View Full Version : Owie... I hurt my pocketbook today!

07-07-2005, 01:52 PM
The plumber just left --- to the tune of $242. Things were badly backed up (if ya know what I mean)

I'm so mad at myself! On Sunday we ran out of TP, and I just went to the RiteAid across the street from us because I didn't feel like getting into the car and driving to the store. I usually use Scott because I know its so much better for older pipes (ours aren't just old, they're geriatric!), but the price was $1 for a single roll... highway robbery!!! There was a sale on Cottonelle (or was it Charmin?) Whichever, I bought it because it was 4 double rolls for $2. WELL... things started backing up Tuesday morn. Why? Because of the @$%# Cottenelle/Charmin! In my little tirade of not spending the $1 for a roll of the stuff I KNOW is good for our pipes, I bought the other stuff, which cost me hundreds of dollars!!! NEVER will do that again!

Folks, if you have older pipes, PLEASE never ever buy the comforting, soft TP. But the cheap scratchy Scott. There's a reason!

But... the plumber was AWESOME. Gave us a $50 discount because he liked my cats. He has THIRTY TWO of his own!!! I knew having a bunch of cats was worth something.

07-07-2005, 02:08 PM
OOUUCCHH!!!!! At least you found a kind hearted plumber that liked your kitties. 32 CATS!!!! WOW!!! That sure is a full house of kitties!!

07-07-2005, 02:35 PM
Owwwy! That was an expensive lesson. :(

Glad he gave you a "kitty discount". How sweet!

07-07-2005, 02:41 PM
At least now your not backed up anymore!!

Glad that the plumber gave you a kitty discount, perhaps you should pass on those savings to the kitties in the form of treats! *at least I'm sure they think so lol*

07-07-2005, 02:45 PM
That TP does the same to my pipes and they are only a few years old.

07-07-2005, 03:10 PM
Originally posted by lv4dogs
That TP does the same to my pipes and they are only a few years old.
hmmmm... I wonder if people thought to have a class action suit against them? Its marketed as TOILET PAPER... to be used in TOILETS, yet it causes havoc! It'd be one thing if we were using paper towels or something not MADE for flushing.

Ok, now I'm ticked off at THEM instead of me! (Gotta pass the blame when and where I Can! ;) )

07-07-2005, 03:17 PM
WOW!! It's bad enough when you are expecting a big bill (I am thinking of car insurance here in NJ :rolleyes: ) but to have something unexpected happen like this I am sure was quite a shocker! Your thoughts on the Charmin, etc. makes me think of flushable litter. I would never ever in 1,000,000 yeaer use that for fear that it would accumulate somewhere in the pipes. Glad you had a "kitty friendly" plumber at least. ;)

07-07-2005, 04:18 PM
Yikes!! Sorry to hear about the mess. But that was sweet of him to give you a kitty discount! :D

07-07-2005, 06:23 PM
:eek: I am so sorry about your pipes! (I never knew about those cushy toilet papers. :o I like the kind with aloe on them. I guess I should re-think)

07-07-2005, 06:47 PM
Sounds familiar...in the house we owned before this one there we had problems 2 or 3 different times before I realized it happened every time I bought cottonelle.