View Full Version : Living in a swamp. ;)

07-05-2005, 05:10 PM
We have finally had 2 whole days with no rain, in over 2 weeks!!! I am living in a swamp now, you can't walk around the yard without your feet sinking in the ground.

Muddy paw prints in and out of the house. Muddy shoes at the door, if we are lucky enough, that one of the dogs doesn't carry a shoe away. :mad: Can you train pets to wipe their paws before coming inside?

In the whole Zoo Crew, there is only a few that are happy about living in a swamp. The Ducks!!!

Keep in mind, this is not a pond........This is part of our front yard!!!!!!

So as you can see, 2 days of no rain, is a happy happy moment for us............Then I watch the news!!

There's a tropical storm building and they say it will be a hurricane, heading towards the gulf coast, by this weekend, maybe. More Rain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh no!

I'm buying a airboat...........just to get down my lane!!

Anyone what to buy swamp land in Florida??? :D


PJ's Mom
07-05-2005, 05:13 PM
Poor Florida. :( My mom's down there for the first time, visiting with some relatives and said she hasn't seen that much rain in a long time. (She lives in Kentucky)

We haven't had rain here in Texas in a really long time, so feel free to send some our way. ;)

07-05-2005, 05:23 PM
Originally posted by PJ's Mom

We haven't had rain here in Texas in a really long time, so feel free to send some our way. ;)

Oh yes, how much do you want, you can have all you need and I think we will still be safe here, with rain fall.

My pool have over flooded so many times now, that the grass around it, is dead and gone.........It's just mud. There's so much rain. I'm having a hard time keeping it clean. Rain & heat ='s green!! :mad: :mad:

07-05-2005, 05:31 PM
We've had sunshine here for atleast a week or so.

Our pool was overflowing though! :eek: We actually had to put a bit of water in it the other day as Kiara splashed a lot of it out.

Poor you. The ducks seem to love it though. ;)

07-05-2005, 05:39 PM
We could use a few drops of rain here...dispite the overley wet winter we are still locked into a majorly dangerous fire season.

Stay safe during this icky weather! Great pic of the duckys

07-05-2005, 06:45 PM
I know how you feel, Libby. Although our woods aren't like that. The other day, I was walking Duke out to potty and it was like a marsh. I loved seeing the ducks. And that outhouse is too cute! We really need to get together before H day. My brother is coming for a week on the 15th. I'll be off all except the 21st and 22nd.

07-05-2005, 07:08 PM
Originally posted by dukedogsmom
And that outhouse is too cute! We really need to get together before H day.

The Outhouse, came about because our "city" friends use to kid us about being so far out in the country and would make jokes about us even having running water. So up when the outhouse, so when they ask to go to the bathroom, we send them there. :D Of course all the find is a pump house. :p

I guess now, that I told you I can't fool you when ever you make it down here. :mad:

Just pick a day you want to get together before H and let me know. You know I'm almost always free, advantage of working at home.

Toby's my baby
07-05-2005, 07:52 PM
That sucks to have your yard flooded! At least the ducks are happy! ;)

Our yard gets flooded too, but not THAT bad. It has been raining here a lot too, but it has finally stopped and we have about a week of nice weather, finally!

I hope the hurricane weather doesnt bother you! Good luck, hope the weather straitens out!

07-05-2005, 09:19 PM
The Outhouse, came about because our "city" friends use to kid us about being so far out in the country and would make jokes about us even having running water. So up when the outhouse, so when they ask to go to the bathroom, we send them there. Of course all the find is a pump house.

Too funny!! :D

07-06-2005, 01:24 AM
Wish you could send some of that rain downunder. We are in the worst drought in 100 years at the moment,:( Liked the dunny pic though.:D