View Full Version : Glacier's 21 Doggies!

07-03-2005, 02:35 PM
glacier...I'll have to admit I'm a little bit overwhelmed with your doggies! :eek: :o :D because I don't think I have met all of them yet!

for this thread, I'd love to see you post each of them (in order of when you got them as well if you can) and so that way I'd know who's who, who look alikes and the kind/which beaus you have! :) of course, also to post one of your foster, the 22nd dog. :cool: I know this will probably take a long time for you but hope to see them soon! I'll bet everyone else will be waiting too. ;)

please? :D

07-03-2005, 02:39 PM
Please? :D

07-03-2005, 03:36 PM
oh yes, great idea!

07-03-2005, 03:46 PM
yes please :)

07-03-2005, 09:44 PM
Ok, I'll do five per post and see how far I get before the timer on my oven dings--I'm supposed to be cooking supper!
Muskwa was first. He was actually a package deal with my hubby--love Stuart, love his dog! Muskwa was 7 months old when I met Stuart. He'll be eight this fall. He's an alpha male in every sense of the word--every good sense. He is not aggressive and rules his pack through non-violent means. He's too smart for his own good.

Earle was next. Muskwa is Earle's sire. I got Earle as a late wedding present from Stuart. Earle was born a month after we got married. He just turned six in June. He's the best dog ever! Earle is the dog we can take anywhere anytime. He loves kids, old people, other dogs, cats, ect. He goes to schools with my hubby and does presentations on pet care.

Then came Sleet..well, sort of, there's a bridge kid in between, but I'll post him at the end. Sleet was given to me by the woman who got me started in dog sledding. Sleet was her main leader, but she was slowing down and wasn't happy in the dog yard anymore. For three years, Sleet was my main leader with house privledges. She just fully retired in September 04 after a couple years of training the young ones. She is the best gift anyone ever gave me, she's my canine soulmate.

Then came Kayleigh. She's a shelter dog. She was starved by her first owner. She's my problem child. I love her dearly, but she's a handful! She's extremely dog aggressive. She's come a long way on all her other issues, but that one is never going to improve. She is a doll with humans though, gentle with even the smallest of children.

Then came Bandit. I basically stole him from a former neighbor. He used to escape from them on a regular basis. He always ended up in my yard. One day I just refused to take him home. They knew where he was and didnt' care to get him back. They moved a month later. The day they left I came home to find a bag hanging on my door. It contained Bandit's AKC papers, leashes, halti, ect. Near as I can figure, I am his fourth home and his last. He's my talker! He loves to woo! Bandit is the husky they write about in books! He has every husky stereotype there is!

to be continued............

07-03-2005, 09:55 PM
The next two arrived together:
Franklin. They had been dumped at the shelter by a well-known musher. They spent a year there before I pulled them. They had to stay together as Franklin couldn't function without Preacher. Franklin was so timid he was untouchable. Preacher was so depressed he was practically in a coma! They've both come a long way. Franklin is a love bug now. He's timid with strangers, but he adores people he knows. Preacher's health is failing him. My vet estimates he's 12. (Franky is 5.) He's blind and his thyroid has shut down, but he's still happy and talkative.

Then came Goldie. Goldie has quirks--that sounds so much nicer than issues! Goldie spent over two years in the shelter. That messes up a dog's head. She hates men, with two exceptions, my hubby and his dad. She refuses to walk on a leash. She lays down and goes limp if she's leashed! She has hip problems from an old injury that was never treated. She takes a daily painkiller and is much happier now! Her best buddy is Chase.

The next two were also a package deal:
And Antare. They are littermates. They grew up in the shelter. We agreed to foster them after a disasterous experience with another foster. Summit had to go back to the shelter and they needed an open kennell. So I dropped off one dog and came home with two! They are extremely timid. Delta would be feral if he were a cat! He hasn't made much progress, but I can handle him now if I have to. Antare has come much farther. He'll do anything if it means he gets to pull.

07-03-2005, 10:01 PM
Thats only 10 Glacier, wheres the rest! :p I love all their stories and how they came to be at their last home! :) Its so wonderful, I'm actually kind of teary eyed!

07-03-2005, 10:04 PM
Then came Chase....
I had a foster get adopted--yes, they leave occasionally! Chase was the shelter's long term resident at the time. He had been there for 14 months. He was about 18 months old. He's a big sweetie. He's not all there. We always tell him he has a few loose wires, but it's part of his charm. He just wouldn't be Chase if he were serious about anything!

Next was Crazy Raven, also a shelter dog! She also answers to Raven, Ravie, Nutball, CoCooPuffs! She's in constant motion. Always on the go, always into something. Always squealing. You've never heard a dog make a noise quite like Raven does! She's my skijor racing partner.

Immediately following Raven, within a week, came Heyoka. He also came from the shelter but was only there for a few days. My hubby fell in love at first sight and decided we "deserved an easy one!". His name is Sioux for "clown who teaches." That's exactly what he is.

Then came Pacer. I didn't really want Pacer at the time, but he needed out of the shelter and we had an open foster spot. Pacer was another highly timid dog. He still is with strangers, but he's my best buddy. He's one of my favorites and I adopted him within a few weeks of his arrival!

Then came Founder. My hubby actually brought him home, although I may have planted the idea! Founder is another shelter dog. All his buddies were here, so why not Founder too? He had been at the shelter for a long time and was going kennell crazy. He's still not big on being inside. He prefers to have space to stretch his legs.

07-03-2005, 10:14 PM
Pingo arrived next. I needed a lead dog, a musher friend wanted to get rid of her. She was well treated in his yard, but she had been bumped off his A team and wasn't getting much work. She's my main leader now. She's a silly little dog who hordes things in her dog house. I have no idea how she sleeps on top of bones, rocks and toys!

Then came Chum. Chum was found wandering on the airport runway. Fortunately, no flights were coming in so the airport staff had time to catch him instead of shooting him, which is what normally happens to animals on the tarmack! Chum was in iso at the shelter for a long time as the staff tried to assess his temperment. Chum growls constantly. It's just how he talks, but if you didn't know him, it can sound aggressive. Then one Friday night, a family claiming to be his owners showed up--extremely drunk and abusive to the staff. I was in the back with the iso dogs. When Chum heard their voices, he began to cower and tried to hide in his kennell. I leashed him up, walked him out the back door, put him in my truck and took him home. He was supposed to be "in hiding" until we found him another home. Almost two years later, he's still here!

Hobo arrived next. He was attacked by a wolf while staying in our yard. We were taking care of his dog team while their musher was in hospital. Hobo saved his entire team by slipping his collar and running away. The wolf followed him. We kept him as it didnt' look like he would survived, let alone race again. It took months to get him back to full health, but he made it. He's the happiest little dog I've ever met. He's a great puller and hates to be left behind.

The next arrivals were another twosome!
His littermate, Mac. Mac & Ozzy come from a line of sled dogs. They were sick as puppies and dumped as their musher thought they couldn't run. Silly fool! They are running maniacs! Mac is a leader in training. Ozzy is a team dog, but a fine one! They were also very timid at first, but they have come around nicely.

07-03-2005, 10:25 PM
Dog # 21 was Paxil. She came from the same musher who gave me Sleet. The very first time I ever drove a dog team, Paxil was my leader. I told her owner that day that if she ever wanted to rehome Paxil, I wanted her. 3 years later she called to say Paxil was ready to move on. She now has a young, sprint team and Paxil didn't like that style of running. She likes to go a long way at her pace. She's a perfect fit here! She's currently fighting Mast Cell cancer. Right now we are winning that fight.

This is my bridge baby, Hoodoo. He was Earle's littermate and our first rescue dog. He was stolen from us at 4 years old(February 29, 2004) by a brain tumor that ruptured and caused a massive stroke. He was a wonderful dog and I miss him every day. He is forever a part of this place. My kennell name is Wandering Spirits, but doggie play yard is called Hoodoo's Haven.

This is Deuce, my foster dog. It's highly unlikely that Deuce is going anywhere. He has issues and is a whole lot of dog! He survived for three years as a stray, so he's used to doing whatever he wants, whenever he wants. He's learning though. I'm working on some basic doggy manners right now.

This cutie shows up in my posts alot too. Her name is Daisy. She lives about a mile from us, through the forest. Her owner is nice enough, but doesn't quite meet all of Daisy's needs. So she gets her exercise by tagging along with us. She comes on every walk, sled run, bike ride ect. I never get far without Daisy! She's very sweet though and I enjoy her company.

That's all of them!!! oh, my aching fingers!! too much typing!

07-03-2005, 10:33 PM
Oh, I send you healing vibes for your fingers Glacier! :p

Like I said before, so many wonderful stories to tell! :D You are doing excellent at keeping all your dogs in top shape and looking their best! You are an amazing person for taking all these dogs in and giving them the running space and care they deserve!

07-03-2005, 10:39 PM
Thanks Glacier for posting them all and telling each dogs story! They're all adorable! :D

07-03-2005, 10:43 PM
They're all gorgeous and look sooo happy. It's too cool that most of them are rescues / fosters. One big happy pack, or at least groups of happy tribes that make up a giant happy pack ;)

Daisy and Delilah
07-03-2005, 10:49 PM
Glacier, what a wonderful presentation. All of your dogs are so special and you are a very special person to give them the life they deserve. Your husband sounds like a great guy himself. I am truly amazed that two people have accomplished as much as you two have. One of the great pleasures of this board is to see your dogs and kitties and to read the stories that go with them. Not to mention the mini vacations you take us on every day. Bless you both for the generosity, patience, and compassion you give those beautiful furkids of yours and we can never thank you enough for sharing it all with us.:D

Terry, Daisy, and Delilah:)

07-03-2005, 10:50 PM
This has got to be one of my all time favorite PT posts! I have tears in my eyes from reading about all your special dogs. Thanks so much for taking the time to tell all about them. I know your life must be filled with so much joy because of them.

07-03-2005, 10:56 PM
:eek: WHAT A FAMILY YOU HAVE!! (thanks so much!!)

I got it all!! :D I'm very glad you thought to add a little bit about their history! how you got them, what happened and how they're now are always interesting to know. :cool: so...you have um,.. 7 girls (daisy too) and 16 boys total?

ok let's see.. muskwa, earle, sleet.. kayleigh, bandit, ..(looking back) preacher! franklin, goldie, delta and antare... aw.. oh chase! then raven... (looking back) sioux! pacer, founder, pingo, chum, hobo (will never forget both now), mac and ozzy.... ahh one more!! oh yes, paxil!!! :D and of course, deuce.. I saw him last ..& ozzy/mac's anniversary. :)

I must have missed hoodoo and daisy..will check out soon! wow.. you're an awesome person saving nearly all of them! they deserved much care from great couple like you and stuart.. I think stuart's really cool to have, he'd bring another one home!!

I love all and love see all of them altogether. and next time I see a new post from you and wouldn't be as confused as earlier, that's good! (for me.. heehee) :p I think this is also a good thread as a summary of your whole big lovely snow doggies!

now I have two questions... how often do you feed all of them? (or are some of them being fed at different time?) second, do you take 20/21/22 with you on every walk..? :eek: or just half of them every other day?

thank you again for sharing your time and wonderful pictures, especially founder! now, enjoy your dinner and rest your fingers. :D

07-03-2005, 10:58 PM
I guess I was a little overwelmed too. I had no idea, or maybe I did. I'm not sure. But anyway, thanks for clearing it all up. You guys are extrodinary people. I'm sure there's a better word, but I can't think of it right now. Wow, I am still in awe. What lucky pups you have. Or should should I say, you are so lucky to have such special pups?

07-03-2005, 11:13 PM
Wow, you have quite a crew.

I cannot believe how kind you are to all of your pets. You should get an award.

I love your photography and your animals......and think you have to be one of the coolest people on this face of the earth. I am always facinated by your stories and scenery.

I admire you and your husband. Thanks so much for sharing your lives with us.


07-03-2005, 11:21 PM
Great thread I think I remember about 1/2 of their arrivals. Now you should do the felines. I bet many of the dog side don't know how many kitties you have too.

07-03-2005, 11:22 PM
Originally posted by Gina's Ark Inc.
now I have two questions... how often do you feed all of them? (or are some of them being fed at different time?) second, do you take 20/21/22 with you on every walk..? :eek: or just half of them every other day?

They get fed once a day. This time of year dinner is served late in the evening. They don't eat much in the warmer months. Well, except Deuce and Hobo who act like they haven't eaten in months every day! Kayleigh and Deuce eat alone. Kayleigh lives in her own pen. Deuce goes into a small pen to eat alone. He lives with several other dogs in a pen, but he can't eat with them. No one else would get any food & there would be bloodshed. Heyoka gets tied up for dinner for the same reason. He would eat it all if he could! Goldie, Chase and Delta eat in their pen. Paxil eats in the house. She gets different food and is a extremely fussy eater. Everyone else eats in the main yard.

I walk them in groups of four or five. The groups change by who wants to come, where I'm going and who gets along with who! Kayleigh always goes alone. Hoodoo used to come with her, but since he left I haven't been able to find a dog she will tolerate. She liked Deuce for about a week, now she hates him! :rolleyes: Kayleigh day is always Tuesday. She goes other days too, but always on Tuesdays and yes, she knows what day of the week it is. I will get told off if she misses her Tuesday hike.

Some of them are trustworthy off leash, some aren't. I have a Springer attachment on my bike for the non-off leash ones. I train them in groups of 8-10 with the ATV on cooler days. Everyone gets out of the yard twice a week at least, more during the winter. They also have four fenced acres to play in. So they have lots of room to burn off their energy.

Thanks everyone. We're lucky to have them.

07-03-2005, 11:42 PM
Kitties too! :eek: Dare I ask?

07-03-2005, 11:59 PM
Originally posted by Bigyummydog
Kitties too! :eek: Dare I ask?

8 cats in the house, 9 in my heart.

07-04-2005, 12:17 AM
OMG! I think I'm a little short of breath seeing all of those gorgeous doggies, hearing how you feed them with their different needs and then their different walk days! My goodness! When do you sleep? j/k

You truly are a saint! Every one of your dogs is beautiful, as are you and your hubby for letting so many precious babies into your home, but more importantly, in your hearts. :D

07-04-2005, 05:33 AM
How wonderful to have all your dogs, and their stories in one thread! Thank you!

Daisy and Delilah
07-04-2005, 07:58 AM
Great question Lobodeb; When do you sleep Glacier? Haven't we all wondered that. Feeding time must be unbelievable at your place every day. I'm very sure Glacier that all of your babies are very glad to have you guys too!! If you haven't received awards for your work, you certainly should have. You and your husband are two of a kind. How fortunate that you two met each other and are able to do the good work that you do. And for those of you who have never seen her kitties, they are equally as beautiful and well taken care of as the doggies. Keep up the good work and bless you both!!:D

finn's mom
07-04-2005, 08:20 AM
I feel like it'd be like meeting celebrities if I ever got to meet your dogs. Those are great photos, and, even greater stories.

07-04-2005, 09:30 AM
Wow! Its nice to see them all in one thread! Thanks a lot, they all have great stories and I enjoyed each and every one of them.

07-04-2005, 09:38 AM
Originally posted by Daisy and Delilah
Glacier, what a wonderful presentation. All of your dogs are so special and you are a very special person to give them the life they deserve. Your husband sounds like a great guy himself. I am truly amazed that two people have accomplished as much as you two have. One of the great pleasures of this board is to see your dogs and kitties and to read the stories that go with them. Not to mention the mini vacations you take us on every day. Bless you both for the generosity, patience, and compassion you give those beautiful furkids of yours and we can never thank you enough for sharing it all with us.:D

Terry, Daisy, and Delilah:)


I could not have said it any better. I am in awe of you and your life. Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful furbabies with us. I can see I need to get to the cat side to see all of your kitties. I didn't know that you had so many! Keep on sharing with us ;)

Queen of Poop
07-04-2005, 09:49 AM
You and your husband are truly the most amazing people in the entire world!!! Thank you both for looking after so many fur babies that were in need. Thank you for this post. And thank you doggies, for posing so nicely for all the photos. You've warmed my heart and left me smiling - what a great day this is!! :) :)

07-04-2005, 11:01 AM
Originally posted by Daisy and Delilah
Great question Lobodeb; When do you sleep Glacier? Haven't we all wondered that. Feeding time must be unbelievable at your place every day.

I sleep from midnight to six usually! I'd really like to sleep in later as I am not a morning person, but to get to work on time plus get the other stuff done (litterboxes, water and doggie medications) i have to be up by 6. My husband has learned not to talk to me in the mornings! He doesn't start work til 10 so he just stays in bed and ignores me!

Feeding time is noisy and looks chaotic, but the dogs actually know the routine really well. They howl like fools waiting for their dish to get filled up. They can be heard for miles. They usually set off another dog team that lives about 2 miles from us! My dogs talk to Will's dogs several times a day.

Suki Wingy
07-04-2005, 11:11 AM
Oh Glacier, I love your bunch! Your home is just a wonderful haven for lost souls, isn't it.

07-04-2005, 12:15 PM
Glacier, thank you so much for posting all your dogs and their stories. And bless you and your husband for having done so much for them. You are extraordinary people; your beautiful huskies are very lucky because you have given them a forever home full of love. May you all be happy and healthy together for a very long time.

07-04-2005, 12:53 PM
glacier, what you're doing for your dogs, feeding, walkings...are wonderful & kindness blessings!! what you've explained can sound so overwhelmed but it gets easier when you do it everyday, right?

the post I posted into "multi-cats feeding help" looked so complicated to some but that I have thirteen cats for so long, it just became one of my love habitation, you know? :) and I take cats out on harness, they had their turn every other day..depends on who likes who, the temperature just like you! people find it hard. :p

but 21 dogs...requires a lot more time and larger space for sure! oh I'm glad you could take all of those little hearts in!! hah, the question about when do get sleep...I thought if you never slept, you nevr would ever post in here! ;)

I must agree with others, wonderful souls in one thread! and now...would you do the cats too? I'd love to hear about them too!

here's the thread I made for you, glacier's 8 cats (http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/showthread.php?s=&threadid=83076), please? :D

07-04-2005, 01:08 PM
It was sooo amazing getting to see and read how you saved so many of these gorgeous babies. You are a godsend to them and they know this as do we too. You are very special and I commend you for having a heart so big and full of love for these angels. Thank you for being their mommy and for loving them and being there for them. :)

07-04-2005, 01:15 PM
Originally posted by Gina's Ark Inc.
glacier, what you're doing for your dogs, feeding, walkings...are wonderful & kindness blessings!! what you've explained can sound so overwhelmed but it gets easier when you do it everyday, right?

I thought if you never slept, you nevr would ever post in here! ;)

I must agree with others, wonderful souls in one thread! and now...would you do the cats too? I'd love to hear about them too!

It does seem complicated, but it's easier now that we have a routine and the dogs understand it. Somedays I get overwhelmed with them too! Occasionally, I give myself a day off where they get their basic physical needs met--food, water, medications--but that's about it. They have lots of room to play and buddies to entertain themselves with so they don't notice if they miss a walk once in awhile.

I do most of my posting from work--but don't tell my boss!;)

I answered your cat thread!

Ginger's Mom
07-04-2005, 02:51 PM
Wow, what a great thread!!! Thank you Gina for asking, and Glacier for laying it all out so nicely with the pictures. I really do admire you Glacier and all that you and you husband have done for all of the dogs and cats, not just in your home (although that is a major achievement) but also at the shelter. Thank for taking such good care of them, and for sharing these beauties with us. :)

07-04-2005, 04:11 PM
Glacier, THANK YOU for taking the time to share all these wonderful stories & photos with us! God bless you & Stuart for loving all these sweet spirits! It breaks my heart to read about some of them staying for months and months and months in shelters, and what a miracle it is to see how they respond to your loving care! I always look forward to your posts, knowing it will be a bright spot in my day! :D

07-04-2005, 05:05 PM
Holy cow!!! I wish I had that many dogs!!!! One can never have too many dogs (and cats for that matter).


07-04-2005, 05:32 PM
What an angel you are for taking all these dogs that needed homes into your home :) They are all so precious! :)

07-04-2005, 06:17 PM
it's soo awesome to see all 21 of them! there were a few i don't think i'd ever seen. they are all very adorable dogs!:D

07-04-2005, 10:18 PM
I enjoyed reading all of your arrival stories. :) All of the dogs are so gorgeous.

07-04-2005, 10:34 PM
A truly wonderful look at all your kids Glacier. Very much enjoyed.:)

07-04-2005, 10:40 PM
i love your dogs!!!

07-05-2005, 12:05 AM
Having read this thread, there are even more tears in my eyes, and my admiration for you has increased 10 fold.

You and your hubby are truly amazing.
HUGS to your crew ......... and you.:D

07-05-2005, 09:39 AM
they are beautiful

07-05-2005, 10:00 AM
OMG, all fantastic dogs, fantastic cats! I love them all. Thanks for the posts. You and your husband are great persons!

07-05-2005, 10:14 AM
WOW!!! I bet your fingers are tired, but that beautiful post is well worth the effort. Your dogs are just beautiful. Sorry to hear of your loss of Hoodoo, and I pray that Paxil can continue to win the fight! Thank you for sharing those beautiful pictures and stories!

07-05-2005, 10:15 AM
What a beautiful and amazing thread. I've also bookmarked this as well as the kitty thread because I enjoyed them so much and would like to browse them again at times. :) For some reason I didn't realize Pingo came after Founder. Both of them have always been favorites of mine :D. I just love seeing Mac and Ozzy too... well I just love seeing all of them. I can't really single them out because I truly love seeing them all!

07-06-2005, 10:41 AM
What more can I say. I am overwhelmed by the stories and how much work you truly do. It does seem like alot of work, but worth every bit to see those beautiful faces every day:D

I have to agree with Val...

This has got to be one of my all time favorite PT posts

07-06-2005, 11:40 AM
Wow! What a neat thread idea! :) Just reading through everything made me tired! LOL What a beautiful household of doggies! It sounds like a full time job just feeding them! LOL It's great to see them all in one thread. Thanks for taking the time to share them all with us. They're all beautiful! :D


07-06-2005, 02:57 PM
Omgosh!! Your dogs are *SO* beautiful!!!:D:eek::D Thanks so much for sharing, I cant wait to see tons more pictures of your gorgeous dogs!:D Thanks so much for sharing:D

07-06-2005, 02:57 PM
I LOVE ALL OF THEIR NAMES!!!!!!!!!! Your dogs are gorgeous and look healthy and happy! God Bless you for taking them all in!

Paxil, prayers are being sent for you, don't give up, you can make it!

How do you and your husband make it with this many dogs?

My Peanuts
07-06-2005, 03:26 PM
Your dogs are all beautiful. The small tributes to each made it even nicer. I got teary eyed reading about Hoodoo.

07-06-2005, 03:35 PM
Omg, what a beautiful, amazing post! You and your husband are angles for giving all those dogs such wonderful lives. Thank you so much for posting that. :)

07-06-2005, 05:41 PM
WOW, All of your darlings are adorable. I especially like Raven.
I admire you for being able to care for all those sweet faces.
You are a great person.

07-07-2005, 07:04 AM
Thank you so much for starting this thread Gina and Glacier for gladly accepting and telling us such wonderful stories about all of your furkids. You sure have a busy life. I admire you for taking them all in and caring for them all so deeply. I just don't have the words to express how great I think you and your husband are for doing such great work with all the furkids. :)

07-07-2005, 09:22 AM
I love reading all of their stories. I'm going to have to use this as a reference each time you post to see if I can tell whos who on my own. The older dogs just melt my heart. I love that picture of Chase. He reminds me of my neighbor's silver tabby who just isn't all there but who brings in the much needed relief from the serious world. I myself wouldn't be able to care for so many but I love that you are willing to give your life's time to all these wonderful characters. Only the best get to touch so many lives. Thank you for sacrificing your fingers for this post.

07-07-2005, 10:43 AM

07-07-2005, 12:30 PM
I couldn't agree more with Val & Anna!!
This is the best thread of all times!!!:D :)

I come back and look at it several times a day, I quiz myself to see if I can match up names to faces!!:D

I'll get them all right one day!
(I already knew a few: Muskwa, Earle, Goldie, Heyoka, Paxil, Mac & Ozzy)

Thank you for taking the time out of your busy day to post all of your furkids.

07-07-2005, 05:39 PM
I have to bump this up!
Glaciers doggies are too beautiful.

Buddy Blaze Lover
07-08-2005, 09:18 AM
Wow, that is quite the doggy crew!!:D I just love all your dogs Glacier, thanks for sharing all of them!!!;)

08-06-2005, 03:10 PM
:eek: WOW!!!! It´s so great to see all of your doggies..they ALLL are so gorgeos and it was fun to read stories about them how they did come to you...Thanx for sharing all those photos with us :)

08-07-2005, 02:18 PM
It is soo nice to hear that after everything that they went through that they had you to come along and show them the best heaven, a loving home! I loved reading all the stories, and all those that are sick or passed, will or did pass happy, and that's what really counts!

02-21-2006, 10:38 PM
cyber-sibes pointed out that this thread is a little out of date! We actually have 23 dogs now!

Deuce is listed here, but at the time he was a foster dog. Deuce is staying so I'll add some detail to his story.
Deuce was a stray in a small community north of where I live. I've heard from various people that he was there for about three years. He had a route where he would stop in and get food, but no one claimed to own him. Eventually, Deuce started causing some trouble like getting into garbage ect and the village council decided that he should be shot, along with 2 other troublemakers. Fortunately, a nice young man thought that was a little extreme for just tipping over a few cans! He took Deuce and his buddies in and kept them in his yard until the shelter where I live had room for them. His buddies were clearly pets at one time and were adopted together very quickly. Deuce did not adjust well. He had gone from full freedom, to a chain, to a very small kennel. He's probably never been inside a building before. He was bouncing off the walls! In a small setting, that energy can look aggressive. The staff at the shelter thought Deuce should be euthanized. My husband, who worked there at the time, thought otherwise. I met Deuce one afternoon and brought him home that night. Deuce has some issues to be sure--he never learned all the stuff he should have as a puppy and his energy levels are boundless! But he is not aggressive. He loves people and attention. He just needs to learn to ask for attention by means besides knocking you over! He's coming along and learning his doggie manners! He's also a workhorse in harness and loves to pull.

Sundin arrived in November 2005. He's almost six years old. His momma is my Pingo. Sundin came from the same musher who gave me Pingo. He is a distance racer and Sundin isn't cut out for that, just like his momma.
He's very timid. It took almost three months before I got to touch him at all. Now he lets me catch him fairly regularly. Somedays he still acts like he hates me, but really he wants to play chase. He thinks it's fun to make the human run around! He's a sweetie. He loves other dogs and is full of bouncy happiness. He's a good sled dog too, likes to run in lead and knows his stuff.

Ok, now we are up to date again!

02-21-2006, 10:50 PM
I never knew that you got Sundin! I knew that you had officially adopted Deuce though! Thanks for updating Glacier!!!
Gina, you might have to change the title to Glaciers 23 doggies!:p:D

Steph and Jes

02-21-2006, 10:59 PM
That's a great picture of Deuce! Another "adoption success" story, eh? ;)
And it sounds like Sundin is starting to find his place, too. He looks really satisfied in his pic, what a wolfie-grin!

02-22-2006, 12:49 AM
I'm going to print this out. Thank you for taking the time and energy to post this. Bless you and Stuart and all extraordinary 23 puppers! Don't forget to dust off your angel wings once in a while. :)

02-22-2006, 01:26 AM
Howdy neighbor - great write-up of your crew!! I didn't realize that when you got Preacher & Franklin, you didn't have too many dogs. Oy, how they multiply eh!??! I guess at that time when I took the 2 sisters, I only had two others... yikes!

(I LOVE the look of Chum! But of course, ol' Franklin & Preacher have a spot in my heart too....)

02-22-2006, 06:05 AM
Glacier, you should try to get a book published with all these wonderful stories’s and pictures.
You didn’t have a dog until you met your husband?
This question was asked by someone else in another thread and I would love to hear your answer.

Does the alpha dog treat the other dogs differently? For example, a dog that's not the alpha dog but isn't the lowest in the pack, would the alpha treat him better than the dogs who rank lower than that dog?

Also does the alpha treat females differently from other males?

Queen of Poop
02-22-2006, 09:10 AM
I agree, you need to do a book with all these wonderful doggies and their stories. At the very least a 2 year calendar!! You are the very luckiest person in the world. And those doggies, they are just so heartwarming, each and every one of them. Thank you for sharing and for doing what you do for all of your animals.

02-22-2006, 12:43 PM
Howdy neighbor - great write-up of your crew!! I didn't realize that when you got Preacher & Franklin, you didn't have too many dogs. Oy, how they multiply eh!??! I guess at that time when I took the 2 sisters, I only had two others... yikes!

(I LOVE the look of Chum! But of course, ol' Franklin & Preacher have a spot in my heart too....)

Once we hit double digits, things went nuts! :p What's one more when you already have 15!

For those that don't know, mtn_chick shares her cabin with Franklin's littermates!

02-22-2006, 04:20 PM
I'm just waiting for you to say that you've officially adopted Daisy too! ;)

02-22-2006, 11:02 PM
Glacier, you should try to get a book published with all these wonderful stories’s and pictures.
You didn’t have a dog until you met your husband?
This question was asked by someone else in another thread and I would love to hear your answer.

Does the alpha dog treat the other dogs differently? For example, a dog that's not the alpha dog but isn't the lowest in the pack, would the alpha treat him better than the dogs who rank lower than that dog?

Also does the alpha treat females differently from other males?

I didn't have a dog til I met Stuart. I grew up with them--not huskies, but a vast assortment of mutts! Before Stuart, I lived in a condo in Calgary. The condo rules only allowed pets under 20 pounds so I had cats. I adore cats too! Stuart had Muskwa when we met and an ancient GSD he was permanently dog sitting. Muskwa was a crash course in huskies! Cobber was a delightful, crotchety old man. I miss that boy.

In my pack, Muskwa is the alpha dog and he treats everyone fairly equally. There are two exceptions. He has issues with Heyoka. Heyoka is likely to challenge Muskwa someday for top dog and will likely win just due to his sheer size. Muskwa does not like it if Heyoka gets too much attention, especially from Stuart. Right now, a loud "Muskwa, let it go" is enough to get him to leave Heyoka alone. The other exception is Earle. Earle is the only dog here that Muskwa has known since early puppyhood. Muskwa will protect Earle from the other dogs. He can snarl at Earle occasionally, but no one else is allowed to. Earle's very laid back so it's rare Muskwa has to step in anyway.

Muskwa plays with everyone, but normally he initiates play with the subordinate dogs. They sometimes try to start a game with him, but he will ignore them until he wants to play.

He treats the females the same, maybe even a little better. He has great respect for Sleet. She's much older than he is, but occasionally she wants to play. She almost always looks for Muskwa to play with. He's very gentle with her and never tries to play Husky WWF with her. He's also one of the few dogs Goldie will play with. Goldie has issues, but Muskwa gets through to her. I wouldn't leave him alone with Kayleigh. I wouldn't leave any dog with Kayleigh, but they have gone for walks together and she's been fine with him. She's highly dog aggressive so for her to even tolerate his exsistance is fairly major!

02-22-2006, 11:29 PM
That was wonderful..I always enjoy all your post and these have been the very best my heart just swells with pride for you and your help with these wonderful dogs.. :)

02-23-2006, 02:05 AM
I dont think i had met them all yet either. :eek:
what beautiful dogs!!

02-23-2006, 02:56 AM

I'm so glad there are people like you and your husband out there to offer your house and hearts to these dogs when they are in such need of it.. If I could I would totally do the same!.. All of those lovely Northern faces bring a smile to mine :). Makes me feel so lucky to be able to share my life with a wonderful Siberian husky!.. Your place must get noisey :).
I send Hugs and love to you Glacier, and all those wonderful dogs of yours.

finn's mom
02-23-2006, 10:27 AM
I love this thread. It's definitely my favorite.

10-16-2007, 03:22 PM
just saw a thread of yours and I think you need to update this. ;) been almost a year and half now? :o

sundin was the last one - then when I know how many you have, I'll updatedit the number!

your threads always are a joy to read at anytime.

10-16-2007, 07:07 PM
Wow, wow, wow! Glacier, I had no idea this thread was here -- I just came across it today. Could you give everyone (okay, anyone who's in need of one) a pet for me, please? Glacier and Mr. Glacier, you are awesome!

10-16-2007, 07:38 PM
Updates as requested....

The number is 24 now. Since Sundin there have only been two additions, Anvik and Tehya.

Preacher passed away on December 21, 2006. He had what we thought was an intestional blockage. When the vet went in to remove it, he found a dozen cancerous tumors. I did not let Preacher wake back up as his life would have been short and filled with pain. I miss the big noisy doofus. I still have his line up in front of the house. Preacher was blind and when he went outside he was hooked to a clothesline style tether just to keep him safe. Haven't been able to take it down yet, although I haven't used it since he died either!

Anvik arrived on August 31, 2006. He had been in the shelter for months. Just before I pulled him, Anvik had a little breakdown. He was shaking to the point that the shelter staff thought he was having a seizure. He underwent a full neurological workup and was technically fine. The vet thinks that the stress of shelter life was too much for Anvik. He was dumped by a dog sled tour operator who claimed to be sick(mysteriously he is still taking bookings for wilderness tours!). I believe Anvik was dumped because of his seperation anxiety, which manifests itself as a "Death Howl". It's a gawd-awful noise that doesn't stop and carries for miles!

He's a great sled dog, can even lead. He loves to run and hates being left at home. He's also Tehya's favorite chew toy!

Anvik's world begins and ends with me. He is a big lap dog, a snuggle-boy and hates to be too far from me. I even moved his doghouse against a window so he can look in the house. As long as he knows where I am, he doesn't do the death howl.

Anvik had a rough start with us. He jumped the fence frequently and I was often out searching for him. I think he was looking for me. He never jumped when I was home and was always very happy to see me when I found him. I met some nice people while out searching for Annie! It took him a long time to adjust to being a pack dog and not being chained too. He had mysterious lumps removed from his side last November and in February had a hernia caused by a Heyoka headbutt. It's a good thing he likes his crate because he's spent a lot of time on crate rest! He's healthy and happy now.

Tehya arrived in March 2007 at six months old. She's everything we don't normally take--a puppy and a female. Females are much harder to integrate into a pack. I originally said No to adopting Tehya, but I am glad I changed my mind eventually. She's a handful. There is never a dull moment with Tehya around, but she's delightful. Her name means Precious in Cherokee

She's full of energy and joy. She's smart as a whip, anxious to explore and learn. Everything is an adventure to Tehya. She loves to play and run. She's going to be a fantastic little sled dog. She loves other dogs and has a particular gift for getting the shy ones to relax. She adores Anvik and spends hours chasing, chewing and cuddling with him. She plays with Pacer, who had no real friends before Tehya. She beats on Chum all the time and Chum loves it.

She's a character. It's hard to believe she's only a year old and has been here for such a short time. I don't remember what we did before Tehya!

Scooter's Mom
10-16-2007, 09:39 PM
Glacier, I didn't have any idea you had so many wonderful doggies! You and Stuart have such big hearts. I am in awe of all that you do for these beautiful souls.

Keep up your terrific work!

10-16-2007, 09:44 PM
This thread is fantastic! I'm glad that Gina asked for an update, otherwise, I would never had know about it!

The stories of your dogs are just so touching. I'm so glad that you've taken them all in. I have no idea where you get all the energy, lol. My cats tire me out!

10-16-2007, 10:43 PM
Precious indeed!!!!! :D

Thanks for updating this thread. It is one of the many PT Threads that I have bookmarked.

10-17-2007, 12:11 AM
I've tried editing from 21 to 24 but it won't change, only the title under the main one.. :confused: anyway, thank you.

and cats? :) I just read this throughoutly again, never can get tired reading them again!

10-17-2007, 10:35 AM
What a wonderful thread! Thank you for taking the time to post all of your beautiful dogs and their stories! Just fascinating!


10-17-2007, 01:19 PM
Yeah, an update! I'm enjoying going back & reading all your pups' stories again, and about Annie & Tehya, too. Tehya has quite the personality, seems like she's become the "spokesdog" for you this year, telling us all about her adventures. :D She is such a striking little girl, too.

I imagine that we'll see this thread resurface every now & then to be updated with more wonderful additions to the Wandering Spirits pack :) --and I look forward to meeting every one of them!

husky 1
10-17-2007, 01:35 PM
:D what gorgeous dogs , sleet is soooooo cute ;)

10-17-2007, 03:53 PM
WOW! After reading the six pages of this thread, I am so amazed at everything you do! I mean, one dog for me is already a handful! But all of your dogs are so beautiful and so special! Keep up the good work....you're admired by everyone for it! :) Thanks!

02-04-2008, 04:50 PM

More about Pirate:

02-04-2008, 05:04 PM
So is Pirate #25? I can't keep track of the number. LOL
:D :D

02-04-2008, 09:22 PM
Great thread.. I never saw it before tonight.
I always wondered how many pups you have.. Im just amazed.
Id love to shadow you for a day.. just see how it all happens. :D

02-04-2008, 09:24 PM
So is Pirate #25? I can't keep track of the number. LOL
:D :D

Yup, she's 25, plus shared custody of Daisy! :rolleyes:

Id love to shadow you for a day.. just see how it all happens. :D

C'mon up, although I'm likely to give you a shovel! The poop scooping never ends!

02-04-2008, 09:36 PM
I can't believe I never saw this thread before - maybe 'cause I didn't come often to the dog side?

Can't wait to show it to Douglas tomorrow - he'll go nuts!!

02-04-2008, 09:48 PM
C'mon up, although I'm likely to give you a shovel! The poop scooping never ends!

LOL! I'd love to! I could just imagine the mounds of poop.. lol.. Our three seem to create quite a bit... 25 would be insane! :eek: lol.

Always wanted to go to Canada....