View Full Version : Hope it's nothing

07-06-2005, 12:38 PM
I'm hoping it's nothing,but when just went out for a poop ,there was blood.I hope he is not having a setback,just when he getting better.Mom wanted to give hin some medicine ,but he got under the couch and didn't want to come out.Hope it's not the medicine doing it.

07-06-2005, 12:43 PM
Oh geez Barry, poor little Fritz.:( Keep us posted on how hes doing.

07-06-2005, 12:44 PM
Have you called the Vet? I would call and make an appointment. He may have to be on his medicine a bit longer than planned. Please keep us posted. I'll be thinking of Fritz.

07-06-2005, 01:24 PM
Casey is very allergic to Albon with the same symptoms Barry, what is Fritz taking?

07-06-2005, 01:35 PM
Poor little boy! Why is Fritz on meds?--I hope thats all it is though. I'll be keeping Fritz in my prayers tonight!

07-06-2005, 01:37 PM
I really hope Fritz gets feeling better. Please keep us updated.

07-06-2005, 01:45 PM
Oh no I hope he's alright. Keep us posted if you find anything out. What meds is he on?

07-06-2005, 03:55 PM
Oh no Fritz! :( I had so hoped you would be all better and no more tummy upsets. I agree that a call to the vet to ask what should be done would be a good idea. Barry you must be so worried, Fritzie will be in my thoughts and prayers, please keep us updated. Definitely no more table scraps for you Fritz, we don't want you to be sick anymore sweetheart!

07-06-2005, 05:35 PM
Oh Fritz. I hope you feel better soon.
I know those table treats are so good but they give you a bad tummy. :(

07-06-2005, 07:49 PM
Poor baby FRITZ...:( We're thinking of you too. And, we're sending you furry hugs and soggy kisses.

07-06-2005, 07:53 PM
I'm sorry to hear about Fritz, I hope he feels better soon.

07-06-2005, 07:54 PM
Hey Fritz, how ya feelin' tonight buddy? Better I hope.

07-06-2005, 10:04 PM

not again. :eek: :(

all paws and fingers crossed here for Fritzler!

Daisy and Delilah
07-06-2005, 10:47 PM
Oh no Fritz!! We're just reading this. How are you feeling now? We're also thinking maybe it's the medicine. That would be something that maybe the vet can change so you can feel better. Barry, we're so sorry Fritz is sick again and we know what you must be going through worrying about him. We have Fritz and all of you in our thoughts and prayers. Good wishes are coming your way from Florida. Pet Talk is pulling for our little Fritzie to get better!! Keep us posted Barry.

Terry, Daisy, and Delilah:(

07-07-2005, 02:45 AM
Uh oh! Does he seem like he's otherwise OK?

Hope he's feeling better soon. :)

07-07-2005, 06:40 AM
C'mon Fritz get better.