View Full Version : Bj

02-17-2002, 07:43 AM
BJ!! What a lucky bird you are!!!! And so beautiful too! Being a "newbie" at having a Cockatiel, I certainly understand the love your family has for you . Our Cockatiel, Roger, would love to meet you, I'm sure!!!!

Congratulations, BJ, on your survival and new, wonderful life, and on being a very special Sunday Pet of the Day!!! :D

02-17-2002, 10:48 AM
BJ thank goodness your humans saw you swimming in the ocean. Now you live the good life. Did you plan it that way. LOL You have quite the life, taking showers, singing, it sounds like you have it made. I must say you are a beauty, what beautiful coloring.
Congratulations dear, sweet BJ our very best Pet of the Day.

02-17-2002, 11:09 AM
Dear Bj...I just knew Logan (newly crowned Mom of a feathered friend) would flip when she saw you today!! What a stunning boy you are Bj! I love those bright, coral pinkcheeks of yours!!! And how I would love to see the look (and color!) on your human's face when you whistle Hoo Hoo, when...well, you know!:D:D:D Your story of survival is amazing! I couldn't help but think of the movie Castaway. But in this movie, it is dear, helpless Bj clinging on to a wave for dear life, waiting for his rescuer to "take him home!!!" And rescued you were!!:) Bj, you are simply precious. And once again, those parrot antics never fail to leave me laughing. La la la, la laaaaaaaaaaa!! Bj's singing in the shower!!:D Congratulations dear Bj! What a splendid Sunday Pet of the Day you are!

02-17-2002, 12:09 PM
Oh, sweet BJ, I get chills thinking of little you in the sea with all those BIG fishy things that live there. I'm so glad your humans found you. Sounds like you rule the roost now. :D
Lots of best wishes for special treats and even more love on your special POTD day! :)

02-17-2002, 01:08 PM

Don't know how in the world you wound up
floating in the ocean, but I'm so so happy that
your people came to your rescue. Sounds like
you now have a Special home with your loving
guardians. Congratulations Beautiful B J, on being
honored today as our PET OF THE DAY !!!