View Full Version : Dog's Health

07-05-2005, 05:23 PM
I had my dog Shadow Fixed on 6-29-05. Since I picked him up on last Thursday I've noticed that his bark is very strained. It's like he has something in his throat but he doesn't. Could his operation have caused this and if so what should I do?

Shadow is a 5 month old German Shepherd/ Chow/Rottweiler mix. He is still very active and alert!:confused:

07-06-2005, 07:43 AM
I would call the vet and ask about it. He could be in pain and may need some pain killers for a few days.

Just a thought.

finn's mom
07-06-2005, 10:06 PM
Originally posted by sanshark
Shadow is a 5 month old German Shepherd/ Chow/Rottweiler mix. He is still very active and alert!:confused:

Is that a bad thing? Sorry, I'm confused. Or do you just mean because he was just fixed, and, he's still active? If that's the case, that's ok. Keep him as calm as you can. Don't instigate play time or run him a lot or get him too excited. I just had my 18 month old labrador neutered, and, he acts as if nothing happened. I'm not playing much with him at all. But, he does still get crazy, and, run around. I can't really control his every move, but, I'm doing the best I can and he's recovering well. I posted on your potty training thread, too.

07-07-2005, 08:59 AM
Sometimes the air tube they insert into the treachea when he is under anesthesia may irritate the throat a little. And also some dogs bark a lot in a kennel (at the vets or while being boarded).
It is probably nothing as long as he has no other side affects but I'd call your vet if you are worried.

07-11-2005, 08:49 PM
I had my Chica fixed last year. When she came home she was sleepy. She slept that night and the next day she acted like nothing happened. :) For you dog Shadow, he might have a sore throat if the vet intubated him for his surgery, which means they put a tube down the throat to keep the airway open. The extubation may have made his throat sore. :) It will get better soon!!!!;)