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07-07-2005, 03:01 AM
;) In case you're lost, here's a link to the last update: http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?s=&threadid=82825&perpage=15&pagenumber=1

I have my colonoscope scheduled for 11:00 a.m. (have to be there at 10:00 a.m.) on Monday morning. I have my appointment with my surgeon at 2:30 that afternoon, so it'll be a full day.

The best part? My mom and I may meet up with Gini for lunch! That'll be something to look forward to. :)

I have a small request. Anyone that's had this done, can you answer two questions for me? Feel free to PM me if you feel better that way. :)

1. What was your prep? This IS the worst part...usually I have to drink almost a gallon of that icky stuff, then 1/2 bottle of the Fleet Soda (gag!) This time, they're giving me the pill form...28 total, 4 taken every 15 minutes. Is this better or worse? I'm already happy I wont have to gag on the liquid...but I wonder how it works?

2. Have you always been put to sleep for yours?? I've only had 1, but I've had 2 upper endoscopies and I've always been sedated...woken up and test was all done before I knew it. The only reason I'm worried is because I normally go to the local endoscopy center and they are AMAZING. It'll be done in the hospital at Cedars...my doctor is the one doing the test. I know I"m in excellent hands, but I worry its going to hurt or be uncomfortable. I'm going to call my doctor tomorrow and talk to him the day of...to MAKE CERTAIN I'm asleep and medicated. When I asked him in the office, he said, "Of course!". But I feel the need to be certain it'll be the same as I'm used to. New tests are always a bit scary...even now, my tummy is fluttering because I'm nervous. :(

OK...let me know if you know.

Kelly :)

07-07-2005, 06:19 AM
hugs on the way!

07-07-2005, 12:42 PM
{{{Hugs}}} and prayers on the way! Keep us updated.

07-07-2005, 02:19 PM

I am afraid I can't answer either of your questions, but I just wanted to wish you luck and let you know hugs and good thoughts are being sent your way. I hope all goes smoothly and painlessly for you. Hope you get to meet up with Gini too! That will make the whole thing a bit better. Let us know how you do!


07-07-2005, 02:23 PM
Thanks, guys! :)

07-07-2005, 03:04 PM
My husband has Crones and has had two major surgeries removing most of his ilium. He said that you are sedated and asleep during the procedure. He said he feels for you and wishes you the best. You will be fine I am positive about this...*hugs*


07-07-2005, 03:17 PM
Gosh, how did I miss this and your previous post?! You know that I'm thinking about you, honey! My mom had a colonoscopy recently and she said that she was sedated. I know you'll do just great! Let me know if you need anything at all!

Lots of love,

07-07-2005, 03:39 PM
The prep for the test was rather icky. I didn't prepare myself food wise for the day and 1/2 of starving myself, as they allowed jello and something else, as food, and I had neither, so I was famished when I finished. The proceedure itself was effortless. I was asleep the entire time. I was very, very groggy for the next few hours and slept it off. I was fine the next day. I will go back again in a few years.......for another checkup. I am over 50 and it is recommended to have the test every five years at least.

Good luck. You will be fine. Make sure someone is there to escort you home though.

Hugs, and good luck!


Daisy and Delilah
07-07-2005, 04:52 PM
Hi Kelly, You should be just fine. I think the worst part of the colonoscopy was just thinking about what I was about to go through. It does tend to give you the most unpleasant thoughts if you know what I mean? I had 2 endoscopies and I was knocked out for both. They were a breeze. To answer your questions 1. I had to drink a whole gallon of foul tasting liquid in a relatively short time. By the time I got to the last quarter of the gallon I was almost bringing it back up. I don't know how the pills work but it sounds like a much better way to go than that obnoxious liquid. 2. I was knocked out for the colonoscopy and it was over before I knew it. I did wake up and look at the screen during the last part of the screening. That was pretty cool I thought. As I said, the worst part was thinking about it. I was a nervous wreck before the procedure but after it was over, I realized there was no reason to be upset. There is always some nervousness that accompanies any medical procedure I think but you'll do great!! Just think of that great buzz you'll have from those drugs they give you and you'll be as happy as a lark!! Good luck sweetie and remember, you've been through so much already, this will be a piece of cake for you. I'll be thinking about you!!
