View Full Version : Aussie National Flyball Champ's *Pics*

07-05-2005, 02:33 AM
About a month back we went interstate for the "National Australian Flyball Championships" (NAFC). This was Elvis' third competition and his first time competing interstate, now Clover on the other hand has been to the Nationals about 3 - 4 times now and was not worried abut the big fuss and the hyperactive hoomans ;).

Elvis ran fault free all weekend, he fumbled the ball once which resulted in him crashing into the starting gates :eek: (He was fine), he somehow finished that run without faults lol. Clover was the same old Miss Reliable and had a good time.

The results were not too good..... :o

Clovers team game 2nd and Elvies came in 3rd, Elvis' team have only been racing together for about 6 months and we have not go it together yet, we are getting there though.

Oh Elvis also gained his third Title he has his FDCh (Flyball Dog Champion) now and his Uncle Astro hit the big 30,000 point mark that weekend, only 2 other dogs in the country have gained that title :D. Astro's team mates (Hooman) wanted to buy Elvis from our club, and continued to offer over the weekend lol.

Ok enough yapping and onto the pics.....

07-05-2005, 02:40 AM
All 4 puppers on the way to Canberra.

Our ring on day 1 (We got rained out) and Astro's daughter Ezri.

Moby the little height dog for another team.


Better view of our ring, there were two rings running at once.

More coming....

07-05-2005, 02:44 AM
"Sir pee alot" in his crate in our cabin, he has a tendancy to mark territory in unfamilar surrounds. *Cough* Dogs were not suppose to be inside at all.

Clover and Theo checking out the big bed, again inside :o.



More coming....

07-05-2005, 02:50 AM
Our clubs "Camp grounds".

Flying El racing...

Elvis' girlfriend, Maggie (El has been running faster than her lately :p).

Happy family, with Wendy and Astro as ring in's.

And my little man, i am so proud of him. He is in demand and people want us to move to their clubs, but thats not happening *Ahhh the loyalty*.

07-05-2005, 02:54 AM
Great pics ! Looks like everyone had lots of fun !!! :)

07-05-2005, 04:57 AM
Great to see Clover and Elvis, it's been awhile! ;) Looks like a fun day and that everyone had a good time! Tell Elvis to watch out for those gates! :D

07-05-2005, 10:53 AM
Beautiful pics Rhiannon! Made me want to be there to watch in person. Sounds like Elvis is really coming along beautifully! You must be so proud of your babies :). I have all confidence that things will only get better with time, you're doing a fantastic job with them! Love that first group shot picture in particular :)

Ginger's Mom
07-05-2005, 06:53 PM
Sounds like everyone had a good time, anyway. And third place for a team that has only been together for six months sounds good to me. And don't worry about Clover and Elvis and friends being inside, I am sure that rule does not apply to the athletes involved in the competition. ;)

07-05-2005, 06:55 PM
Love the pics, Rhi! :)

I think the first one is my absolute favorite. :D
Good job to you and the kids!

07-05-2005, 07:34 PM
Great pics, I like the first one the best too. :) Even if they didn't get first, I'm glad to hear Elvis and Clover still did well! Good job! :)

Suki Wingy
07-05-2005, 07:43 PM
That looks like it was a lot of fun!

07-05-2005, 07:44 PM
Great pics! I'm always happy to see your dogs. Clover looks so pretty all stretched out on the bed and it's great to see Elvis in action.

07-05-2005, 09:06 PM
Great pics! :) Congrats!!! I can't wait to be involved in dog sports -- you have no idea how jealous I am.

07-05-2005, 10:39 PM
cute pics

07-06-2005, 01:12 AM
Great pics Rhi, sounds like Elvis & Clover actually did quite well. I'm sure they will be champs soon.:)