get back into your good graces if you're upset with her. She's getting old now (14) and is starting to loose her hearing, vision and bladder control. However, she's still our spunky little monkey.

Next came Brandee. She is our pound puppy. We adopted her after one of Bonnie's puppies had to be put down because of severe epilpsy. My mom lives in New Mexico where there are many Native American reservations which are plagued with stray dogs. Someone saw Brandee as a 3 month old puppy being attacked by her littler mates and other children, so they took her to the local shelter. She looked terrible! She had patches of fur missing, very wire-like fur and totally unsocialized. They should have fostered her before putting her up for adoption. When we first saw her, she wanted nothing to do with us. She would cower and hide if we got close to her, but I couldn't resist those big doe eyes of hers. She needed a lot of time to interact with us, get a collar on and even a leash. Years later (10 to be exact) she is the smartest, sweetest dog I've ever had the pleasure of being owned by. She still doesn't like little boys, but is a great dog regardless.
Next came Emma Leigh. She is the second puppy of Bonnie's second litter. Let's just say Emma isn't the brightest bulb in the box, but we love her just the same. She's quite the portly dog. No styrofoam is safe as long as she's in the room. Notice her handy work.
And last but not least is Dino. Dino is Bonnie's 3rd puppy from the same litter. He got his name because after I delivered him, he had this gigantic tounge that stuck out of his mouth and wasn't really breathing well on his own. I would have to nudge him every so often to get him to breathe! When he would, he would let out this little sound that sounded like a dinosaur, hence the name Dino. He went to live with my grandfather for a few years, but when he died, he came back to stay with my mom. He is very smart, but also VERY stubborn. :mad: He will howl along with the theme song from the show "Married with Children." Very funny.

As always, thank you for letting me share!

07-07-2005, 03:32 PM
Aww what a cute bunch. I love seeing any dogs, no matter who they belong to.

07-07-2005, 03:57 PM
Originally posted by gemini9961
Aww what a cute bunch. I love seeing any dogs, no matter who they belong to.

:D me too! I love everyones dogs, I love looking at them. Your mom has beautiful fur kids. They all sound so sweet. Thanks for sharing.

07-07-2005, 04:16 PM
We love pictures, so the more the merrier:D
They are all just as cute as can be!

Daisy and Delilah
07-07-2005, 04:22 PM
We love all doggies too and can't get enough of seeing them in any and all pictures!! Your Mom's dogs are so cute. The stories with them are great too:D

Love, Daisy and Delilah:)

07-07-2005, 04:28 PM
I have to agree with the others, I love seeing them. We all here agree that every dog (and pet period) is special... after all that is the pet talk slogan isn't it. :) We especially want to see and enjoy seeing dogs that are extra special to our PT members.

Thank you for sharing them with us. I especially loved the one of Bonnie, she's so cute. Brandee looks just like a dog I know named Reba, except Reba's hair is all red. Emma Leigh and Dino look so much a like, it's defiantly not hard to tell they're from the same litter. All of them are so CUTE!!!:) :)

07-07-2005, 04:54 PM
Those are some very cute dogs!!!! You can share your pictures anytime! Adorable!!

07-07-2005, 04:59 PM
OH, they are really cute!

Ginger's Mom
07-07-2005, 06:06 PM
All of the dogs are adorable. And thanks for rescuing Brandee, she looks like a sweetie. What precious pups. :)

07-07-2005, 06:14 PM
They're adorable :)

07-07-2005, 07:16 PM
they are adorable

07-07-2005, 09:42 PM
Pictures? Pictures! I thought you were going to share the dogs! I'll take them all. lol. I've got a soft spot for the older dogs and this just makes my day. I'd spoil them rotten. Give treats and hugs for me next time you see them.