View Full Version : Well it's settled! :D :D

07-04-2005, 11:41 AM
Gracie is ofically a Momma's girl. We took her up to my BIL's camp site on Saturday and Sunday. Every time I would leave her to go swimming or to go to the bathroom she would cry and cry. When I would get back she would start chomping her teeth at me. (I do it back to her all the time) She only does that when she gets excited to do something or see someone.

My husband went fishing with his brother last night and I was watching my baby girl and she didn't cry one bit when hubby left. I had to have some one watch her while I went to the bathroom and I could hear her crying while I was walking to the bathroom. :( I got back and she jumped on me and I took control over her again and she wouldn't leave my side. :D She curls up with me all the time any ways but I never knew that she cried when I leave her.

So much for what the foster said I guess. They told us that she likes men a lot more than women. She loves my husband but she is MY dog. :D I never thought she would be though. I can't stop smiling now that I know she is more mine than his. :)

Sorry I know this is a pointless thread, I just had to share this with everyone.

Katie & Gracie

07-04-2005, 01:01 PM
NOT a pointless thread at all!!!

Bonding is a great thing and when you get hit with the realization - hey this dog loves me it is a wonderful feeling!
My greyhound and I were bonded very quickly - it was like she knew what I was thinking..
With Keegan I got her at 6 weeks and I thought it would be easy to bond with her. It wasn't until she was almost a year old that I realized she was bonded with me. I took her to the dog park for the very very first PT meeting and I was very leery of letting her off leash b/c I was afraid even with the fenced in area that she would never come back to me and I wouldn't catch her.
I didn't have to worry - she never left my side. All the other dogs would go around the park with whoever was walking, but not Keegan! She stayed right with me. And you can ask anyone who keeps an eye on her for me at the dog park meetings when I go potty or whatever - she usually sits right by the fence until I come back. Now yesterday she actually gave up the fence position for laying under the picnic table :)
When we were at the Mutt Show I asked Diana to hold her so I could go to the bathroom and she almost pulled her over to follow me. Diana said "I forgot who I was holding!"

kisses to the sweet Gracie!

07-04-2005, 05:03 PM
Not a pointless thread! I think it's so cute! Everybody at the dog park calls Fenway a Momma's Boy because he sticks to me like glue. Even if he takes off and plays with his friends, he checks to see if I'm still standing where he last saw me and he'll come over just to say "hi".

I love Momma's Boys & Momma's Girls. Glad Gracie is your Momma's Girl!!!!

07-04-2005, 05:32 PM
Not pointless. I used to wonder why MAXIMUS never got excited when I came home, or wanted to play, etc. He was just beside himself when anybody else came in. I finally figured out, that he doesn't think of me as separate from him. Or I was just part of him....Does that make any sense? He has had me since he was six weeks old. I'm the one he needs if he's hurt, doesn't feel good, or is hungry. I was gone for a few days, a while back. And Kevin and Pressley couldn't get him eat. I guess he missed me.