View Full Version : Just a mother's bragging......

07-04-2005, 07:43 PM
I am really proud of my daughter Melissa at the moment, and I don't really feel that comfortable bragging, but I just want to share it with all my PT friends.

Melissa has worked so hard this year at school, she is always aiming to please, she has just become one of the top five in the school for her science project, she worked very hard, mostly on the weekend to achieve this result, so I am really happy for her, it is always nice to see your children rewarded when they put a lot of effort into, she is not really keen on science at all, but chose photography as her subject, which was accepted, but she had to put a little more work into than the others, she goes onto the next level now, something she really did not want to do, but all the same I know she is pleased .

Then she came home yesterday to announce that she also was in the top five in the whole school for raising money for the school, she spent many hours after school in awful weather going around our neighbourhood collecting funds for the school pool, I really thought it was a waste of her time, because last year some rich childs family donated a big heap of money and they won the top prize, however it seems this year they were more fair about it and offered more prizes, for her efforts she got a fifty dollar voucher to spend at our warehouse up the road from where we live.

It helped that she was the paper girl in the area, because she is known and her customers gave generously.

All in all a good week for Melissa .:)

07-04-2005, 07:54 PM
That's great Carole !!! Your daugther is a lucky girl to have a momma that likes to share her daugther's triumphs with friends. I know when I was young and I did good no one ever knew about it cause my father would never say anything the only time anyone knew anything about me is when I did something that was not so honorable. More parents should be like you. Congrats to your daugther on 2 jobs well done. WTG Melissa.

07-04-2005, 08:00 PM
Thank you for the kind words, I never know whether I should post these type of things, I hate to sound full of myself, I too was raised like you, my parents are great people, but praise was not something they ever had and found it hard to give me as well, my self esteem suffered because of it, so I am trying my hardest not to let history repeat itself.

PT is just a very important part of my world now, and I feel like I have to share almost everything, good and bad.:)

07-04-2005, 08:21 PM
What a great kid! You should be proud of her! She is hard working and knows that her efforts will be rewarded! Way to go Melissa!

07-04-2005, 08:49 PM

You have EVERY right to be proud and to brag about Melissa. She sounds like a wonderful kid!! Of course, I'm SURE her gene pool also has something to do with it! ;)

Brag away!!

07-04-2005, 08:58 PM
Oh Donna you are too kind lol, seriously I cannot believe she is related to me sometimes, because she is just so awesome in comparison. ,she blows me away at times with her enquirying logical mind.;)

07-04-2005, 09:05 PM
Oh, Carole! You have a perfect right to brag. Melissa is a hard working, intelligent and beautiful youmg lady. In reading about her achievemets in school it almost makes me a proud of her as you are! So keep on bragging. BTW, it was real noisy here tonight with all of the fireworks going off. I can watch the fireworks display my golf course has every year from my front lawn! Scared the heck out of Nikki, though. Give Melissa a big hello from me.

07-04-2005, 09:29 PM
Well done Melissa, you have every right to be a proud mum Carole.:)

Pawsitive Thinking
07-05-2005, 04:52 AM
No wonder you are so proud - what a lovely girl she sounds. There are too many kids out there whose parents don't care what they are doing and its great to hear about your daughter. Well done Mum too!

Killearn Kitties
07-05-2005, 05:42 AM
Good for Melissa! :D

I don't see any problem in telling your friends about your offspring's achievements. People are interested!

07-05-2005, 07:59 AM
oh Carole, this is great that you have a terrific daughter and of course you are proud of her!! I think I know what you mean though - afraid to sound boastful when you brag about her - as I also wonder if I should post the things I do about our family - but they make me happy!

I enjoyed hearing about your Melissa's (I have a Melissa, too) achievements and about what a sweet and caring girl she is as well:D

Moms are like that!!;)

07-05-2005, 04:58 PM
Thank you everyone, Debbie you hit the nail on the head, you put into words exactly how I feel, but then I said to myself before I posted, well darn it I should be proud of her, and only people who are interested will read and respond anyway.

David I bet those fireworks are awesome, is this the 4th July celebration,? my American friend has to buy the fireworks at guy fawkes time here which is in November to have his celebration on the 4th here, as fireworks are not sold any other time except at guy fawkes.:)

07-05-2005, 05:19 PM
Originally posted by carole
Thank you everyone, Debbie you hit the nail on the head, you put into words exactly how I feel, but then I said to myself before I posted, well darn it I should be proud of her, and only people who are interested will read and respond anyway.

David I bet those fireworks are awesome, is this the 4th July celebration,? my American friend has to buy the fireworks at guy fawkes time here which is in November to have his celebration on the 4th here, as fireworks are not sold any other time except at guy fawkes.:) Oh, they are, Sis! This is the yearly July 4th celebration. Longue Vue Club does this every year. I think they get more spectactular every year. As I said, I just sat on my front lawn and watched them. It was really hot with the temperature in the low 90s. Poor Nikki & Daisy didn't know what was going on, with all the noise!

Toby's my baby
07-05-2005, 08:05 PM
That is great! Give my congrats to you daughter! It must be very hard to give up the one time you have to do things *the weekend* and work on something, I can garenty you that I never every could do that! You should be very pleased, and you can ** brag ** when ever you like!! :)

07-06-2005, 01:32 AM
Originally posted by kittycats_delight
More parents should be like you.

I definitely agree!