View Full Version : Varying Feeding Time

02-16-2002, 12:17 PM
I saw a clip on Good Morning America on how to get your dog to sleep better (it was advice for pet owners who allow their dogs to sleep in bed with them).

One tip was obvious - give them enough exercise during the day.

Another tip I don't really agree with - vary the time you feed your dog because that will make them more alert all day cause they are waiting for their food and don't know when it will come.

Is that really a good idea? I always feel better and sleep better when I'm on a semi-structured schedule and my dog seems to prefer structure too.

(Not like I could vary feeding time much anyway with my 9 to 5 schedule!)

02-16-2002, 12:36 PM
Hmmm, that's one I've never heard before. The exercise definitely makes a difference in how Kobie and Eli sleep (more physical activity = sleeping like logs). But if the idea behind varying feeding times is to keep dogs alert and therefore to wear them out mentally, it seems a lot more productive to substitute some TRAINING instead. Dogs love to learn, and teaching them new things--or working on perfecting old stuff--is a great way to activate their minds! I'd hate to have my dogs worrying all day about whether they'll get fed.

02-16-2002, 01:24 PM
yeah kobieeli, you put into words what I was thinking

02-16-2002, 06:47 PM
The only reason to vary a dogs feed time is if it has to excercise at the time it would normally feed - such as a training class or racing. As a way of keeping the dog "alert" during the day it is cruel and will cause anxiety and stress. It will not help the dog sleep at night as the dog will still be on the "alert" in case the food is coming in the night

02-16-2002, 07:30 PM

It makes no sense to me why varing a dog's
feeding schedule would be a benefit to it's
sleeping habits. I didn't see that particular
show so I don't know how the person tried to
relate that bit of advise. To my thinking it's
creating a more unsettled dog. To most animals
schedules & routines that they can count on
would best all around.(human & animal).

02-17-2002, 10:50 AM
I saw that segment and that was my reaction as well, Jenn. I think changing a feeding schedule could create more problems than it would solve. As you all know what goes in has to come out and getting your dog on a good schedule for feeding makes his daily routine for going to the bathroom (so to speak) much more reliable.

I also was amazed at the idea that dogs rooting around during the night was a problem. I have always slept with my dogs and never had one who kept me awake because they were not sleeping through the night. I have those who hog the bed and those who would occasionally need to get up to go potty in the middle of the night, and early risers who wanted to go get the paper as soon as it was delivered, but never a dog that didn't sleep well.

02-17-2002, 12:19 PM
The few training books I have read all said you should keep your dogs on a consistent feeding schedule. The only times I have heard it should vary is obviuosly, if they are sick or if you will be training later and to get top performance from them...if they are hungry they will be more focused on food (rewards).