View Full Version : Hello everybody!

07-05-2005, 09:23 AM
I joined the PT quite recently and it seems I am visiting it almost everyday now (yes, yes, I am addicted) though I don’t have much time (just connecting from work because I am at home only during the week-ends). I think it is time I post some more details and pics about my dear Peppito Tiger! We are located in the north of France in a little village very close to Belgium. Peppito is my only cat but not my first cat, and I also used to live with dogs and other pets (Guinea pigs, rabbit). I like reading all your stories and looking at the great pics. It is nice to hear about so many of you rescuing, adopting and taking care of cats! So many crazy-about-cats! This is why I like the PT so much.

Now I stop talking because I am sure you prefer to see the Tiger! The challenge is to select some pics…let’s start!
Isn’t he cute???


Love (too) small boxes...

Paper bags are fine as well...

"I have a hard life..."


Don't look!!

Camouflage in the jungle...

That's all for this first real post! Hope you like it!

07-05-2005, 09:39 AM
It is nice to have you at PT, welcome! Your Tiger is absolutely gorgeous! Thank you for sharing pictures of him. We hope to see many more!

07-05-2005, 09:41 AM

07-05-2005, 09:43 AM
Welcome to PT!!! I must say Tiger is so handsome. Thanks for sharing such wonderful pictures of Tiger with us. :) :)

07-05-2005, 10:03 AM
Welcome to Pet Talk and I see you've already mastered the fine art of posting pictures. Tiger is beautiful! I love his markings. Oh, and you're already addicted! That's okay, it's a GOOD addiction!

07-05-2005, 10:15 AM
WELCOME TO PET TALK!!!! We are very glad you have joined us adn yout Tiger is gorgeous. He has such a regal look about him. I bet he is king of your home. :D

07-05-2005, 10:56 AM
Welcome to Pet Talk! Tiger has such beautiful markings. Nice to see pictures of Tiger, and you have the hang of posting already! It seem to take me forever to learn to post pictures.

Again, welcome to Pet Talk!


07-05-2005, 11:22 AM
Thanks everyone! I really appreciate! I have already trained in posting pics in reply to other's, that's why...but I did not succeed immediately!

I'll try to post more soon of my furbaby (his name is just "Peppito", but I'll tell him you all called him "Tiger", he will be proud for sure!:) :) :) )

Edwina's Secretary
07-05-2005, 11:36 AM
The universality of cats! No matter in what language they are called...they love too small box, paper bags and shelves to sit upon! ..... (and Pettalk on the monitor!):D :D

07-05-2005, 01:00 PM
Hi and welcome to PetTalk. So glad to hear that you're already addicted. That's very easy to do here. Your Tiger is one real beauty! Hope to see much more of him and hope to hear much more from you!

You MUST try hairball bowling on Cat General.....

Maya & Inka's mommy
07-05-2005, 01:41 PM
Hi Sonia!! Glad to see you post pics of your cat Peppito!!He is a gorgeous Tiger!!
Your village is so close to where my parents are from!! He he, maybe there is a new edition of PT-meetings in the make? How about a Belgium-France reunion!! Maya & Inka meow that you may always hopp in when you pass our neighbourhood, even with Peppito. Plenty of catbeds here ;) :) (and yummie tuna, says Maya)

07-05-2005, 03:51 PM
Hi Sonia. Welcome to PT. :D
You are a girl after my own heart. Posting such a gorgeous tabby.
Your Peppito has such beautiful markings and coloring.
I just love this picture of him. I love the swirls on the side.

Looking forward to hearing more from you and especially seeing pictures of your gorgeous Peppito.:)

07-05-2005, 06:17 PM
Peppito is one HANDSOME dude!:) Welcome to Pet Talk, and we are looking forward to hearing more about Peppito. How old is he, how much does he weigh, how did he happen to find a furever home with you, etc., etc., etc.?

07-05-2005, 06:32 PM
Welcome!! Peppito is a handsome fellow, I look forward to seeing more of him *hint hint ;)*

Killearn Kitties
07-06-2005, 03:54 AM
Peppito is gorgeous. So photogenic. :)

07-06-2005, 08:01 AM
Thanks again everybody!
Now some answers to your questions:
Peppito is 7 years old, a big boy of almost 7 kilos. For more details about him you can read the COTD of May 3rd, 2005 (can you imagine how proud I was that day!!!)

I am not sure we really wanted to adopt a cat (at least we were not completely decided) when we visited some colleagues who had baby kittens. We saw them first at 3 weeks old, 3 girls and one boy. After that it did not take too much time to decide we SHOULD adopt one of these cuties! It was hard to wait a few more weeks...Then we came back, the kittens were almost 3 months old. And our future Peppito was here, already very big. Actually he was almost as big as his mum (a tiny wonderful spotty cat) and she was a little bit bored feeding this always hungry big baby! I do not remember HE chose us as compared to his sisters, but he was observing everything, evaluating the situation, though not shy. And other purrents were interested in adopting the girls, but this big boy was too impressive. This is the day he arrived in his forever home!

This cat never had a bad life, was never abandoned in the streets, never hungry (even if he pretends he is starving in the middle of the night!). I am not sure he realizes that! We are thinking of adopting a sister for him. He is very jaleous when I pet another cat (because he is too spoiled!), especially in his house, so it will probably be hard but after some time it should be OK!

Special Hi to Lut! Are we the only Belgian and French regular PT’ers??
Yes, may be one day I should visit you! I have to explain the other PT’ers that I work in The Netherlands and I drive every Friday and Sunday on the highway next to Lut’s village!! The world is so small! I would love to see the gorgeous Maya and Inka. Usually I do not have Peppito in my car (might be dangerous with the Belgian Policemen around Ghent…!!;) ), he stays home with my husband during the week.

Next time, I don’t talk so much and post more pics!!!

07-06-2005, 08:22 AM
Salu Sonia, et salu Peppito.

Tu me reviens bien fort de mon Tigris (le plus grand des deux que tu peux voir dans mon avatar). What handsome big boys the two of you are.

Je viens de très près de la frontière franco-allemande (de Sarrebruck) mais maintenant j'habite Munich - un peu loin de la région Ã_ l'Ouest du Rhin:(

Looking forward to hearing more of you and Peppito:)

smokey the elder
07-06-2005, 09:14 AM
What a handsome cat Peppito is! And it's so nice of Barbara to write to you in French.:)

Maya & Inka's mommy
07-06-2005, 12:14 PM
Originally posted by Sonia59
Are we the only Belgian and French regular PT’ers??

Yes, I wish there were more ! I think that the language barrier is the main reason :( . There used to be a member, Casper & Kitty, but she is gone since almost 2 years.

I'd love to meet you too! Whenever you pass my village, you are always welcome!! I will give you my address if you like!